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LENG101 FRESHMAN ENGLISH – Extensive supporting material
Unit 5 – Breaking point
Vocabulary pp 44-45 – Discussing repairs and maintenance
The definitions and sample sentences:
1.Broken (adj) - (Kırık, bozuk): Damaged or not functioning properly.
•The broken wire in the circuit caused a short circuit. (Devre içindeki kırık tel bir kısa devreye neden oldu.)
2.Clogged (adj) - (Tıkanmış): Blocked or obstructed, often by debris or foreign material.
•The clogged filter reduced the flow of water through the pipe. (Tıkanmış filtre, boru içinden su akışını azalttı.)
3.Defective (adj) - (Hatalı, kusurlu): Flawed or not meeting the desired standards.
•The defective component led to the malfunction of the machine. (Hatalı bileşen, makinenin arızalanmasına neden oldu.)
4).Faulty (adj - (Arızalı, hatalı): Not working correctly or having a defect.
•The faulty sensor gave inaccurate readings. (Arızalı sensör yanlış ölçümler verdi.)
5.Worn (adj) - (Aşınmış): Showing signs of use or age, often resulting in reduced effectiveness.
•The worn-out brake pads needed to be replaced. (Aşınmış fren balataları değiştirilmeliydi.)
6.Repair (v) - (Tamir etmek): To fix or restore something that is damaged.
•He repaired the broken circuit board with soldering. (Kırık devre kartını lehimle tamir etti.)
7.Repair (n) - (Tamir): The act of fixing or restoring something.
•The repair of the engine took several hours. (Motorun tamiri birkaç saat sürdü.)
8.Maintenance (n) - (Bakım): The process of preserving and ensuring the proper functioning of equipment or systems.
•Regular maintenance is essential to keep the machinery in good condition. (Düzenli bakım, makinenin iyi durumda kalması için önemlidir.)
9.Dismantle (v) - (Sökme): To take apart or disassemble a structure or device.
•They had to dismantle the entire system to locate the issue. (Sorunu bulmak için tüm sistemi sökmek zorunda kaldılar.)
10.Access (n) - (Erişim): The ability to reach or enter a specific area or component.
•The technician needed access to the control panel to make adjustments. (Teknisyen, ayarlamalar yapmak için kontrol paneline erişim gerekiyordu.)
11.Top up (v) - (Doldurmak, ilave etmek): To add more of a substance or component to a system.
•You should top up the oil level in the engine regularly. (Motorun yağ seviyesini düzenli olarak doldurmalısınız.)
12.Drain (v) - (Boşaltmak): To remove liquid or substances from an area or container.
•Make sure to drain the excess water from the tank before cleaning it. (Temizlemeden önce tanktaki fazla suyu boşaltmayı unutmayın.)
13.Lubricant (n) - (Yağlayıcı): A substance used to reduce friction between moving parts.
•Apply a lubricant to the gears to prevent them from wearing out. (Dişlilere aşınmalarını önlemek için bir yağlayıcı sürün.)
14.Isolate (v) - (İzole etmek): To separate or disconnect a component from a system.
•It's important to isolate the power source before working on electrical circuits. (Elektrik devreleri üzerinde çalışmadan önce güç kaynağını izole etmek önemlidir.)
15.Disconnect (v) - (Bağlantıyı Kesmek): To physically or electrically detach a connection.
•Before repairing the equipment, make sure to disconnect it from the power source. (Ekipmanı tamir etmeden önce güç kaynağından ayırdığınızdan emin olun.)
16.Reconnect (v) - (Bağlantıyı Yeniden Kurmak): To re-establish a connection that was previously disconnected.
•After replacing the damaged cable, you can reconnect it to the network. (Hasar gören kabloyu değiştirdikten sonra, ağı yeniden kurabilirsiniz.)
17.Susceptible (adj) - (Duyarlı, kolay etkilenen, -e karşı korumasız): Easily affected or influenced by external factors.
•The electronic components are susceptible to static electricity, so handle them with care. (Elektronik bileşenler statik elektriğe duyarlıdır, bu nedenle dikkatli kullanın.)
18.Examine (v) - (İncelemek): To inspect or closely look at something for evaluation.
•The engineer needs to examine the structural integrity of the building. (Mühendis, binanın yapısal bütünlüğünü incelemelidir.)
19.Sensitive (adj) - (Hassas): Easily responsive to changes or stimuli.
•The sensor is very sensitive and can detect even minor temperature variations. (Sensör çok hassas ve hatta küçük sıcaklık değişikliklerini bile algılayabilir.)
20.Adjust (v) - (Ayarlamak): To modify or fine-tune settings to achieve a desired outcome.
•You may need to adjust the pressure settings on the machine for optimal performance. (En iyi performans için makine üzerindeki basınç ayarlarını ayarlamanız gerekebilir.)
21.Non-servicable (adj) - (Onarılamaz): Not capable of being repaired or serviced.
•Unfortunately, the damage to the circuit board is non-servicable, and it needs to be replaced. (Ne yazık ki, devre kartına gelen zarar onarılamaz ve değiştirilmesi gerekiyor.)
22.Sealed (adj) - (Mühürlü): Closed or airtight to prevent the entry of outside elements.
•The electronic components are sealed to protect them from moisture and dust. (Elektronik bileşenler nem ve tozdan korunması için mühürlüdür.)
23.Life span (n) - (Ömür): The expected duration of usability or functionality of a product or component.
•The life span of this battery is approximately two years. (Bu pilin ömrü yaklaşık olarak iki yıldır.)
24.Switch off (v) - (Kapatmak): To turn off or deactivate a device or system.
•Please remember to switch off the lights when leaving the room to save energy. (Enerji tasarrufu yapmak için odadan çıkarken ışıkları kapatmayı unutmayın.)
25.Power supply (n) - (Güç kaynağı): The source of electrical energy for a device or system.
•The power supply unit provides electricity to the computer components. (Güç kaynağı ünitesi, bilgisayar bileşenlerine elektrik sağlar.)
26.Set up (v) - (Kurmak): To assemble or arrange something for use.
•The technician will help you set up the new printer in your office. (Teknisyen, yeni yazıcıyı ofisinizde kurmanıza yardımcı olacak.)
27.Precisely (adv) - (Tam olarak, olması gerektiği gibi): In an exact and accurate manner.
•You need to cut the materials precisely to ensure they fit together perfectly. (Malzemeleri tam olarak kesmeniz gerekiyor, böylece mükemmel bir uyum sağlarlar.)
28.Refit (v) - (Yeniden takmak): To reinstall or reassemble components.
•After cleaning, it's essential to refit the parts correctly. (Temizledikten sonra parçaları doğru bir şekilde yeniden takmak önemlidir.)
29.Replace (v) - (Değiştirmek): To remove and substitute a component with a new one.
•We'll need to replace the damaged fuse with a new one to restore power. (Enerjiyi geri getirmek için hasar gören sigortayı yeni biriyle değiştirmemiz gerekecek.)
30.Service (v) - (Bakım yapmak ya da tamir etmek): To maintain or repair a device or equipment.
•The HVAC system should be serviced annually to ensure efficient operation. (HVAC sistemi, verimli çalışması için yılda bir kez bakıma alınmalıdır.)
31.Tighten (v) - (Sıkmak): To make something firm or secure by reducing slack or looseness.
•Be sure to tighten all the bolts to prevent any vibration-related issues. (Titreme ile ilgili sorunları önlemek için tüm cıvataları sıkın.)
32.Torque (n) - (Tork): A rotational force or moment applied to a component.
•The technician measured the torque to ensure proper fastening of the screws. (Teknisyen, vidaların düzgün sıkılmasını sağlamak için torku ölçtü.)
33.Reasonable (adj) - (Makul, mantıklı, kabul edilebilir): Sensible or practical; within sensible limits.
•The air filter looks reasonable, so the technician decided not to replace it with a new one. (Hava filtresi kabul edilebilir görünüyordu, bu nedenle teknik uzman onu yenisiyle değiştirmemeye karar verdi.)
34.Residue (n) - (Kalıntı): A small amount of something that is left behind after something else has been used or removed.
•The cleaning process left some residue on the surface, which needs to be removed. (Temizleme işlemi yüzeyde bazı kalıntılar bıraktı, bunların temizlenmesi gerekiyor.)
35.Align (v) - (Hizalamak): To arrange or position in a straight line or in proper coordination.
•Align the gears to ensure smooth operation of the machinery. (Dişlileri düzgün çalışma için hizalayın.)
36.Alignment (n) - (Hizalama): The act of arranging or positioning components in proper coordination.
•Proper alignment of the laser system is crucial for accurate measurements. (Lazer sisteminin doğru hizalanması, doğru ölçümler için önemlidir.)
Read the the text below and answer the questions (B1 level):
"Routine Maintenance of Industrial Machinery"
Routine maintenance is a critical aspect of ensuring the longevity and reliable performance of industrial machinery. This practice involves a series of steps that aim to prevent issues such as broken components, clogged filters, defective parts, and faulty equipment. In this text, we will discuss the importance of routine maintenance, the steps involved, and some key terms associated with the process.
Why Routine Maintenance Matters
Industrial machinery, whether used in manufacturing, construction, or other fields, is subjected to harsh conditions and heavy workloads. Over time, wear and tear are inevitable. However, proactive maintenance can help detect and address problems before they escalate. By doing so, it ensures that the machinery operates optimally and minimizes downtime due to unexpected breakdowns.
The Steps of Routine Maintenance
1.Isolate and Disconnect: Before starting any maintenance tasks, it is crucial to isolate the machine from the power supply and disconnect it from any auxiliary equipment. This step ensures the safety of technicians working on the equipment.
2.Access and Examination: Once isolated, technicians can gain access to the internal components. They carefully examine each part for signs of wear, damage, or misalignment. Sensitivity to even minor issues is essential to prevent further damage.
3.Cleaning and Lubrication: Clogged filters, debris, and residue can significantly affect the performance of machinery. Technicians clean and lubricate moving parts to maintain smooth operation. Lubricants reduce friction and extend the life span of critical components.
4.Adjustment and Alignment: Precisely adjusting settings and aligning components is a key aspect of routine maintenance. Torque settings, alignment of gears, and other adjustments are made to ensure the machinery functions within reasonable limits.
5.Replacement and Repairs: If defective or worn-out parts are detected during examination, they are replaced or repaired promptly. Non-servicable components must be replaced with new ones to maintain the machine's reliability.
6.Reconnect and Test: After all maintenance tasks are completed, technicians reconnect the machinery to its power supply and auxiliary equipment. A thorough test ensures that the equipment is back in working order.
7.Final Check and Documentation: The final step involves a comprehensive examination to ensure that every task has been completed successfully. Technicians also document all maintenance activities, providing a record for future reference.
In summary, routine maintenance plays a crucial role in ensuring the longevity and reliability of industrial machinery. It involves a series of steps such as isolation, examination, cleaning, adjustment, replacement, testing, and documentation. Being sensitive to even minor issues and following these steps diligently helps prevent costly breakdowns and keeps equipment in top condition.
1. What is the primary objective of regular maintenance for industrial machinery?
a) To enhance the likelihood of unforeseen breakdowns.
b) To minimize operational downtime caused by unexpected failures.
c) To shorten the longevity of crucial components.
d) To completely avoid maintenance procedures.
2. What is the first step in routine maintenance, according to the text?
a) Testing the machinery to see if it works properly. b) Examining all the parts for wear and tear.
c) Cleaning and lubricating all the moving parts. d) Isolating the machine from the power supply.
3. Why is it necessary to isolate and disconnect machinery during maintenance?
a) To expedite the process. b) To enhance the functioning of the machinery.
c) To guarantee the safety of technicians. d) To assess the power supply's functionality.
4. Why is it important for technicians to be sensitive to even minor issues during examination?
a) So they can prevent small problems from turning into big ones.
b) So they can impress their supervisor with their attention to detail.
c) So they can make the machinery look more presentable.
d) So they can justify charging more for maintenance work.
5. What is the impact of adequately lubricating moving parts on machinery?
a) It has a negligible effect. b) It intensifies friction.
c) It diminishes the lifespan of components. d) It prolongs the lifespan of critical components.
6. What is the purpose of adjusting torque settings and aligning gears during regular maintenance?
a) To amplify friction. b) To reduce the lifespan of components.
c) To ensure that machinery operates within acceptable limits. d) To avoid maintenance tasks.
7. When should defective or worn-out parts be addressed during routine maintenance?
a) Never. b) Promptly, as soon as they are detected during examination.
c) After all other steps are completed. d) During the testing phase.
8. Why is documentation of maintenance activities important?
a) It's not important at all. b) It helps prevent breakdowns.
c) It guarantees that machinery will work. d) It provides a record for future reference.
Answers and explanations
1. What is the primary purpose of routine maintenance for industrial machinery?
Answer: b) To minimize operational downtime due to unexpected breakdowns.
Explanation: Routine maintenance aims to prevent unexpected breakdowns and minimize downtime by addressing potential issues before they escalate.
2. What is the first step in routine maintenance, according to the text?
Answer: d) Isolating the machine from the power supply.
Explanation: Safety is paramount, and the text stresses isolating the machine before any examination or work begins.
3. Why is it necessary to isolate and disconnect machinery during maintenance?
Answer: c) To guarantee the safety of technicians.
Explanation: Isolating and disconnecting machinery from the power supply is essential to ensure the safety of technicians working on it.
4. Why is it important for technicians to be sensitive to even minor issues during examination?
Answer: a) So they can prevent small problems from turning into big ones.
Explanation: Sensitivity to even minor issues is essential to prevent further damage.
5. What is the impact of adequately lubricating moving parts on machinery?
Answer: d) It prolongs the lifespan of critical components.
Explanation: Proper lubrication of moving parts reduces friction and extends the life span of critical components, enhancing machinery performance.
6. What is the purpose of adjusting torque settings and aligning gears during regular maintenance?
Answer: c) To ensure that machinery operates within acceptable limits.
Explanation: Adjusting torque settings and aligning gears is done to ensure that the machinery operates within reasonable limits and functions correctly.
7. When should defective or worn-out parts be addressed during routine maintenance?
Answer: b) Promptly, as soon as they are detected during examination.
Explanation: Defective or worn-out parts should be addressed promptly when detected during the examination phase to prevent further damage.
8. Why is documentation of maintenance activities important?
Answer: d) It provides a record for future reference.
Explanation: Documentation of maintenance activities is important because it provides a record that can be used for future reference and tracking maintenance history.
Fill in the blanks in the sentences using the words below.
a. non-serviceable b. top up c. examine d. maintenance e. sealed f. adjust
g. tighten h. dismantle i. lubricant j. isolate k. life span l. sensitive
1.Routine _______________ of machinery helps prevent unexpected breakdowns.
2.The technician needed to _______________ the panels of the machine to access the internal components.
3.Be sure to _______________ the fluid levels in the vehicle regularly, or they may run out unexpectedly.
4.A good quality _______________ reduces friction between moving parts.
5.For safety reasons, it's crucial to _______________ the power supply before working on electrical circuits.
6.Some electronic devices are more _______________ to static electricity than others.
7.The technician will carefully _______________ the engine for any signs of wear or damage.
8.The damaged part is _______________ and cannot be repaired.
9.The container was securely _______________ to prevent any leaks during transportation.
10.The _______________ of this battery is approximately five years.
11.Please _______________ the screws to ensure they are properly fastened.
12.The technician will _______________ the sensor settings for accurate readings.
Answers: 1. d 2. h 3. b 4. i 5. j 6. l 7. c 8. a 9. e 10. k 11. g 12. f
LENG101 FRESHMAN ENGLISH – Extensive supporting material
Unit 5 – Breaking point
Vocabulary pp 42-43 – Describing the causes of faults
The definitions and sample sentences:
1.Prevent (v) - Önlemek
•Definition: To stop something from happening or to take action to avoid it. Türkçe: Bir şeyin olmasını durdurmak ya da engellemek için önlem almak.
•Sample Sentence: Engineers implement safety measures to prevent accidents in the aviation industry. Türkçe: Mühendisler, havacılık sektöründe kazaları önlemek için güvenlik önlemleri uygular.
2. Deal with (v) - Başa çıkmak
•Definition: To handle or manage a situation or problem. Türkçe: Bir durumu ya da sorunu yönetmek veya başa çıkmak.
•Sample Sentence: Engineers must learn how to deal with unexpected equipment malfunctions. Türkçe: Mühendisler, beklenmedik ekipman arızalarıyla başa çıkmayı öğrenmelidir.
3. Aviation (n) - Havacılık
•Definition: The design, development, and operation of aircraft. Türkçe: Hava araçlarının tasarımı, geliştirilmesi ve işletilmesi.
•Sample Sentence: Aviation has revolutionized the way we travel and transport goods. Türkçe: Havacılık, seyahat ve mal taşımada devrim yaratmıştır.
4.Checklists (n) - Kontrol listeleri
•Definition: Lists of items or tasks to be checked or completed in a systematic way. Türkçe: Sistematik bir şekilde kontrol edilecek veya tamamlanacak maddelerin listesi.
•Sample Sentence: Pilots use checklists to ensure that all necessary pre-flight checks are completed. Türkçe: Pilotlar, gerekli tüm uçuş öncesi kontrollerin tamamlandığından emin olmak için kontrol listelerini kullanır.
5. Standard Procedures (n) - Standart prosedürler
•Definition: Established and commonly followed methods or processes. Türkçe: Belirlenmiş ve yaygın olarak takip edilen yöntemler veya süreçler.
•Sample Sentence: Standard procedures are crucial in maintaining aircraft safety. Türkçe: Uçak güvenliğini sağlamak için standart prosedürler çok önemlidir.
6. Back-up Installations (n) - Yedek kurulumlar
•Definition: Secondary systems or equipment that can be used in case of a failure in the primary ones. Türkçe: Ana sistemlerin arızalanması durumunda kullanılabilecek yedek sistemler veya ekipmanlar.
•Sample Sentence: Aircraft are equipped with back-up installations to ensure redundancy. Türkçe: Uçaklar, yedekliliği sağlamak için yedek kurulumlarla donatılmıştır.
7. Planned Maintenance (n) - Planlı bakım
•Definition: Scheduled and organized maintenance activities. Türkçe: Planlanmış ve düzenli bakım faaliyetleri.
•Sample Sentence: Regular planned maintenance helps extend the lifespan of engines. Türkçe: Düzenli planlı bakım, motorların ömrünü uzatmaya yardımcı olur.
8. Initial (adj) - İlk
•Definition: Related to the beginning or starting point. Türkçe: Başlangıç veya ilk noktayla ilgili.
•Sample Sentence: The initial phase of the project involves design and planning. Türkçe: Projenin ilk aşaması tasarım ve planlamayı içerir.
9. Unseen (adj) - Görünmeyen
•Definition: Not visible or not noticed. Türkçe: Görünmeyen veya fark edilmeyen.
•Sample Sentence: Hidden corrosion can cause unseen damage to aircraft structures. Türkçe: Gizli korozyon, uçak yapılarında görünmeyen hasarlara neden olabilir.
10.Consequence (n) - Sonuç
•Definition: The result or outcome of an action or situation. Türkçe: Bir eylem veya durumun sonucu.
•Sample Sentence: Ignoring safety protocols can have serious consequences in aviation. Türkçe: Güvenlik protokollerinin göz ardı edilmesi havacılıkta ciddi sonuçlara yol açabilir.
11.Subsequent (adj) - Sonraki
•Definition: Following in time or order; occurring or coming after something else. Türkçe: Zaman veya sıraya göre bir şeyden sonra gelen.
•Sample Sentence: Subsequent tests confirmed the effectiveness of the new design. Türkçe: Sonraki testler, yeni tasarımın etkinliğini doğruladı.
12.Incorrect (adj) - Yanlış
•Definition: Not correct or accurate; wrong. Türkçe: Doğru veya kesin olmayan; yanlış.
•Sample Sentence: Using incorrect measurements can lead to engineering errors. Türkçe: Yanlış ölçümler kullanmak mühendislik hatalarına yol açabilir.
13.To Be Fitted To (v) - Bir şeye monte edilmek, takılmak
•Definition: To be installed or attached to something. Türkçe: Bir şeye monte edilmek veya takılmak.
•Sample Sentence: These sensors need to be fitted to the aircraft's control system. Türkçe: Bu sensörlerin uçağın kontrol sistemine monte edilmesi gerekiyor.
14.Oversized (adj) - Normalden ya da standart ölçülerden daha büyük
•Definition: Larger than the standard size or what is considered normal. Türkçe: Standart boyuttan veya normal kabul edilenden daha büyük.
•Sample Sentence: The oversized cargo required special handling during transport. Türkçe: Aşırı büyük kargo, taşınma sırasında özel bir işlem gerektirdi.
15.Undersized (adj) - Normalden ya da standart ölçülerden daha küçük
•Definition: Smaller than the standard size or what is considered normal. Türkçe: Standart boyuttan veya normal kabul edilenden daha küçük.
•Sample Sentence: Undersized components may not meet safety requirements. Türkçe: Küçük boyutlu parçalar güvenlik gereksinimlerini karşılamayabilir.
16. Clearance (n) - Boşluk, izin
•Definition: The space or gap between objects or permission to proceed. Türkçe: Nesneler arasındaki boşluk veya ilerleme izni.
•Sample Sentence: The engineer checked the clearance between the rotating blades and the engine casing to prevent damage.
•Türkçe: Mühendis, hasarı önlemek için dönen pervaneler ile motor muhafazası arasındaki boşluğu kontrol etti.
17.Subsequently (adv) - Daha sonra
•Definition: Happening or occurring after something else. Türkçe: Bir şeyden sonra meydana gelmek veya gerçekleşmek.
•Sample Sentence: The problem was discovered during routine checks and subsequently fixed. Türkçe: Sorun rutin kontroller sırasında tespit edildi ve daha sonra giderildi.
18.Rub (v) - Sürtmek, sürtünmek
•Definition: To move or press something against another surface with friction. Türkçe: Bir şeyi sürtünmeyle başka bir yüzeye hareket ettirmek veya bastırmak.
•Sample Sentence: Continuous rubbing can cause wear and tear on mechanical parts. Türkçe: Sürekli sürtünme, mekanik parçalarda aşınmaya neden olabilir.
19.Wear (v) - Aşınmak
•Definition: To gradually deteriorate or erode due to friction or use. Türkçe: Sürtünme veya kullanım nedeniyle yavaşça yıpranmak veya aşınmak.
•Sample Sentence: Regular maintenance helps prevent excessive wear on engine components. Türkçe: Düzenli bakım, motor bileşenlerindeki aşırı aşınmayı önlemeye yardımcı olur.
20. Progressively (adv) - Aşamalı olarak
•Definition: In a gradual or step-by-step manner. Türkçe: Kademeli veya adım adım bir şekilde.
•Sample Sentence: The software update will be rolled out progressively to avoid disruptions. Türkçe: Yazılım güncellemesi kesintileri önlemek için aşamalı olarak uygulanacak.
21. Go undetected (v) - Tespit edilmemek
•Definition: Not be discovered or noticed. Türkçe: Fark edilmemek veya tespit edilmemek.
•Sample Sentence: Minor defects in the structure can sometimes go undetected. Türkçe: Yapıdaki küçük kusurlar bazen fark edilmeyebilir.
22. Rupture (v) - Patlamak, yırtılmak
•Definition: To break or burst suddenly. Türkçe: Aniden patlamak veya yırtılmak.
•Sample Sentence: A rupture in the fuel line can lead to a dangerous situation. Türkçe: Yakıt hattındaki bir yırtılma tehlikeli bir duruma yol açabilir.
23. Glide (v) - Havada motor gücü olmadan süzülmek
•Definition: To move smoothly and steadily through the air without power. Türkçe: Hava gücü olmadan havada pürüzsüz ve sabit bir şekilde hareket etmek.
•Sample Sentence: In an emergency, pilots may need to glide the aircraft to safety. Türkçe: Bir acil durumda, pilotlar uçağı güvenli bir yere süzülerek indirebilir.
24.Sequence (n) - Sıra, dizi
•Definition: A series of related events or actions that follow a specific order. Türkçe: Belirli bir sırayı takip eden ilgili olaylar veya eylemler dizisi.
•Sample Sentence: Follow the correct sequence of startup procedures for the engine. Türkçe: Motor için doğru başlatma prosedür sırasını takip edin.
25.Abnormal (adj) - Anormal
•Definition: Deviating from what is considered normal or typical. Türkçe: Normal veya tipik kabul edilenden sapma gösteren.
•Sample Sentence: The abnormal noise from the engine indicates a problem. Türkçe: Motordan gelen anormal ses bir soruna işaret ediyor.
26. Anomaly (n) - Anomali, düzensizlik
•Definition: Something that is unusual or doesn't fit the expected pattern. Türkçe: Olağandışı veya beklenen kalıba uymayan bir şey.
•Sample Sentence: Detecting anomalies in data is essential for quality control. Türkçe: Verilerdeki anormalliklerin tespiti kalite kontrol için önemlidir.
27.Imminent (adj) - Yakın, eli kulağında
•Definition: About to happen or occur very soon. Türkçe: Çok yakında gerçekleşmek üzere olan.
•Sample Sentence: The imminent launch of the satellite has the team excited. Türkçe: Uydunun yakın zamanda fırlatılması ekipte heyecan yarattı.
28. Imminent Danger (n) - Tehlike anı, yakın tehlike
•Definition: A situation where a threat or harm is about to occur immediately. Türkçe: Bir tehdit veya zararın hemen gerçekleşmek üzere olduğu bir durum.
•Sample Sentence: The pilot's quick thinking saved the aircraft from imminent danger. Türkçe: Pilotun hızlı düşünmesi uçağı yakın tehlikeden kurtardı.
29.Disproportionate (adj) - Orantısız
•Definition: Out of proportion or not in balance with something else. Türkçe: Orantısız veya başka bir şeyle dengede olmayan.
•Sample Sentence: The weight distribution in the cargo hold was disproportionate. Türkçe: Kargo bölümündeki ağırlık dağılımı orantısızdı.
30. Irregular (adj) - Düzensiz, düzensizlik gösteren
•Definition: Not following a regular or predictable pattern; uneven. Türkçe: Düzenli veya tahmin edilebilir bir deseni takip etmeyen; düzensiz.
•Sample Sentence: The irregular shape of the component caused assembly issues. Türkçe: Parçanın düzensiz şekli montaj sorunlarına neden oldu.
31. Alert (v) - Uyarı vermek
•Definition: To warn or notify someone about a potential danger or problem. Türkçe: Bir tehlike veya sorun hakkında birini uyarmak veya bilgilendirmek.
•Sample Sentence: The sensor system is designed to alert the crew to any anomalies. Türkçe: Sensör sistemi, ekipteki anormallikleri uyarmak için tasarlanmıştır.
32.Imbalance (n) - Dengesizlik
•Definition: A lack of balance or an unequal distribution. Türkçe: Denge eksikliği veya eşit olmayan dağılım.
•Sample Sentence: An imbalance in weight can affect the aircraft's stability. Türkçe: Ağırlıktaki bir dengesizlik uçağın dengesini etkileyebilir.
33. Malfunction (n) - Arıza, işlev bozukluğu
•Definition: A failure or problem in the proper functioning of a machine or system. Türkçe: Bir makinenin veya sistemin doğru çalışmasında meydana gelen bir arıza veya sorun.
•Sample Sentence: The technician quickly identified the source of the malfunction. Türkçe: Teknisyen arızanın kaynağını hızla tespit etti.
34.Malfunction (v) - Arıza yapmak, işlev bozukluğu göstermek
•Definition: To fail to function correctly or as intended. Türkçe: Doğru veya amaçlandığı gibi çalışmamak.
•Sample Sentence: The engine malfunctioned during the test run. Türkçe: Motor test sırasında arıza yaptı.
35. Reveal (v) - Ortaya çıkarmak, açığa çıkarmak
•Definition: To make something known or visible that was previously hidden or secret. Türkçe: Daha önce gizli olan bir şeyi bilinir veya görünür hale getirmek.
•Sample Sentence: The inspection revealed a crack in the aircraft's fuselage. Türkçe: İnceleme, uçağın gövdesinde bir çatlak ortaya çıkardı.
36.Cross-Feed Valve (n) - Çapraz besleme valfi
•Definition: A valve used to transfer fluids or gases between different parts of a system. Türkçe: Bir sistemin farklı bölümleri arasında sıvı veya gaz aktarmak için kullanılan bir valf.
•Sample Sentence: The cross-feed valve ensures fuel is distributed evenly between tanks. Türkçe: Çapraz besleme valfi, yakıtın tanklar arasında eşit şekilde dağıtılmasını sağlar.
37. Divert (v) - Yönlendirmek, başka bir yere yönlendirmek
•Definition: To redirect or send something to a different destination or course. Türkçe: Bir şeyi farklı bir yöne veya rotaya yönlendirmek.
•Sample Sentence: Bad weather forced the pilot to divert the flight to an alternate airport. Türkçe: Kötü hava, pilotu uçuşu alternatif bir havalimanına yönlendirmeye zorladı.
38. Flame Out (v) - Alev almadan sönme
•Definition: To extinguish suddenly, typically in reference to an engine flame. Türkçe: Ani olarak sönmek, genellikle bir motor alevi ile ilgili olarak.
•Sample Sentence: The engine flame out was a result of fuel supply issues. Türkçe: Motorun alev almadan sönmesi yakıt tedariği sorunlarından kaynaklandı.
39. Emergency Ram Air Turbine (n) - Acil rüzgarla çalışan türbin
•Definition: A device that generates power from the airflow during an aircraft emergency. Türkçe: Bir uçak acil durumunda hava akışından güç üreten bir cihaz.
•Sample Sentence: The emergency ram air turbine provided essential electrical power during the blackout. Türkçe: Acil rüzgar türbini, elektrik kesintisi sırasında gerekli elektrik gücünü sağladı.
40. Deploy (v) - Yerleştirmek, açmak
•Definition: To position or activate equipment or resources for use. Türkçe: Ekipman veya kaynakları kullanıma hazır hale getirmek veya aktif hale getirmek.
•Sample Sentence: The parachute is designed to deploy automatically in emergencies. Türkçe: Paraşüt, acil durumlarda otomatik olarak açılacak şekilde tasarlanmıştır.
41. Fly-By-Wire Controls and Instruments (n) - Kablosuz kontroller ve aletlerle uçmak
•Definition: Aircraft control systems that use electronic signals instead of mechanical linkages. Türkçe: Mekanik bağlantılar yerine elektronik sinyaller kullanan uçak kontrol sistemleri.
•Sample Sentence: Fly-by-wire controls and instruments have improved aircraft safety and efficiency. Türkçe: Kablosuz kontroller ve aletler, uçak güvenliği ve verimliliğini artırdı.
42. Operable (adj) - Çalışabilir, işlevsel
•Definition: Capable of functioning or working as intended. Türkçe: Amacı doğrultusunda çalışabilen veya işlev gösterebilen.
•Sample Sentence: The emergency exit must always be operable in case of evacuation. Türkçe: Acil çıkış, tahliye durumunda her zaman çalışır durumda olmalıdır.
43.Inoperable (adj) - Çalışmaz, işlevsiz
Definition: Not functioning or unable to operate. Türkçe: Çalışmayan veya çalıştırılamayan.
•Sample Sentence: The inoperable landing gear required an emergency landing procedure. Türkçe: Çalışmayan iniş takımı, acil iniş prosedürü gerektirdi.
44. Airborne (adj) - Havada, uçakta
•Definition: In flight or flying in the air. Türkçe: Havada uçuşta veya uçakta.
•Sample Sentence: The aircraft was airborne within minutes of takeoff. Türkçe: Uçak kalkıştan birkaç dakika sonra havalandı.
45.Manually (adv) - El ile, manuel olarak
•Definition: By human effort or without automation. Türkçe: İnsan çabasıyla veya otomasyon olmadan.
•Sample Sentence: The pilot had to manually adjust the altitude due to a sensor malfunction. Türkçe: Pilot, bir sensör arızası nedeniyle irtifayı elle ayarlamak zorunda kaldı.
46. Automatically (adv) - Otomatik olarak
•Definition: Without human intervention, typically using sensors or automation. Türkçe: İnsan müdahalesi olmadan, genellikle sensörler veya otomasyon kullanarak.
•Sample Sentence: The system can automatically adjust engine power for optimal performance. Türkçe: Sistem, motor gücünü optimal performans için otomatik olarak ayarlayabilir.
47.Spectacular (adj) - Göz alıcı, muhteşem
•Definition: Impressive and visually striking in a dramatic way. Türkçe: Etkileyici ve görsel olarak çarpıcı.
•Sample Sentence: The airshow featured spectacular aerobatic maneuvers. Türkçe: Hava gösterisi muhteşem akrobasi hareketleri sundu.
48.Shaft (n) - Mil, şaft
•Definition: A long, slender rod or axle used for transmitting motion or power. Türkçe: Hareket veya güç iletmek için kullanılan uzun, ince bir çubuk veya aks.
•Sample Sentence: The shaft connects the engine to the propeller. Türkçe: Mil, motoru pervaneye bağlar.
49. Across (sth) - Boyunca, üzerinden
•Definition: From one side to the other or covering a surface. Türkçe: Bir taraftan diğerine veya bir yüzey boyunca.
•Sample Sentence: The cables run across the entire length of the bridge. Türkçe: Kablolar köprünün tamamı boyunca uzanır.
50.Consistent (adj) - Tutarlı, uyumlu
Definition: Maintaining the same behavior, standards, or characteristics over time. Türkçe: Zamanla aynı davranışı, standartları veya özellikleri koruyan.
•Sample Sentence: Engineers aim to achieve consistent product quality. Türkçe: Mühendisler, tutarlı ürün kalitesini elde etmeyi hedefler.
Read the the text below and answer the questions (B1 level):
Investigating the Root Causes of Faults in Engineering Systems
Engineering systems, from aircraft to manufacturing plants, are marvels of human ingenuity, designed to operate with precision and efficiency. However, even the most precisely engineered systems can experience faults and failures. In this article, we look into the complex world of engineering to explore the multifaceted causes of these faults.
One of the primary triggers of faults in engineering systems is the failure to thoroughly adhere to standard procedures. Engineers and technicians are trained to follow strict protocols during installation, maintenance, and operation. However, deviations from these established procedures can lead to incorrect installations or incomplete routine checklists. Such lapses can result in a sequence of events that ultimately lead to an imbalance or malfunction within the system. In aviation, for instance, neglecting the recommended sequence of pre-flight checks can result in an imminent danger situation.
Wear and tear on critical components is another common contributor to faults. The gradual friction between moving parts, without proper lubrication or maintenance, can cause progressive damage. This deterioration is worsened if oversized or undersized components are used, as they may not provide the required clearance for smooth operation. Over time, these irregularities can culminate in ruptures or other catastrophic failures that often go undetected until a crisis emerges.
Furthermore, the role of data anomalies and irregular sensor readings should not be underestimated. Modern engineering systems rely heavily on data monitoring and feedback. An abnormal reading from a cross-feed valve, for example, might signify an underlying malfunction within the system. Failing to address these anomalies quickly can lead to severe consequences.
In the aviation industry, flame-outs due to fuel supply issues are an example of how faults can manifest dramatically. A malfunctioning fuel system can cause the engine to become inoperable, putting the aircraft in an emergency situation. In such cases, pilots must swiftly deploy emergency ram air turbines to maintain essential power and control, highlighting the critical importance of operable backup installations.
In conclusion, a comprehensive understanding of the causes of faults in engineering systems is essential for accident prevention and ensuring the persistent reliability of technological masterpieces. Engineers, technicians, and operators must consistently adhere to standard procedures, attentively monitor wear and tear, and remain cautious for anomalies in the data. By addressing these issues with due care and attention, the likelihood of faults and their potentially catastrophic consequences can be substantially reduced, leading to safer, more durable, and efficient engineering systems.
1.What is identified as a primary cause of faults in engineering systems?
a) Lack of skilled technicians b) Deviation from standard procedures
c) Excessive wear and tear d) Data anomalies
2.In the context of engineering systems, what is the significance of wear and tear on components?
a) It enhances system performance b) It accelerates component replacement
c) It causes progressive damage d) It has no impact on system reliability
3.What consequence can result from using oversized or undersized components in engineering systems?
a) Improved efficiency b) Clearance optimization
c) Smooth operation d) Irregularities leading to failure
4.How do data anomalies contribute to identifying faults in engineering systems?
a) They are always indicative of a major problem.
b) They can be ignored if other readings are normal.
c) They can provide early warning signs of potential issues.
d) They are only relevant in aviation systems.
5.What do pilots do in the event of a flame-out due to fuel supply issues?
a) Ignore the issue and continue flying b) Deploy emergency ram air turbines
c) Adjust the fuel mixture manually d) Request immediate landing clearance
6.Why are operable backup installations critically important?
a) They can compensate for human error during operation.
b) They provide additional functionality to the system.
c) They allow for routine maintenance without downtime.
d) They can save lives in emergency situations.
7.What does "progressive damage" refer to in the text?
a) Gradual deterioration over time b) Sudden and severe damage
c) Damage caused by data anomalies d) Damage that goes undetected
8.According to the article, which of the following is NOT recommended for preventing faults?
a) Regularly checking for wear and tear on components
b) Ignoring unusual data readings from sensors
c) Strictly adhering to established procedures
d) Carefully maintaining and lubricating moving parts
Answers and explanations
1. What is identified as a primary cause of faults in engineering systems? Answer: b) Deviation from standard procedures Explanation: The article highlights that one of the primary triggers of faults is failing to adhere to strict protocols during installation, maintenance, and operation. Such deviations can lead to incorrect installations or incomplete checklists, causing malfunctions.
2. In the context of engineering systems, what is the significance of wear and tear on components? Answer: c) It causes progressive damage Explanation: The text explains that gradual friction between moving parts without proper maintenance or lubrication leads to progressive damage over time, which can eventually cause catastrophic failures.
3. What consequence can result from using oversized or undersized components in engineering systems? Answer: d) Irregularities leading to failure Explanation: The article mentions that oversized or undersized components may not provide the required clearance for smooth operation, leading to irregularities that can culminate in ruptures or other failures.
4. How do data anomalies contribute to identifying faults in engineering systems? Answer: c) They can provide early warning signs of potential issues.
Explanation: The text emphasizes that data anomalies, such as abnormal sensor readings, may indicate underlying malfunctions. Addressing these anomalies promptly can help prevent more severe issues.
5. What do pilots do in the event of a flame-out due to fuel supply issues? Answer: b) Deploy emergency ram air turbines Explanation: In the aviation context, the article discusses that during a flame-out caused by a malfunctioning fuel system, pilots deploy emergency ram air turbines to maintain essential power and control.
6. Why are operable backup installations critically important? Answer: d) They can save lives in emergency situations. Explanation: The article states that backup installations, such as emergency ram air turbines, are crucial in emergencies. They ensure essential functions continue, preventing disasters and saving lives.
7. What does "progressive damage" refer to in the text? Answer: a) Gradual deterioration over time Explanation: The article describes progressive damage as the result of gradual wear and tear on components caused by friction, improper lubrication, or lack of maintenance.
8. According to the article, which of the following is NOT recommended for preventing faults? Answer: b) Ignoring unusual data readings from sensors Explanation: The article stresses the importance of addressing anomalies in sensor readings promptly. Ignoring such readings could lead to undetected faults and potentially severe consequences.
Fill in the blanks using correct words from the list below.
a. automatically b. imbalance c. go undetected d. oversized e. rupture f. clearance
g. wear h. abnormal i. operable j. manually
1. Using _____________ components can lead to problems as they may not fit properly within the system.
2. The recommended _____________ between moving parts should be maintained to prevent friction.
3. Continuous _____________ of engine components can lead to premature failure.
4. The technician had to _____________ adjust the settings to bring the system back online.
5. A _____________ in the pipeline can lead to a significant loss of pressure and product.
6. An _____________ reading from a sensor might indicate a potential problem within the system.
7. An _____________ in the distribution of weight in the cargo hold can affect the aircraft's stability.
8. The backup generator ensures that critical systems remain _____________ during power outages.
9. The software is designed to _____________ update itself to the latest version when connected to the internet.
10. Minor issues in the system may _____________ during routine inspections if not carefully examined.
Answer key: 1. d 2. f 3. g 4. j 5. e 6. h 7. b 8. i 9. a 10. c
LENG101 FRESHMAN ENGLISH – Extensive supporting material
Unit 5 – Breaking point
Vocabulary pp 40-41 – Assessing and interpreting faults
The definitions and sample sentences:
1.Assess (v): To evaluate or examine a situation or condition. Sample Sentence: Engineers need to assess the performance of the new system to ensure its efficiency. Definition (TR): Bir durumu veya koşulu değerlendirmek veya incelemek. Sentence (TR): Mühendisler, yeni sistemin verimliliğini sağlamak için performansını değerlendirmelidir.
2.Interpret (v): To understand and explain the meaning or significance of something. Sample Sentence: Engineers must interpret the data collected from experiments to draw meaningful conclusions. Definition (TR): Bir şeyin anlamını veya önemini anlamak ve açıklamak. Sentence (TR): Mühendisler, deneylerden toplanan verileri anlamlı sonuçlar çıkarmak için yorumlamalıdır.
3.Fault (n): A defect or imperfection in a system or machine. Sample Sentence: The technician identified a fault in the circuit that caused the equipment to malfunction. Definition (TR): Bir sistem veya makinedeki kusur veya eksiklik. Sentence (TR): Teknisyen, ekipmanın arızalanmasına neden olan devredeki bir kusuru tespit etti.
4.Faulty (adj): Having a defect or flaw. Sample Sentence: The faulty wiring led to a disruption in the electrical supply. Definition (TR): Bir kusur veya hata içeren. Sentence (TR): Hatalı kablolama, elektrik arzında kesintiye neden oldu.
5.Problem-solving checklist (n): A list of steps or actions to systematically address and resolve issues. Sample Sentence: Use a problem-solving checklist to troubleshoot and fix technical issues efficiently. Definition (TR): Sorunları sistematik bir şekilde ele almak ve çözmek için adımlar veya işlemler listesi. Sentence (TR): Teknik sorunları hızlıca çözmek için bir sorun çözme kontrol listesi kullanın.
6.User’s observation (n): Information gathered from the user's perception or experience. Sample Sentence: Engineers often rely on the user’s observations to identify potential problems in the system. Definition (TR): Kullanıcının algı veya deneyimlerinden toplanan bilgiler. Sentence (TR): Mühendisler, sistemdeki olası sorunları belirlemek için genellikle kullanıcının gözlemlerine güvenir.
7.Nature of fault (n): The characteristics or properties of a malfunction or issue. Sample Sentence: Understanding the nature of the fault is crucial for devising an effective solution. Definition (TR): Bir arıza veya sorunun özellikleri veya nitelikleri. Sentence (TR): Arızanın doğasını anlamak, etkili bir çözüm geliştirmek için çok önemlidir.
8.Circumstance (n): A particular condition or situation. Sample Sentence: Engineers consider various circumstances when designing a system to ensure its reliability. Definition (TR): Belirli bir durum veya koşul. Sentence (TR): Mühendisler, bir sistemin güvenilirliğini sağlamak için tasarım sırasında çeşitli durumları göz önünde bulundurur.
9.Circumstances of fault (n): The specific conditions surrounding a malfunction or issue. Sample Sentence: Investigating the circumstances of the fault helps in determining the root cause. Definition (TR): Bir arıza veya sorunu çevreleyen özel koşullar. Sentence (TR): Arızanın koşullarını araştırmak, sorunun temel nedenini belirlemeye yardımcı olur.
10.External factors (n): Influences or conditions from outside the system. Sample Sentence: Engineers need to account for external factors that may impact the performance of the structure. Definition (TR): Sistem dışından gelen etkiler veya koşullar. Sentence (TR): Mühendisler, yapının performansını etkileyebilecek dış faktörleri göz önünde bulundurmalıdır.
11.Eliminate (v): To completely remove or get rid of something. Sample Sentence: Engineers aim to eliminate any unnecessary components to optimize system efficiency. Definition (TR): Bir şeyi tamamen kaldırmak veya kurtulmak. Sentence (TR): Mühendisler, sistem verimliliğini optimize etmek için gereksiz bileşenleri ortadan kaldırmayı hedefler.
12.Elimination (n): The process of removing or getting rid of something. Sample Sentence: Through careful elimination of potential causes, the team identified the source of the problem. Definition (TR): Bir şeyi kaldırma veya kurtulma süreci. Sentence (TR): Olası nedenlerin dikkatli bir şekilde ortadan kaldırılmasıyla ekip, sorunun kaynağını belirledi.
13.Process of elimination (n): A systematic method of deducing the correct solution by eliminating incorrect possibilities. Sample Sentence: Engineers often use a process of elimination to identify the faulty component in a complex system. Definition (TR): Hatalı olasılıkları eleyerek doğru çözümü bulmaya yönelik sistematik bir yöntem. Sentence (TR): Mühendisler, karmaşık bir sistemdeki hatalı bileşeni belirlemek için genellikle eleme yöntemini kullanır.
14.Identify (v): To recognize and name something. Sample Sentence: It is essential to identify the key factors influencing the performance of the software. Definition (TR): Bir şeyi tanımak ve adlandırmak. Sentence (TR): Yazılımın performansını etkileyen temel faktörleri belirlemek çok önemlidir.
15.Determine (v): To find out or ascertain through investigation. Sample Sentence: Engineers must determine the root cause of the issue before implementing a solution.(TR): Bir şeyi araştırma yoluyla bulmak veya belirlemek. Sentence (TR): Mühendisler, bir çözüm uygulamadan önce sorunun temel nedenini belirlemelidir.
16.Urgency (n): The state of requiring immediate attention or action. Sample Sentence: The urgency of the situation prompted the team to work efficiently to resolve the problem. Definition (TR): Hemen ilgi veya eylem gerektiren durum. Sentence (TR): Durumun aciliyeti, ekibi sorunu çözmek için verimli bir şekilde çalışmaya yöneltti.
17.Urgent (adj): Requiring immediate action or attention. Sample Sentence: An urgent response is necessary to prevent further damage to the equipment. Definition (TR): Hemen eylem veya ilgi gerektiren. Sentence (TR): Ekipmanlarda daha fazla hasarı önlemek için acil bir yanıt gereklidir.
18.Occur (v): To take place or happen. Sample Sentence: System failures can occur if regular maintenance is not performed. Definition (TR): Meydana gelmek veya olmak. Sentence (TR): Düzenli bakım yapılmazsa sistem arızaları meydana gelebilir.
19.Injection (n): The process of introducing a substance into a system. Sample Sentence: Fuel injection is a common method used in modern car engines for efficient combustion. Definition (TR): Bir maddeyi bir sisteme ekleme işlemi. Sentence (TR): Yakıt enjeksiyonu, modern araba motorlarında verimli yanma için kullanılan yaygın bir yöntemdir.
20.Misfire (v): To fail to operate or fire correctly. Sample Sentence: The engine misfired due to a problem with the ignition system. Definition (TR): Doğru şekilde çalışamamak veya ateşlememek. Sentence (TR): Motor, ateşleme sistemindeki bir problem nedeniyle tekleme yaptı.
21.Misfiring (n): The occurrence of a misfire. Sample Sentence: Persistent misfiring can lead to reduced engine performance. Definition (TR): Tekleme durumunun meydana gelmesi. Sentence (TR): Sürekli tekleme, motor performansında düşüşe neden olabilir.
22.Misfiring (adj): Describing the state of not firing correctly. Sample Sentence: The misfiring engine was a result of a faulty spark plug. Definition (TR): Doğru şekilde ateşlemeyen durumu tanımlayan. Sentence (TR): Tekleyen motor, hatalı bir buji nedeniyle meydana geldi.
23.Down on power (adj): Having reduced or insufficient power output. Sample Sentence: The vehicle felt down on power, indicating a potential engine issue. Definition (TR): Azalmış veya yetersiz güç çıkışı olması durumu. Sentence (TR): Araç, motorla ilgili bir sorun olabileceğini göstererek güç kaybetmiş gibi hissettirdi.
24.Overheat (v): To become excessively hot. Sample Sentence: Continuous operation without proper cooling can cause the engine to overheat. Definition (TR): Aşırı derecede ısınmak. Sentence (TR): Uygun soğutma olmadan sürekli çalıştırma, motorun aşırı ısınmasına neden olabilir.
25.Overheating (n): The condition of becoming excessively hot. Sample Sentence: Overheating can lead to permanent damage to electronic components. Definition (TR): Aşırı ısınma durumu. Sentence (TR): Aşırı ısınma, elektronik bileşenlerde kalıcı hasara yol açabilir.
26.Outdoor unit (n): The component of a system designed for outdoor installation. Sample Sentence: The outdoor unit of the air conditioning system should be placed in a well-ventilated area. Definition (TR): Dış mekânda kurulum için tasarlanmış bir sistem bileşeni. Sentence (TR): Klima sisteminin dış ünitesi, iyi havalandırılmış bir alana yerleştirilmelidir.
27.Major (adj): Significant or important. Sample Sentence: The team identified a major flaw in the design that needed immediate attention. Definition (TR): Önemli veya büyük. Sentence (TR): Ekip, derhal dikkate alınması gereken büyük bir tasarım hatasını belirledi.
28.Sudden (adj): Occurring without warning or unexpectedly. Sample Sentence: The sudden loss of power indicated a critical issue in the electrical system. Definition (TR): Uyarı olmadan veya beklenmedik şekilde meydana gelen. Sentence (TR): Ani güç kaybı, elektrik sisteminde kritik bir soruna işaret ediyordu.
29.Suddenly (adv): In a sudden manner, without advance notice. Sample Sentence: The equipment stopped working suddenly, catching the operators by surprise. Definition (TR): Aniden, önceden haber vermeksizin. Sentence (TR): Ekipman aniden çalışmayı durdurdu ve operatörleri hazırlıksız yakaladı.
30.Intermittent (adj): Occurring at irregular intervals; not continuous. Sample Sentence: The intermittent connectivity issue made it challenging to diagnose the network problem. Definition (TR): Düzensiz aralıklarla meydana gelen; sürekli olmayan. Sentence (TR): Kesintili bağlantı sorunu, ağ problemini teşhis etmeyi zorlaştırdı.
31.Intermittently (adv): At irregular intervals or not continuously. Sample Sentence: The warning light flashed intermittently, suggesting a potential electrical issue. Definition (TR): Düzensiz aralıklarla veya sürekli olmayacak şekilde. Sentence (TR): Uyarı ışığı kesintili olarak yanıp söndü ve potansiyel bir elektrik sorunu olduğunu işaret etti.
32.Systematic (adj): Following a systematic and organized approach. Sample Sentence: Engineers conduct a systematic analysis to identify and address system vulnerabilities. Definition (TR): Sistematik ve düzenli bir yaklaşımı takip eden. Sentence (TR): Mühendisler, sistem açıklarını belirlemek ve çözmek için sistematik bir analiz yapar.
33.Systematically (adv): In a systematic and methodical manner. Sample Sentence: The team systematically reviewed the code to locate and fix bugs. Definition (TR): Sistematik ve metodik bir şekilde. Sentence (TR): Ekip, hataları bulup düzeltmek için kodu sistematik olarak inceledi.
34.Pre-heater (n): A device used to heat a system or component before regular operation. Sample Sentence: The pre-heater ensures that the engine reaches the optimal temperature for efficient combustion.Definition (TR): Sistemi veya bir bileşeni normal çalışmadan önce ısıtmak için kullanılan cihaz. Sentence (TR): Ön ısıtıcı, motorun verimli yanma için ideal sıcaklığa ulaşmasını sağlar.
35.Starter motor (n): The electric motor that starts an engine. Sample Sentence: A malfunctioning starter motor can prevent the engine from starting. Definition (TR): Motoru çalıştıran elektrikli motor. Sentence (TR): Arızalı bir marş motoru, motorun çalışmasını engelleyebilir.
36.Gauge (n): A device for measuring or indicating a quantity. Sample Sentence: The pressure gauge provides essential information about the condition of the hydraulic system. Definition (TR): Bir miktarı ölçmek veya göstermek için kullanılan cihaz. Sentence (TR): Basınç göstergesi, hidrolik sistemin durumu hakkında önemli bilgiler sağlar.
37.Temperature gauge (n): A gauge specifically designed to measure temperature. Sample Sentence: Keep an eye on the temperature gauge to prevent overheating during prolonged operation. Definition (TR): Sıcaklığı ölçmek için özel olarak tasarlanmış bir gösterge. Sentence (TR): Uzun süreli kullanım sırasında aşırı ısınmayı önlemek için sıcaklık göstergesini takip edin.
38.Override (v): To take control of something or prevent something from happening. Sample Sentence: The emergency shutdown can override regular operations for safety reasons. Definition (TR): Bir şeyi kontrol etmek veya olmasını engellemek. Sentence (TR): Acil durum kapatma işlemi, güvenlik nedenleriyle normal işlemleri geçersiz kılabilir.
39.Override (n): A mechanism that allows manual control to supersede automatic functions. Sample Sentence: The safety override automatically shut down the machine to prevent further damage. Definition (TR): Manuel kontrolün otomatik işlevlerin yerine geçmesine olanak tanıyan bir mekanizma. Sentence (TR): Güvenlik geçersiz kılma, daha fazla hasarı önlemek için makineyi otomatik olarak kapattı.
40.Safety override (n): A feature designed to prioritize safety by allowing manual intervention. Sample Sentence: The safety override function halted operations to prevent a potential hazard. Definition (TR): Manuel müdahaleye izin vererek güvenliği önceliklendiren bir özellik. Sentence (TR): Güvenlik geçersiz kılma işlevi, potansiyel bir tehlikeyi önlemek için işlemleri durdurdu.
41.Consistent (adj): Unchanging or uniform in behavior or performance. Sample Sentence: The consistent performance of the system is a testament to its reliability. Definition (TR): Davranış veya performans açısından değişmeyen veya tutarlı. Sentence (TR): Sistemin tutarlı performansı, güvenilirliğinin bir göstergesidir.
42.Consistently (adv): In a manner that is unchanging or uniform. Sample Sentence: The software consistently delivers accurate results under various conditions. Definition (TR): Değişmeyen veya tutarlı bir şekilde. Sentence (TR): Yazılım, çeşitli koşullar altında sürekli olarak doğru sonuçlar sunar.
43.Lubricate (v): To apply a lubricant, such as oil or grease, to reduce friction or wear. Sample Sentence: Regularly lubricate moving parts to ensure smooth operation and prevent damage. Definition (TR): Sürtünmeyi veya aşınmayı azaltmak için yağ gibi bir madde uygulamak. Sentence (TR): Sorunsuz çalışmayı sağlamak ve hasarı önlemek için hareketli parçaları düzenli olarak yağlayın.
44.Lubrication (n): The process of applying a lubricant. Sample Sentence: Adequate lubrication is essential for maintaining the longevity of mechanical components. Definition (TR): Bir yağlayıcı uygulama işlemi. Sentence (TR): Mekanik bileşenlerin ömrünü korumak için yeterli yağlama çok önemlidir.
45.Compress (v): To reduce the volume or size of something by applying pressure. Sample Sentence: The air compressor is used to compress air for various industrial applications. Definition (TR): Baskı uygulayarak bir şeyin hacmini veya boyutunu azaltmak. Sentence (TR): Hava kompresörü, çeşitli endüstriyel uygulamalar için havayı sıkıştırmak için kullanılır.
46.Compression (n): The act or process of compressing. Sample Sentence: Engine performance relies on proper compression within the combustion chamber. Definition (TR): Sıkıştırma işlemi veya eylemi. Sentence (TR): Motor performansı, yanma odasındaki doğru sıkıştırmaya bağlıdır.
Types of Problems in Engineering
1. Sudden Problem:
•Definition: A problem that occurs unexpectedly and quickly. It can be caused by a sudden failure of a component, a change in operating conditions, or an external event.
•Example: A sudden loss of power in a machine due to a blown fuse.
•Impact: Sudden problems can cause immediate disruption to operations and safety concerns. They often require immediate attention and troubleshooting to resolve.
2. Intermittent Problem:
•Definition: A problem that occurs occasionally and not always. It can be difficult to diagnose and resolve because it may not be consistent in its behavior.
•Example: An electrical component that shorts out intermittently, causing lights to flicker.
•Impact: Intermittent problems can be frustrating to deal with and can lead to decreased productivity and efficiency. They require careful observation and testing to identify the root cause.
3. Systematic Problem:
•Definition: A problem that is caused by a flaw in the design or operation of a system. It is usually consistent and predictable in its behavior.
•Example: A machine that consistently produces defective parts due to a faulty assembly process.
•Impact: Systematic problems can be more challenging to solve as they require a deeper understanding of the system and its underlying flaws. They often require changes to the design or process to be effectively addressed.
Read the the text below and answer the questions (B1 level):
A Misfiring Engine: A Case of Troubleshooting
Deep within a bustling factory, a large machine suddenly sputtered and coughed, its rhythm disrupted by an unwelcome misfire. Alarms blared, and production lines ground to a halt. The engineers, ever vigilant, rushed to assess the situation.
Identifying the Culprit:
The first step involved carefully assessing the situation. The engineers listened to the engine's erratic misfiring sounds, their eyes scanning the various gauges and meters. They gathered information from nearby workers, noting their user's observations about the machine's unusual behavior.
Next came the crucial task of interpretation. Analyzing the gathered data, the engineers sought to understand the nature of the fault and the circumstances surrounding its occurrence. Was it a sudden failure, or had there been intermittent signs of trouble? Were there any external factors, like temperature fluctuations or power surges, that could have triggered the problem?
Armed with their observations and deductions, the engineers embarked on a meticulous process of elimination. Using their problem-solving checklist, they systematically ruled out potential causes, one by one. They checked the fuel injection system, the starter motor, the pre-heater, and finally, the compression.
Urgency and Resolution:
With each step, the team narrowed down the possibilities, working with a sense of urgency. Time was of the essence, and the production line awaited their expertise. Finally, after hours of dedicated effort, they identified the culprit: a faulty spark plug.
Replacing the spark plug proved a relatively simple task. But the engineers didn't stop there. They delved deeper, investigating the circumstances of the fault. They determined that the spark plug had worn out prematurely due to inconsistent lubrication and overheating of the engine.
Preventing Future Mishaps:
With the immediate problem solved, the engineers focused on prevention. They implemented a systematic maintenance schedule, ensuring consistent lubrication and monitoring the engine's temperature with increased vigilance. Additionally, they installed a safety override to automatically shut down the engine in case of overheating.
Through their skilled interpretation, meticulous elimination, and determined problem-solving, the engineers had successfully identified and resolved the misfiring issue. Their efforts ensured not only the smooth operation of the machine but also the overall efficiency and safety of the factory.
1. What was the first thing the engineers did when the machine started misfiring?
a) Replaced the spark plugs b) Shut down the production lines
c) Assessed the situation d) Called for maintenance
2. What helped the engineers understand the nature of the fault?
a) The user's observations b) The sound of the misfiring
c) The problem-solving checklist d) The temperature gauge
3. What process did the engineers use to identify the cause of the problem?
a) Trial and error b) Elimination of possibilities
c) Consulting the manual d) Replacing parts randomly
4. Which component of the engine was ultimately found to be faulty?
a) The fuel injection system b) The starter motor
c) The pre-heater d) The spark plug
5. What was the main reason the spark plug failed prematurely?
a) Inconsistent lubrication b) Overheating
c) Wear and tear d) Faulty design
6. What steps did the engineers take to prevent future mishaps?
a) Installed a safety override b) Implemented a maintenance schedule
c) Monitored the engine temperature d) All of them
Answers and explanations:
1. c) Assessed the situation
Explanation: The passage specifically states that the first thing the engineers did was to carefully assess the situation by listening to the engine, observing gauges, and gathering information from nearby workers.
2. a) The user's observations
Explanation: The passage mentions that the engineers analyzed the user's observations, along with other data, to understand the nature of the fault.
3. b) Elimination of possibilities
Explanation: The engineers used a process of systematically eliminating potential causes, one by one, until they identified the faulty spark plug.
4. d) The spark plug
Explanation: The passage explicitly states that the spark plug was found to be the faulty component that caused the engine misfiring.
5. a) Inconsistent lubrication
Explanation: The passage explains that the spark plug failed prematurely because it was not receiving consistent lubrication.
6. d) All of them
Explanation: The passage mentions that the engineers installed a safety override, implemented a maintenance schedule, and monitored the engine temperature to prevent future problems.
Read the text below (B2 level):
Troubleshooting Techniques in Engineering
In the dynamic field of engineering, the ability to assess and interpret various issues is crucial for maintaining the optimal performance of systems. Engineers often encounter challenges such as faults and faulty components that require a systematic approach to problem-solving.
When a malfunction occurs, the first step is to establish a problem-solving checklist. This comprehensive list includes steps to eliminate potential causes systematically. Engineers must identify the nature of the fault and consider the circumstances of the fault to determine the root cause.
External factors, such as environmental conditions or user behavior, can significantly impact the performance of a system. Therefore, a keen eye for user’s observation is essential. Engineers rely on the observations provided by users to gain insights into the system's behavior under different conditions.
The process of elimination is a powerful tool in the engineer's toolkit. By eliminating possible causes one by one, engineers can pinpoint the source of the issue. This method requires a consistent and systematic approach to ensure accurate results.
Urgency plays a vital role in addressing system malfunctions. An urgent response is necessary to prevent further damage or system downtime. Engineers need to occur timely interventions to avoid potential cascading failures.
Misfiring in components, such as engines, can lead to a down on power situation. It's essential to overcome challenges like misfiring through proper diagnostics and timely interventions. Additionally, overheating is a common issue that requires engineers to monitor temperature gauges and implement effective cooling strategies.
Outdoor units of various systems are exposed to diverse conditions. Engineers must consider external factors and design robust systems that can withstand sudden changes in weather or environmental conditions.
Major issues can arise suddenly, requiring a swift and accurate response. Engineers need to address these challenges intermittently to ensure the continued reliability of the system.
In conclusion, troubleshooting in engineering demands a combination of technical expertise, analytical thinking, and a commitment to systematic problem-solving. By incorporating these techniques, engineers can navigate the complexities of system malfunctions and ensure the longevity and efficiency of engineering systems.
Fill in the gaps in the paragraph below based on the information given in the text above. Use the words given below.
a. external factors b. fault c. circumstances d. faulty e. occurring f. elimination
g. identify h. checklist i. assess j. reliability
In engineering, when a machine shows signs of a problem, the first step is to carefully 1…………. the situation. Engineers need to interpret the data available to understand the 2…………. and whether it's caused by a 3………….. component. Following a problem-solving 4…………….. helps in a step-by-step approach to eliminate potential issues. It's essential to 5…………… the nature of the fault by considering the 6…………….. of the fault. Engineers rely on user’s observation to gather valuable insights into the system's behavior. The process of 7……………. involves consistent and systematic removal of possible causes. Urgency is crucial, and an urgent response is necessary to prevent further issues from 8…………… . Misfiring and overheating are common concerns that require attention. Outdoor units must withstand various 9…………….., and engineers need to address issues suddenly and intermittently to ensure system 10…………… .
Answer key: 1. i 2. b 3. d 4. h 5. g 6. c 7. f 8. e 9. a 10. j