Unit 8 – Monitoring and control
Vocabulary pp 68-69 – Giving approximate figures
The definitions and sample sentences:
1. Approximate (adj): Not exact, but close enough.
•Sentence: The cost of the project is still approximate, the final figure will be confirmed later.
•Turkish: Yaklaşık (tam olarak değil, ama yeterince yakın)
•Sentence (Turkish): Projenin maliyeti hala yaklaşık, kesin rakam daha sonra teyit edilecek.
2. Figure (n): A number or amount.
•Sentence: We need to find a way to reduce the production figure by 10%.
•Turkish: Rakam (sayı veya miktar)
•Sentence (Turkish): Üretim rakamını %10 oranında azaltmanın bir yolunu bulmalıyız.
3. Approximate Figures (n): Numbers that are not exact, but close.
•Sentence: We can only give you approximate figures for the materials needed at this stage.
•Turkish: Yaklaşık Rakamlar (tam olarak doğru olmayıp, yakın olan sayılar)
•Sentence (Turkish): Bu aşamada ihtiyaç duyulan malzemeler için sadece yaklaşık rakamlar verebiliriz.
4. Undertake (v): To take on a task or project.
•Sentence: Our team will undertake the research and development of the new product.
•Turkish: Üstlenmek (bir görevi veya projeyi almak)
•Sentence (Turkish): Ekibimiz yeni ürünün araştırma ve geliştirmesini üstlenecektir.
5. Comprehensive (adj): Complete and thorough.
•Sentence: We need a comprehensive report on the project's progress.
•Turkish: Kapsamlı (tamamen ve ayrıntılı)
•Sentence (Turkish): Projenin ilerlemesi hakkında kapsamlı bir rapora ihtiyacımız var.
6. Internal Review (n): An evaluation done within a company by its own employees.
•Sentence: The project will undergo an internal review before being presented to the client.
•Turkish: Dahili Gözden Geçirme (bir şirketin kendi çalışanları tarafından yapılan değerlendirme)
•Sentence (Turkish): Proje, müşteriye sunulmadan önce bir dahili gözden geçirmeye tabi tutulacak.
7. Facility (n): A building or place equipped for a particular purpose.
•Sentence: The new production facility will be operational by next year.
•Turkish: Tesis (belirli bir amaç için donatılmış bina veya yer)
•Sentence (Turkish): Yeni üretim tesisi gelecek yıla kadar faaliyete geçecek.
8. Efficiently (adv): In a way that avoids wasting time or effort.
•Sentence: We need to work more efficiently to meet the deadline.
•Turkish: Verimli Bir Şekilde (zaman veya eforu boşa harcamadan)
•Sentence (Turkish): Son teslim tarihine yetişmek için daha verimli çalışmamız gerekiyor.
9. Expertise (n): Special skill or knowledge.
•Sentence: The engineer's expertise in material science is invaluable to the project.
•Turkish: Uzmanlık (özel beceri veya bilgi)
•Sentence (Turkish): Mühendisin malzeme bilimi alanındaki uzmanlığı proje için paha biçilemezdir.
10. Utilise (v); To be utilised (v): To use something effectively.
•Sentence: We can utilise existing resources to complete the task.
•Turkish: Kullanmak (bir şeyi etkili bir şekilde kullanmak)
•Sentence (Turkish): Görevi tamamlamak için mevcut kaynakları kullanabiliriz.
•To be utilised (passive): The new software will be utilised for data analysis.
•Turkish: Kullanılacak (pasif):** Yeni yazılım veri analizi için kullanılacak.
11. Competence (n): The ability to do something well.
•Sentence: The team members all have the necessary competence for the job.
•Turkish: Yetkinlik (bir şeyi iyi yapma yeteneği)
•Sentence (Turkish): Ekip üyelerinin hepsi iş için gerekli yetkinliğe sahip.
12. Professional Competence (n): The skills and knowledge needed to perform a job well.
•Sentence: Maintaining professional competence requires continuous learning.
•Turkish: Mesleki Yetkinlik (bir işi iyi yapmak için gereken beceri ve bilgi)
•Sentence (Turkish): Mesleki yetkinliği sürdürmek sürekli öğrenmeyi gerektirir.
13. Shareholder (n): Someone or a company that owns part of a company.
•Sentence: The company's shareholders will vote on the new project proposal.
•Turkish: Pay Sahibi (bir şirketi kısmen sahibi olan kişi ya da şirket)
•Sentence (Turkish): Şirketin pay sahipleri yeni proje teklifi üzerinde oy kullanacak.
14. Optimise (v): To make something as good or effective as possible.
•Sentence: We need to optimise the design of the bridge to reduce construction costs.
•Turkish: Optimize Etmek (bir şeyi mümkün olduğunca iyi veya etkili hale getirmek)
•Sentence (Turkish): İnşaat maliyetlerini düşürmek için köprünün tasarımını optimize etmemiz gerekiyor.
15. Identify (v): To find or recognise something.
•Sentence: The engineers need to identify the cause of the machine failure.
•Turkish: Belirlemek (bir şeyi bulmak veya tanımak)
•Sentence (Turkish): Mühendislerin makine arızasının nedenini belirlemeleri gerekiyor.
16. Unproductive (adj): Not producing anything useful.
•Sentence: Spending time on social media is unproductive during work hours.
•Turkish: Verimsiz (yararlı bir şey üretmeyen)
•Sentence (Turkish): İş saatleri içinde sosyal medyada vakit geçirmek verimsizdir.
17. Administrative (adj): Related to the running of an organization.
•Sentence: She has extensive experience in administrative tasks.
•Turkish: İdari (bir organizasyonun yönetimiyle ilgili)
•Sentence (Turkish): İdari görevlerde geniş deneyime sahiptir.
18. Administrative Tasks (n): Jobs related to the general running of an office.
•Sentence: Data entry and filing are typical administrative tasks.
•Turkish: İdari Görevler (bir ofisin genel işleyişiyle ilgili işler)
•Sentence (Turkish): Veri girişi ve dosyalama tipik idari görevlerdir.
19. Questionnaire (n): A set of questions used to collect information.
•Sentence: We will be sending out a questionnaire to gather employee feedback.
•Turkish: Anket (bilgi toplamak için kullanılan bir soru seti)
•Sentence (Turkish): Çalışan geri bildirimini toplamak için bir anket göndereceğiz.
20. The Sum of (sth) (n): The total amount of something.
Sentence: The sum of all the parts equals the whole machine.
Turkish: (Bir Şeyin) Toplamı (bir şeyin toplam miktarı)
Sentence (Turkish): Tüm parçaların toplamı tüm makineye eşittir.
21. Qualified (adj): Having the necessary skills and experience for a job.
Sentence: We need to hire a qualified engineer for this project.
Turkish: Kalifiye (bir iş için gerekli beceri ve deneyime sahip)
Sentence (Turkish): Bu proje için kalifiye bir mühendis işe almamız gerekiyor.
22. Add Value (v): To make something more useful or beneficial.
Sentence: The new software will add value to our design process.
Turkish: Değer Katmak (bir şeyi daha kullanışlı veya faydalı hale getirmek)
Sentence (Turkish): Yeni yazılım, tasarım sürecimize değer katacaktır.
23. Purely (adv): Only; completely.
Sentence: The project is being undertaken for purely technical reasons.
•Turkish: Tamamen (sadece; tamamen)
•Sentence (Turkish): Proje tamamen teknik nedenlerle üstleniliyor.
24. Commercial Exploitation (n): Using something for profit.
•Sentence: The company is considering the commercial exploitation of their new invention.
•Turkish: Ticari İşletme (bir şeyi kar amacıyla kullanmak)
•Sentence (Turkish): Şirket, yeni buluşlarının ticari işletmesini düşünüyor.
25. Ballpark Figure (n): An approximate estimate.
•Sentence: We can give you a ballpark figure for the project cost now, but the final number may vary.
•Turkish: Tahmini Rakam (yaklaşık bir tahmin)
•Sentence (Turkish): Şimdi size proje maliyeti için bir tahmini rakam verebiliriz, ancak nihai rakam değişebilir.
26. Off the Top of My Head (adv): Without much thought or preparation.
•Sentence: Off the top of my head, I'd say we need about ten people for the task.
•Turkish: Aklıma Geldiği Kadarıyla (fazla düşünmeden veya hazırlık yapmadan)
•Sentence (Turkish): Aklıma geldiği kadarıyla, görev için yaklaşık on kişiye ihtiyacımız var.
27. Nowhere Near (adv): Not even close.
•Sentence: The current design is nowhere near efficient enough.
•Turkish: Hiç Yakın Değil (yakın bile değil)
•Sentence (Turkish): Mevcut tasarım, yeterince verimli olmaktan hiç yakın değil.
28. Pretty Much (adv): Almost; nearly.
•Sentence: We've pretty much completed the construction phase of the project.
•Turkish: Neredeyse (neredeyse; hemen hemen)
•Sentence (Turkish): Projenin inşaat aşamasını neredeyse tamamladık.
29. Roughly (adv): Approximately.
•Sentence: We can expect roughly a 10% increase in production output.
•Turkish: Yaklaşık Olarak (yaklaşık olarak)
•Sentence (Turkish): Üretim çıktısında yaklaşık olarak %10'luk bir artış bekleyebiliriz.
30. Somewhere in the region of (adv) - Approximately; around.
•Sentence: The project will cost somewhere in the region of $50,000.
•Turkish: Yaklaşık Olarak (yaklaşık olarak)
•Sentence (Turkish): Proje yaklaşık olarak 50,000 dolara mal olacak.
31. Estimate (n): An approximate calculation of something.
•Sentence: The project manager provided a cost estimate based on preliminary data.
•Turkish: Tahmin (bir şeyin yaklaşık hesaplaması)
•Sentence (Turkish): Proje yöneticisi, ön verilere göre bir maliyet tahmini sundu.
Read the text below and asnwer the questions (B1 level)
The engineering department at XYZ Corporation is undertaking a comprehensive review of its internal processes in order to optimise efficiency and reduce costs. The review will cover all aspects of the department's operations, including design, manufacturing, and administrative tasks.
One of the main goals of the review is to identify areas where the department can improve its processes and increase efficiency. For example, the department may look at the design process to see if there are ways to reduce the time it takes to create new products. This could involve using new software tools to streamline the design process, or implementing new design methodologies to improve collaboration among team members.
Another key focus of the review will be on reducing costs. The department will look at all aspects of its operations to identify areas where it can save money. For example, it may consider using new manufacturing techniques that are more cost-effective, or negotiating better deals with suppliers to reduce the cost of raw materials.
To support these efforts, the department will utilise the latest technology to improve its processes. This will include the use of specialised software to manage projects and track progress, as well as the implementation of new manufacturing techniques to increase efficiency. For example, the department may use 3D printing technology to create prototypes more quickly and at a lower cost, or implement automated testing processes to reduce the time and effort required to test new products.
The department has a team of engineers with expertise in a range of areas, including mechanical, electrical, and software engineering. These engineers will play a key role in the review, using their professional competence to identify areas for improvement and suggest solutions. For example, a mechanical engineer may suggest ways to improve the efficiency of the manufacturing process, while an electrical engineer may identify opportunities to reduce energy consumption.
The review is expected to take roughly six months to complete, and the department is committed to sharing the results with all shareholders. The goal is to add value to the company's products and services by improving the efficiency of its operations and reducing costs. To gather feedback from employees and other stakeholders, the department will conduct a survey using a questionnaire. The survey will ask questions about the department's current processes and identify areas where improvements can be made.
The department is confident that the review will result in a more efficient and effective operation, and is committed to implementing the changes necessary to achieve this goal. For example, it may invest in new equipment or training for employees to support the adoption of new processes and technologies.
1.What is the main goal of the review being undertaken by the engineering department at XYZ Corporation?
A) To restructure the department
B) To reduce the number of employees in the department
C) To increase the budget of the department
D) To identify areas where the department can improve its processes and increase efficiency
2.What is one way that the department may try to reduce the time it takes to create new products?
A) By using new software tools to streamline the design process
B) By hiring more employees
C) By outsourcing the design process
D) By reducing the number of products being developed
3.How will the department use technology to support its efforts to improve efficiency and reduce costs?
A) By implementing new manufacturing techniques
B) By using specialised software to manage projects and track progress
C) By investing in new equipment
D) All of the above
4.What is one example of a cost-saving measure that the department may consider?
A) Hiring more employees
B) Increasing the budget for raw materials
C) Using new manufacturing techniques that are more cost-effective
D) Outsourcing production
5.What is the role of the team of engineers in the review process?
A) To identify areas for improvement and suggest solutions
B) To manage the review process
C) To implement the changes resulting from the review
D) To provide training to other employees in the department
6.How long is the review expected to take?
A) One year B) Roughly six months C) Two years D) The duration of the review has not been determined
7.What is the goal of the survey that the department will conduct as part of the review?
A) To determine the budget for the upcoming year
B) To identify areas where the department can cut costs
C) To evaluate the performance of the team of engineers
D) To gather feedback from employees and other stakeholders about the department's current processes
8.What is the department's commitment to sharing the results of the review?
A) The department will share the results with all shareholders
B) The results will only be shared with senior management
C) The results will not be shared with anyone outside of the department
D) The department has not yet decided who will have access to the results
9.What is one way that the department may invest in order to support the adoption of new processes and technologies?
A) By hiring more employees
B) By increasing the budget for raw materials
C) By investing in new equipment or training for employees
D) By outsourcing production
10.What is the department's overall goal for the review?
A) To increase the size of the department
B) To improve the efficiency of its operations and reduce costs in order to add value to the company's products and services
C) To reduce the number of products being developed
D) To restructure the department
Answers and explanations
1.What is the main goal of the review being undertaken by the engineering department at XYZ Corporation?
•Answer (D): To identify areas where the department can improve its processes and increase efficiency
•Explanation: The text mentions that one of the main goals of the review is to identify areas for improvement and increase efficiency, which aligns with option A.
2.What is one way that the department may try to reduce the time it takes to create new products?
•Answer (A): By using new software tools to streamline the design process
•Explanation: The text suggests that one way to reduce the time to create new products is by using new software tools to streamline the design process, supporting option A.
3.How will the department use technology to support its efforts to improve efficiency and reduce costs?
•Answer (D): All of the above
•Explanation: The text mentions various ways the department will use technology, including new manufacturing techniques, specialised software, and new equipment, supporting option D.
4.What is one example of a cost-saving measure that the department may consider?
•Answer (C): Using new manufacturing techniques that are more cost-effective
•Explanation: The text indicates that the department may consider using new manufacturing techniques to save costs, which corresponds to option A.
5.What is the role of the team of engineers in the review process?
•Answer (A): To identify areas for improvement and suggest solutions
•Explanation: The text states that the engineers will identify areas for improvement and suggest solutions, in line with option A.
6.How long is the review expected to take?
•Answer (B): Roughly six months
•Explanation: The text mentions that the review is expected to take roughly six months, supporting option A.
7.What is the goal of the survey that the department will conduct as part of the review?
•Answer (D): To gather feedback from employees and other stakeholders about the department's current processes
•Explanation: The text specifies that the survey aims to gather feedback about current processes, supporting option A.
8.What is the department's commitment to sharing the results of the review?
•Answer (A): The department will share the results with all shareholders
•Explanation: The text states the department's commitment to sharing results with all shareholders, corresponding to option A.
9.What is one way that the department may invest in order to support the adoption of new processes and technologies?
•Answer (C): By investing in new equipment or training for employees
•Explanation: The text suggests investing in new equipment or training, supporting option C.
10.What is the department's overall goal for the review?
•Answer (B): To improve the efficiency of its operations and reduce costs in order to add value to the company's products and services
•Explanation: The text states the goal is to improve efficiency and reduce costs to add value to products and services, supporting option A.
Fill in the blank with the most suitable word from the options provided.
1.We need to gather some _____ (approximate figures/expertise) on the cost of materials before finalizing the project budget.
2.The new software is designed to _____ (optimise/identify) workflows and improve efficiency.
3.The engineers used their combined _____ (competence/expertise) to solve the technical challenge.
4.Due to a system error, the entire afternoon was spent on _____ (administrative/unproductive) tasks.
5.The _____ (sum of/expertise) of all our efforts is a product that meets the customer's needs.
6.Implementing new technologies can _____ (add value/optimise) to a product by making it more efficient.
7._____ (Purely/Roughly), the project will take about six months to complete, but this is just a ballpark figure.
8.I can't give you an exact answer _____ (off the top of my head/purely), but somewhere in the region of 10% seems likely.
9.The final cost is _____ (nowhere near/pretty much) the initial estimate we received from the supplier.
10.We need a more _____ (comprehensive/approximate) report on the project's progress before making any decisions.
1. approximate figures (We need some general numbers on the cost of materials...)
2. optimise (The new software is designed to streamline workflows...)
3. expertise (The engineers used their combined knowledge and skills...)
4. administrative (Due to a system error, the entire afternoon was spent on paperwork...)
5. sum of (The total of all our efforts is a product that meets the customer's needs.)
6. add value (Implementing new technologies can improve a product by making it more efficient.)
7. Roughly (Approximately, the project will take about six months to complete...)
8. off the top of my head (I can't give you an exact answer right now, but somewhere around 10% seems likely.)
9. nowhere near (The final cost is very different from the initial estimate...)
10. comprehensive (We need a more detailed report on the project's progress...)