31 Mart 2024 Pazar

Revision Exercises For Leng 102 Freshman English -12 (Unit 8-Pgs:68-69)


Unit 8 – Monitoring and control

Vocabulary pp 68-69 – Giving approximate figures

The definitions and sample sentences:

1. Approximate (adj): Not exact, but close enough.

•Sentence: The cost of the project is still approximate, the final figure will be confirmed later.

•Turkish: Yaklaşık (tam olarak değil, ama yeterince yakın)

•Sentence (Turkish): Projenin maliyeti hala yaklaşık, kesin rakam daha sonra teyit edilecek.

2. Figure (n): A number or amount.

•Sentence: We need to find a way to reduce the production figure by 10%.

•Turkish: Rakam (sayı veya miktar)

•Sentence (Turkish): Üretim rakamını %10 oranında azaltmanın bir yolunu bulmalıyız.

3. Approximate Figures (n): Numbers that are not exact, but close.

•Sentence: We can only give you approximate figures for the materials needed at this stage.

•Turkish: Yaklaşık Rakamlar (tam olarak doğru olmayıp, yakın olan sayılar)

•Sentence (Turkish): Bu aşamada ihtiyaç duyulan malzemeler için sadece yaklaşık rakamlar verebiliriz.

4. Undertake (v): To take on a task or project.

•Sentence: Our team will undertake the research and development of the new product.

•Turkish: Üstlenmek (bir görevi veya projeyi almak)

•Sentence (Turkish): Ekibimiz yeni ürünün araştırma ve geliştirmesini üstlenecektir.

5. Comprehensive (adj): Complete and thorough.

•Sentence: We need a comprehensive report on the project's progress.

•Turkish: Kapsamlı (tamamen ve ayrıntılı)

•Sentence (Turkish): Projenin ilerlemesi hakkında kapsamlı bir rapora ihtiyacımız var.

6. Internal Review (n): An evaluation done within a company by its own employees.

•Sentence: The project will undergo an internal review before being presented to the client.

•Turkish: Dahili Gözden Geçirme (bir şirketin kendi çalışanları tarafından yapılan değerlendirme)

•Sentence (Turkish): Proje, müşteriye sunulmadan önce bir dahili gözden geçirmeye tabi tutulacak.

7. Facility (n): A building or place equipped for a particular purpose.

•Sentence: The new production facility will be operational by next year.

•Turkish: Tesis (belirli bir amaç için donatılmış bina veya yer)

•Sentence (Turkish): Yeni üretim tesisi gelecek yıla kadar faaliyete geçecek.

8. Efficiently (adv): In a way that avoids wasting time or effort.

•Sentence: We need to work more efficiently to meet the deadline.

•Turkish: Verimli Bir Şekilde (zaman veya eforu boşa harcamadan)

•Sentence (Turkish): Son teslim tarihine yetişmek için daha verimli çalışmamız gerekiyor.

9. Expertise (n): Special skill or knowledge.

•Sentence: The engineer's expertise in material science is invaluable to the project.

•Turkish: Uzmanlık (özel beceri veya bilgi)

•Sentence (Turkish): Mühendisin malzeme bilimi alanındaki uzmanlığı proje için paha biçilemezdir.

10. Utilise (v); To be utilised (v): To use something effectively.

•Sentence: We can utilise existing resources to complete the task.

•Turkish: Kullanmak (bir şeyi etkili bir şekilde kullanmak)

•Sentence (Turkish): Görevi tamamlamak için mevcut kaynakları kullanabiliriz.

•To be utilised (passive): The new software will be utilised for data analysis.

•Turkish: Kullanılacak (pasif):** Yeni yazılım veri analizi için kullanılacak.

11. Competence (n): The ability to do something well.

•Sentence: The team members all have the necessary competence for the job.

•Turkish: Yetkinlik (bir şeyi iyi yapma yeteneği)

•Sentence (Turkish): Ekip üyelerinin hepsi iş için gerekli yetkinliğe sahip.

12. Professional Competence (n): The skills and knowledge needed to perform a job well.

•Sentence: Maintaining professional competence requires continuous learning.

•Turkish: Mesleki Yetkinlik (bir işi iyi yapmak için gereken beceri ve bilgi)

•Sentence (Turkish): Mesleki yetkinliği sürdürmek sürekli öğrenmeyi gerektirir.

13. Shareholder (n): Someone or a company that owns part of a company.

•Sentence: The company's shareholders will vote on the new project proposal.

•Turkish: Pay Sahibi (bir şirketi kısmen sahibi olan kişi ya da şirket)

•Sentence (Turkish): Şirketin pay sahipleri yeni proje teklifi üzerinde oy kullanacak.

14. Optimise (v): To make something as good or effective as possible.

•Sentence: We need to optimise the design of the bridge to reduce construction costs.

•Turkish: Optimize Etmek (bir şeyi mümkün olduğunca iyi veya etkili hale getirmek)

•Sentence (Turkish): İnşaat maliyetlerini düşürmek için köprünün tasarımını optimize etmemiz gerekiyor.

15. Identify (v): To find or recognise something.

•Sentence: The engineers need to identify the cause of the machine failure.

•Turkish: Belirlemek (bir şeyi bulmak veya tanımak)

•Sentence (Turkish): Mühendislerin makine arızasının nedenini belirlemeleri gerekiyor.

16. Unproductive (adj): Not producing anything useful.

•Sentence: Spending time on social media is unproductive during work hours.

•Turkish: Verimsiz (yararlı bir şey üretmeyen)

•Sentence (Turkish): İş saatleri içinde sosyal medyada vakit geçirmek verimsizdir.

17. Administrative (adj): Related to the running of an organization.

•Sentence: She has extensive experience in administrative tasks.

•Turkish: İdari (bir organizasyonun yönetimiyle ilgili)

•Sentence (Turkish): İdari görevlerde geniş deneyime sahiptir.

18. Administrative Tasks (n): Jobs related to the general running of an office.

•Sentence: Data entry and filing are typical administrative tasks.

•Turkish: İdari Görevler (bir ofisin genel işleyişiyle ilgili işler)

•Sentence (Turkish): Veri girişi ve dosyalama tipik idari görevlerdir.

19. Questionnaire (n): A set of questions used to collect information.

•Sentence: We will be sending out a questionnaire to gather employee feedback.

•Turkish: Anket (bilgi toplamak için kullanılan bir soru seti)

•Sentence (Turkish): Çalışan geri bildirimini toplamak için bir anket göndereceğiz.

20. The Sum of (sth) (n): The total amount of something.

Sentence: The sum of all the parts equals the whole machine.

Turkish: (Bir Şeyin) Toplamı (bir şeyin toplam miktarı)

Sentence (Turkish): Tüm parçaların toplamı tüm makineye eşittir.

21. Qualified (adj): Having the necessary skills and experience for a job.

Sentence: We need to hire a qualified engineer for this project.

Turkish: Kalifiye (bir iş için gerekli beceri ve deneyime sahip)

Sentence (Turkish): Bu proje için kalifiye bir mühendis işe almamız gerekiyor.

22. Add Value (v): To make something more useful or beneficial.

Sentence: The new software will add value to our design process.

Turkish: Değer Katmak (bir şeyi daha kullanışlı veya faydalı hale getirmek)

Sentence (Turkish): Yeni yazılım, tasarım sürecimize değer katacaktır.

23. Purely (adv): Only; completely.

Sentence: The project is being undertaken for purely technical reasons.

•Turkish: Tamamen (sadece; tamamen)

•Sentence (Turkish): Proje tamamen teknik nedenlerle üstleniliyor.

24. Commercial Exploitation (n): Using something for profit.

•Sentence: The company is considering the commercial exploitation of their new invention.

•Turkish: Ticari İşletme (bir şeyi kar amacıyla kullanmak)

•Sentence (Turkish): Şirket, yeni buluşlarının ticari işletmesini düşünüyor.

25. Ballpark Figure (n): An approximate estimate.

•Sentence: We can give you a ballpark figure for the project cost now, but the final number may vary.

•Turkish: Tahmini Rakam (yaklaşık bir tahmin)

•Sentence (Turkish): Şimdi size proje maliyeti için bir tahmini rakam verebiliriz, ancak nihai rakam değişebilir.

26. Off the Top of My Head (adv): Without much thought or preparation.

•Sentence: Off the top of my head, I'd say we need about ten people for the task.

•Turkish: Aklıma Geldiği Kadarıyla (fazla düşünmeden veya hazırlık yapmadan)

•Sentence (Turkish): Aklıma geldiği kadarıyla, görev için yaklaşık on kişiye ihtiyacımız var.

27. Nowhere Near (adv): Not even close.

•Sentence: The current design is nowhere near efficient enough.

•Turkish: Hiç Yakın Değil (yakın bile değil)

•Sentence (Turkish): Mevcut tasarım, yeterince verimli olmaktan hiç yakın değil.

28. Pretty Much (adv): Almost; nearly.

•Sentence: We've pretty much completed the construction phase of the project.

•Turkish: Neredeyse (neredeyse; hemen hemen)

•Sentence (Turkish): Projenin inşaat aşamasını neredeyse tamamladık.

29. Roughly (adv): Approximately.

•Sentence: We can expect roughly a 10% increase in production output.

•Turkish: Yaklaşık Olarak (yaklaşık olarak)

•Sentence (Turkish): Üretim çıktısında yaklaşık olarak %10'luk bir artış bekleyebiliriz.

30. Somewhere in the region of (adv) - Approximately; around.

•Sentence: The project will cost somewhere in the region of $50,000.

•Turkish: Yaklaşık Olarak (yaklaşık olarak)

•Sentence (Turkish): Proje yaklaşık olarak 50,000 dolara mal olacak.

31. Estimate (n): An approximate calculation of something.

•Sentence: The project manager provided a cost estimate based on preliminary data.

•Turkish: Tahmin (bir şeyin yaklaşık hesaplaması)

•Sentence (Turkish): Proje yöneticisi, ön verilere göre bir maliyet tahmini sundu.

Read the text below and asnwer the questions (B1 level)

The engineering department at XYZ Corporation is undertaking a comprehensive review of its internal processes in order to optimise efficiency and reduce costs. The review will cover all aspects of the department's operations, including design, manufacturing, and administrative tasks.

One of the main goals of the review is to identify areas where the department can improve its processes and increase efficiency. For example, the department may look at the design process to see if there are ways to reduce the time it takes to create new products. This could involve using new software tools to streamline the design process, or implementing new design methodologies to improve collaboration among team members.

Another key focus of the review will be on reducing costs. The department will look at all aspects of its operations to identify areas where it can save money. For example, it may consider using new manufacturing techniques that are more cost-effective, or negotiating better deals with suppliers to reduce the cost of raw materials.

To support these efforts, the department will utilise the latest technology to improve its processes. This will include the use of specialised software to manage projects and track progress, as well as the implementation of new manufacturing techniques to increase efficiency. For example, the department may use 3D printing technology to create prototypes more quickly and at a lower cost, or implement automated testing processes to reduce the time and effort required to test new products.

The department has a team of engineers with expertise in a range of areas, including mechanical, electrical, and software engineering. These engineers will play a key role in the review, using their professional competence to identify areas for improvement and suggest solutions. For example, a mechanical engineer may suggest ways to improve the efficiency of the manufacturing process, while an electrical engineer may identify opportunities to reduce energy consumption.

The review is expected to take roughly six months to complete, and the department is committed to sharing the results with all shareholders. The goal is to add value to the company's products and services by improving the efficiency of its operations and reducing costs. To gather feedback from employees and other stakeholders, the department will conduct a survey using a questionnaire. The survey will ask questions about the department's current processes and identify areas where improvements can be made.

The department is confident that the review will result in a more efficient and effective operation, and is committed to implementing the changes necessary to achieve this goal. For example, it may invest in new equipment or training for employees to support the adoption of new processes and technologies.

1.What is the main goal of the review being undertaken by the engineering department at XYZ Corporation?

A) To restructure the department

B) To reduce the number of employees in the department

C) To increase the budget of the department

D) To identify areas where the department can improve its processes and increase efficiency

2.What is one way that the department may try to reduce the time it takes to create new products?

A) By using new software tools to streamline the design process

B) By hiring more employees

C) By outsourcing the design process

D) By reducing the number of products being developed

3.How will the department use technology to support its efforts to improve efficiency and reduce costs?

A) By implementing new manufacturing techniques

B) By using specialised software to manage projects and track progress

C) By investing in new equipment

D) All of the above

4.What is one example of a cost-saving measure that the department may consider?

A) Hiring more employees

B) Increasing the budget for raw materials

C) Using new manufacturing techniques that are more cost-effective

D) Outsourcing production

5.What is the role of the team of engineers in the review process?

A) To identify areas for improvement and suggest solutions

B) To manage the review process

C) To implement the changes resulting from the review

D) To provide training to other employees in the department

6.How long is the review expected to take?

A) One year B) Roughly six months C) Two years D) The duration of the review has not been determined

7.What is the goal of the survey that the department will conduct as part of the review?

A) To determine the budget for the upcoming year

B) To identify areas where the department can cut costs

C) To evaluate the performance of the team of engineers

D) To gather feedback from employees and other stakeholders about the department's current processes

8.What is the department's commitment to sharing the results of the review?

A) The department will share the results with all shareholders

B) The results will only be shared with senior management

C) The results will not be shared with anyone outside of the department

D) The department has not yet decided who will have access to the results

9.What is one way that the department may invest in order to support the adoption of new processes and technologies?

A) By hiring more employees

B) By increasing the budget for raw materials

C) By investing in new equipment or training for employees

D) By outsourcing production

10.What is the department's overall goal for the review?

A) To increase the size of the department

B) To improve the efficiency of its operations and reduce costs in order to add value to the company's products and services

C) To reduce the number of products being developed

D) To restructure the department

Answers and explanations

1.What is the main goal of the review being undertaken by the engineering department at XYZ Corporation?

•Answer (D): To identify areas where the department can improve its processes and increase efficiency

•Explanation: The text mentions that one of the main goals of the review is to identify areas for improvement and increase efficiency, which aligns with option A.

2.What is one way that the department may try to reduce the time it takes to create new products?

•Answer (A): By using new software tools to streamline the design process

•Explanation: The text suggests that one way to reduce the time to create new products is by using new software tools to streamline the design process, supporting option A.

3.How will the department use technology to support its efforts to improve efficiency and reduce costs?

•Answer (D): All of the above

•Explanation: The text mentions various ways the department will use technology, including new manufacturing techniques, specialised software, and new equipment, supporting option D.

4.What is one example of a cost-saving measure that the department may consider?

•Answer (C): Using new manufacturing techniques that are more cost-effective

•Explanation: The text indicates that the department may consider using new manufacturing techniques to save costs, which corresponds to option A.

5.What is the role of the team of engineers in the review process?

•Answer (A): To identify areas for improvement and suggest solutions

•Explanation: The text states that the engineers will identify areas for improvement and suggest solutions, in line with option A.

6.How long is the review expected to take?

•Answer (B): Roughly six months

•Explanation: The text mentions that the review is expected to take roughly six months, supporting option A.

7.What is the goal of the survey that the department will conduct as part of the review?

•Answer (D): To gather feedback from employees and other stakeholders about the department's current processes

•Explanation: The text specifies that the survey aims to gather feedback about current processes, supporting option A.

8.What is the department's commitment to sharing the results of the review?

•Answer (A): The department will share the results with all shareholders

•Explanation: The text states the department's commitment to sharing results with all shareholders, corresponding to option A.

9.What is one way that the department may invest in order to support the adoption of new processes and technologies?

•Answer (C): By investing in new equipment or training for employees

•Explanation: The text suggests investing in new equipment or training, supporting option C.

10.What is the department's overall goal for the review?

•Answer (B): To improve the efficiency of its operations and reduce costs in order to add value to the company's products and services

•Explanation: The text states the goal is to improve efficiency and reduce costs to add value to products and services, supporting option A.

Fill in the blank with the most suitable word from the options provided.

1.We need to gather some _____ (approximate figures/expertise) on the cost of materials before finalizing the project budget.

2.The new software is designed to _____ (optimise/identify) workflows and improve efficiency.

3.The engineers used their combined _____ (competence/expertise) to solve the technical challenge.

4.Due to a system error, the entire afternoon was spent on _____ (administrative/unproductive) tasks.

5.The _____ (sum of/expertise) of all our efforts is a product that meets the customer's needs.

6.Implementing new technologies can _____ (add value/optimise) to a product by making it more efficient.

7._____ (Purely/Roughly), the project will take about six months to complete, but this is just a ballpark figure.

8.I can't give you an exact answer _____ (off the top of my head/purely), but somewhere in the region of 10% seems likely.

9.The final cost is _____ (nowhere near/pretty much) the initial estimate we received from the supplier.

10.We need a more _____ (comprehensive/approximate) report on the project's progress before making any decisions.


1. approximate figures (We need some general numbers on the cost of materials...)

2. optimise (The new software is designed to streamline workflows...)

3. expertise (The engineers used their combined knowledge and skills...)

4. administrative (Due to a system error, the entire afternoon was spent on paperwork...)

5. sum of (The total of all our efforts is a product that meets the customer's needs.)

6. add value (Implementing new technologies can improve a product by making it more efficient.)

7. Roughly (Approximately, the project will take about six months to complete...)

8. off the top of my head (I can't give you an exact answer right now, but somewhere around 10% seems likely.)

9. nowhere near (The final cost is very different from the initial estimate...)

10. comprehensive (We need a more detailed report on the project's progress...)

19 Mart 2024 Salı

Revision Exercises For Leng 102 Freshman English-11 (UNIT 8 Pgs:66-67)


Unit 8 – Monitoring and control

Vocabulary pp 66-67 – Discussing readings and trends

The definitions and sample sentences:

Readings (n): Measurements taken from instruments.

•Sample Sentence: "The engineer analyzed the temperature readings from the sensor."

•Turkish: Ölçüm değerleri (Ölçüm: measurement, değer: value)

•Turkish Sentence: "Mühendis sensörden alınan sıcaklık ölçüm değerlerini analiz etti."

Trends (n): Patterns of change over time.

•Sample Sentence: "The data showed an upward trend in energy consumption."

•Turkish: Eğilimler (Eğim: tendency)

•Turkish Sentence: "Veriler enerji tüketiminde yukarıya doğru bir eğilim olduğunu gösterdi."

Vary (v): To change or differ.

•Sample Sentence: "The wind speed can vary significantly throughout the day."

•Turkish: Değişmek (Değişiklik: change)

•Turkish Sentence: "Rüzgar hızı gün boyunca önemli ölçüde değişebilir."

Fluctuate (v): To vary irregularly.

•Sample Sentence: "The voltage levels fluctuated slightly during the experiment."

•Turkish: Dalgalanmak (Dalga: wave)

•Turkish Sentence: "Deney sırasında voltaj seviyeleri biraz dalgalandı."

Demand (n): The amount of something that is needed or wanted.

•Sample Sentence: "The demand for electricity increases during the summer months."

•Turkish: Talep (Talep etmek: to demand)

•Turkish Sentence: "Elektriğe olan talep yaz aylarında artar."

Operational (n): Activities related to the running of a system.

•Sample Sentence: "The team focused on improving the operational efficiency of the power plant."

•Turkish: İşletme (İşletmek: to operate)

•Turkish Sentence: "Ekip, enerji santralinin işletme verimliliğini artırmaya odaklandı."

Operational (adj): Functioning or ready to be used.

•Sample Sentence: "The factory is not operational due to a power outage."

•Turkish: İşlevsel (İşlev: function)

•Turkish Sentence: "Fabrika elektrik kesintisi nedeniyle işlevsel değil."


Rush (v): To happen suddenly and with great force.

•Sample Sentence: "The firefighters rushed to the scene of the fire."

•Turkish: Acele etmek (Acele: hurry)

•Turkish Sentence: "İtfaiyeciler yangın yerine aceleyle koştu."

Spare (adj): Extra or available for use when needed.

•Sample Sentence: "The technician always keeps a spare set of batteries on hand."

•Turkish: Rezerv (Rezerv etmek: to reserve)

•Turkish Sentence: " teknisyen her zaman elinde yedek bir pil takımı bulundurur."

Spare Generating Capacity (n): The amount of electricity that can be produced beyond current demand.

•Sample Sentence: "The power plant has enough spare generating capacity to meet peak demand."

•Turkish: Rezerv Elektrik Üretim Kapasitesi (Rezerv: reserve, elektrik: electricity, üretim: production, kapasite: capacity)

•Turkish Sentence: "Santral, pik talebi karşılamak için yeterli rezerv elektrik üretim kapasitesine sahiptir."

Power Load (n): The amount of electricity being used at a particular time.

•Sample Sentence: "The power grid can handle a maximum power load of 100 megawatts."

•Turkish: Elektrik Yükü (Yük: load)

•Turkish Sentence: "Elektrik şebekesi maksimum 100 megavatlık elektrik yükünü kaldırabilir."

Forecast (v): To predict something that will happen in the future.

•Sample Sentence: "Meteorologists forecast rain for tomorrow."

•Turkish: Tahmin etmek (Tahmin: prediction)

•Turkish Sentence: "Meteorologlar yarın yağmur yağacağını tahmin ediyor."

Peak (adjective): Referring to the highest point or value.

•Sample sentence: The engine reached its peak performance at 5000 RPM.

•Turkish definition: Tepe (en yüksek nokta)

•Sentence translation: Motor, 5000 devirde tepe performansına ulaştı.

Peaks (noun): The plural form of peak, referring to multiple highest points.

•Sample sentence: The graph shows several peaks in electricity consumption throughout the day.

•Turkish definition: Tepeler (birden fazla en yüksek nokta)

•Sentence translation: Grafik, gün boyunca elektrik tüketiminde birkaç tepe gösteriyor.

Troughs (n): The lowest points or levels of something that changes regularly.

•Sample Sentence: "The opposite of peaks are troughs, which occur during low demand periods."

•Turkish: Dipler (Dip: bottom, low point)

•Turkish Sentence: "Tepelerin tersi, düşük talep dönemlerinde meydana gelen diplerdir."


Range (n): The difference between the highest and lowest values of something.

•Sample Sentence: "The temperature range in this region varies between -5°C and 35°C."

•Turkish: Aralık (Aralıklı: ranged)

Turkish Sentence: "Bu bölgedeki sıcaklık aralığı -5°C ile 35°C arasındadır."

Go hand-in-hand (v): To happen or exist together as a necessary part of something.

•Sample Sentence: "Safety and efficiency go hand-in-hand in engineering practices."

•Turkish: El ele gitmek (El: hand)

•Turkish Sentence: "Mühendislik uygulamalarında güvenlik ve verimlilik el ele gider."

Blips (n): Small, temporary variations in a signal or reading.

•Sample Sentence: "We observed a few blips on the voltage monitor during the startup process."

•Turkish: Sapmalar (Sapma: deviation)

•Turkish Sentence: "Başlatma işlemi sırasında voltaj monitöründe birkaç sapma gözlemledik."

Peak Demand (n): The highest level of electricity demand in a specific period.

•Sample Sentence: "The power company prepares for peak demand during summer afternoons."

•Turkish: Pik Talep (Pik: peak)

•Turkish Sentence: "Elektrik şirketi yaz öğleden sonraları pik talebe hazırlanır."

The top of something (noun): The highest part of an object.

•Sample sentence: Please climb to the top of the ladder to fix the roof.

•Turkish: Tepesi (bir nesnenin en yüksek kısmı)

•Turkish sentence: Çatıya düzeltmek için lütfen merdivenin tepesine tırmanın.

Band of Fluctuation (n): The range within which a value varies.

•Sample Sentence: "The voltage remained within a narrow band of fluctuation throughout the day."

•Turkish: Dalgalanma Bandı (Dalgalanma: fluctuation, bant: band)

•Turkish Sentence: "Voltaj gün boyunca dar bir dalgalanma bandında kaldı."

Off-peak (adj): Times when electricity demand is low.

•Sample Sentence: "Off-peak hours are ideal for running washing machines and other high-consumption appliances."

•Turkish: Düşük Talep (Düşük: low)

•Turkish Sentence: "Düşük talep saatleri, çamaşır makineleri ve diğer yüksek tüketimli cihazları çalıştırmak için idealdir."

Off-peak Periods (n): Periods when electricity demand is low.

•Turkish: Düşük Talep Dönemleri (Düşük: low, talep: demand, dönem: period)

Exploit (v): To take advantage of something.

•Sample Sentence: "The power company offers discounts to customers who exploit off-peak periods."


•Turkish: Faydalanmak (Fayda: benefit)

•Turkish Sentence: "Elektrik şirketi, düşük talep dönemlerinden faydalanan müşterilere indirimler sunar."

Duty Cycle Appliances (n): Appliances that can be programmed to operate during off-peak periods.

•Sample Sentence: "Duty cycle appliances help to reduce energy consumption during peak demand times."

•Turkish: İş Döngüsü Cihazları (İş: work, döngü: cycle, cihaz: appliance)

•Turkish Sentence: "İş döngüsü cihazları, pik talep zamanlarında enerji tüketimini azaltmaya yardımcı olur."

Smooth (v): To make something happen or change in a gradual and regular way.

•Sample Sentence: "Renewable energy sources can help to smooth out fluctuations in electricity supply."

•Turkish: Düzgünleştirmek (Düzgün: smooth)

•Turkish Sentence: "Yenilenebilir enerji kaynakları, elektrik arzındaki dalgalanmaları düzgünleştirmeye yardımcı olabilir."

Continuous (adjective): Happening without interruption or breaks.

•Sample sentence: The machine requires a continuous supply of water to function properly.

•Turkish definition: Sürekli (kesintisiz)

•Sentence translation: Makinenin düzgün çalışması için sürekli su beslemesi gerekir.

Continual (adjective): Happening frequently and repeatedly, but with short breaks.

•Sample sentence: The factory experienced continual problems with the production line.

•Turkish definition: Devamlı (aralıklarla tekrarlayan)

•Sentence translation: Fabrika, üretim hattında devamlı sorunlar yaşadı.

Momentary (adjective): Lasting for a very short time.

•Sample sentence: The power outage caused only a momentary interruption in service.

•Turkish definition: Anlık (çok kısa süren)

•Sentence translation: Elektrik kesintisi hizmette yalnızca anlık bir kesintiye neden oldu.

Frequency of the mains AC supply (noun): The number of times the voltage of the alternating current (AC) supply completes a cycle in one second.

•Sample sentence: In Turkey, the frequency of the mains AC supply is 50 Hz.

•Turkish definition: Şebeke AC şebekesinin frekansı (şebeke voltajının bir saniyede tamamladığı çevrim sayısı)

•Sentence translation: Türkiye'de şebeke AC şebekesinin frekansı 50 Hz'dir.

Peak in demand (noun): The highest level of electricity consumption in a given period.

•Sample sentence: The utility company expects a peak in demand during the summer months.

•Turkish definition: Talepteki zirve (belirli bir dönemde en yüksek elektrik tüketim seviyesi)

•Sentence translation: Elektrik şirketi, yaz aylarında talepte bir zirve bekliyor.

Dip in demand (noun): A sudden decrease in electricity consumption.

•Sample sentence: There is usually a dip in demand for electricity late at night.


•Turkish definition: Talepteki düşüş (elektrik tüketiminde ani bir azalma)

•Sentence translation: Geceleri genellikle elektrik talebinde bir düşüş yaşanır.

Read the text below and answer the questions:

Juggling Power: The Intricate World of Maintaining Grid Stability

The electricity powering our lives is a marvel of modern engineering. But behind the seemingly effortless flow of electrons lies a constant, intricate dance between supply and demand. Maintaining grid stability – the delicate balance between the amount of electricity produced and the amount consumed – is a complex challenge that engineers tackle every day.

Imagine a vast network of highways – the power grid. Power plants act as power stations, continuously generating electricity that flows through transmission lines, our electrical “highways,” to transformers that step down the voltage for distribution lines. These “distribution roads” deliver electricity to our homes and businesses. The quantity of electricity coursing through this network is known as the power load. This load isn't constant, it fluctuates throughout the day like rush hour traffic.

During peak hours, typically mornings and evenings, electricity demand surges. Air conditioners whir to life, ovens heat up for dinner, and countless electronic devices come alive. This surge in demand is a peak in demand, akin to rush hour on a freeway. To meet this peak, power plants need to have spare generating capacity, just like extra lanes on a highway that can accommodate the increased traffic flow.

Imagine a massive hydroelectric dam. It can generate a significant amount of electricity, but running it at partial capacity for most of the day is inefficient. However, if the dam doesn't have enough spare capacity during peak hours, brownouts or even blackouts can occur. This is where forecasting comes in.

Engineers utilize sophisticated software to predict demand patterns based on historical data, weather forecasts, and even social media trends. This allows them to strategically schedule power generation from various sources. For instance, they might rely on nuclear power plants for a continuous baseload supply, as nuclear reactors operate 24/7. During peak hours, they might ramp up generation from natural gas plants, which can be adjusted more quickly.

But the equation doesn't end there. Integrating renewable energy sources like solar and wind power adds another layer of complexity. Solar panels generate electricity during daylight hours, while wind turbines rely on wind speeds. These are continual sources, meaning they fluctuate based on environmental conditions, unlike the continuous output from a nuclear plant.

The key lies in a diverse energy mix. Traditional power plants provide a reliable base, while renewables add flexibility and environmental benefits. This interplay between different generation sources, constantly monitored and adjusted by engineers, ensures the grid maintains a smooth flow of electricity.

Even momentary disruptions can have consequences. A downed power line can cause a voltage dip, a brief reduction in voltage that can disrupt sensitive electronics. To minimize the impact of these blips, engineers design the grid with built-in safeguards, such as automatic voltage regulators, that can quickly adjust voltage levels.

The stable operation of the power grid is a testament to the ingenuity of engineers. By constantly monitoring, analyzing, and adjusting the flow of electricity, they ensure a reliable and efficient power supply for our modern world. So, the next time you flip on a light switch, remember the intricate dance happening behind the scenes, keeping the electrons flowing and our lives powered.


1. The main idea of the passage is to:

a) Explain how electricity is generated. b) Describe the components of a power grid.

c) Discuss the challenges of maintaining grid stability. d) Highlight the benefits of renewable energy sources.

2. The term "peak in demand" refers to:

a) A constant supply of electricity.

b) A sudden drop in voltage on the power grid.

c) The most efficient way to generate electricity.

d) The highest level of electricity consumption during a specific period.

3. Why is it important for power plants to have spare generating capacity?

a) To reduce reliance on renewable energy sources.

b) To handle unexpected surges in electricity demand.

c) To operate at maximum capacity at all times.

d) To minimize the environmental impact of electricity generation.

4. How does forecasting help engineers maintain grid stability?

a) It allows them to predict equipment failures on the power grid.

b) It helps them determine the optimal locations for new power plants.

c) It enables them to strategically schedule power generation from various sources.

d) It predicts the exact amount of electricity needed at any given time.

5. What is the main advantage of nuclear power plants in the context of grid stability?

a) They can be quickly ramped up or down to meet changing demand.

b) They are a more environmentally friendly source of electricity compared to fossil fuels.

c) They offer a very high capacity for electricity generation.

d) They provide a continuous and reliable baseload supply of electricity.

6. Why can renewable energy sources like solar and wind power be challenging to integrate into the grid?

a) Their electricity generation fluctuates based on environmental conditions.

b) They are not powerful enough to meet the electricity demands of large cities.

c) They require a significant amount of maintenance compared to traditional power plants.

d) They produce harmful emissions that contribute to air pollution.

7. Voltage dips are caused by:

a) Disruptions in the transmission of electricity on the power grid.

b) The continuous operation of nuclear power plants.

c) Increased demand for electricity during peak hours.

d) The integration of renewable energy sources into the grid.


8. What is the role of engineers in maintaining grid stability?

a) They design and construct the physical components of the power grid.

b) They continuously monitor, analyze, and adjust the flow of electricity.

c) They develop new technologies for more efficient electricity generation.

d) All of the above

Answers and Explanations: Juggling Power

1. c) Discuss the challenges of maintaining grid stability.

The passage focuses on the complexities of balancing electricity supply and demand within the power grid.

2. d) The highest level of electricity consumption during a specific period.

The term refers to the time when electricity usage is at its peak, like during mornings and evenings.

3. b) To handle unexpected surges in electricity demand.

Spare capacity ensures the grid can meet peak demand without disruptions.

4. c) It enables them to strategically schedule power generation from various sources.

Forecasting allows engineers to anticipate demand and adjust generation from different plants, like nuclear for baseload and natural gas for peak hours.

5. d) They provide a continuous and reliable baseload supply of electricity.

Nuclear plants operate constantly, offering a stable foundation for the grid's electricity needs.

6. a) Their electricity generation fluctuates based on environmental conditions.

Solar panels rely on sunlight and wind turbines on wind speeds, making their output variable.

7. a) Disruptions in the transmission of electricity on the power grid.

Events like downed power lines can cause brief voltage dips.

8. b) They continuously monitor, analyze, and adjust the flow of electricity.

Engineers actively manage the grid to maintain balance between supply and demand.

Choose the correct answer

1.Which word best describes the intermittent changes in power load within an electrical system?

a) Fluctuate b) Spare c) Smooth d) Exploit

2.In the context of energy consumption, what does the term "demand" refer to?

a) The amount of electricity generated b) The need for electrical appliances

c) The availability of spare generating capacity d) The variation in power load

3.What is the purpose of "spare generating capacity" in electrical systems?

a) To forecast peak demand b) To exploit renewable energy sources

c) To maintain a continuous power supply d) To reduce the frequency of mains AC supply

4.Which term describes the condition where power load remains consistent without significant fluctuations? a) Peak b) Off-peak c) Continuous d) Momentary

5.What does it mean for two factors to "go hand-in-hand" in engineering?

a) They fluctuate together b) They have spare generating capacity

c) They forecast peak demand d) They exploit renewable energy sources

6.In the context of power load management, what are "blips"?

a) Sudden increases in energy consumption b) The top of something

c) Off-peak periods d) Duty cycle appliances

7.What is the term used to describe the highest level of electricity demand within a given period?

a) Dip in demand b) Continuous demand c) Fluctuating demand d) Peak demand

8.Which term refers to the low points or decreases in power load within an electrical system?

a) Peaks b) Troughs c) Bands of fluctuation d) Duty cycle appliances

9.What does it mean for electrical systems to operate in "off-peak periods"?

a) They are running at maximum capacity b) They are exploiting renewable energy sources

c) They are at the top of something d) They are experiencing a dip in demand

10.Which word best describes a power load that remains consistent over time without interruption?

a) Fluctuate b) Rush c) Smooth d) Forecast

11. What is the term used to describe the continuous presence of fluctuations within a specific range?

a) Peak demand b) Off-peak periods c) Band of fluctuation d) Spare generating capacity

12.What does it mean for two variables to have a "range" in engineering?

a) They fluctuate together b) They remain constant

c) They have spare generating capacity d) They vary within certain limits

13.Which word best describes the scenario where power load experiences a sudden and temporary increase?

a) Peak b) Peak demand c) Trough d) Momentary

Answer key: 1. a 2. b 3. c 4. c 5. a 6. a 7. d 8. b 9. d 10. c 11. c 12. d 13. d

Choose the best answer

1.The amount of electricity consumed by various appliances and devices within a given timeframe is referred to as ____________.

a) Vary b) Fluctuate c) Demand d) Operational

2.During ____________ periods, the demand for electricity tends to decrease as fewer appliances are in use.

a) Peaks b) Off-peak c) Blips d) Exploit

3.Power load fluctuations can occur within a wide ____________ of magnitudes, presenting both challenges and opportunities for optimization.

a) Demand b) Range c) Smooth d) Continuous

4.Engineers must ensure that power generation units are capable of responding rapidly to ____________ in demand to prevent disruptions to the supply of electricity.

a) Rush b) Continuous c) Momentary d) Fluctuations

5.Understanding the interplay between ____________ and troughs is essential for designing robust electrical systems.

a) Peaks b) Forecast c) Band of fluctuation d) Dip in demand

6.The ____________ of power load management involves anticipating peak demand periods and adjusting resources accordingly.

a) Rush b) Band of fluctuation c) Smooth d) Forecast

7.Power systems often have ____________ to handle sudden increases in demand without overloading.

a) Spare generating capacity b) Continuous c) Momentary d) Fluctuate

8.Smart grids can exploit renewable energy sources to manage ____________ in demand more efficiently.

a) Troughs b) Off-peak periods c) Peak d) Smooth

9.Engineers design systems capable of maintaining a ____________ supply of electricity to consumers.

a) Band of fluctuation b) Continuous c) Forecast d) Operational

10.Power load fluctuations ____________ with changes in consumer behavior and industrial operations.

a) Go hand-in-hand b) Smooth c) Continual d) Forecast

Answer key: 1. c 2. b 3. b 4. d 5. a 6. d 7. a 8. c 9. b 10.a

18 Mart 2024 Pazartesi

Revision Exercises For Leng 102 Freshman English -10 (UNIT 8 Pgs:64-65)


Unit 8 – Monitoring and control

Vocabulary pp 64-66 – Referring to measurable parameters

The defnitions and sample sentences:

Refer (v): To mention something or someone as a source of information.

•Sample sentence: "When troubleshooting the machine, refer to the user manual for guidance."

•Turkish definition: "başvurmak"

•Translated sentence: "Makinede sorun giderirken, kılavuza bakın."

Measurable (adj): Able to be measured or quantified.

•Sample sentence: "Pressure is a measurable property of fluids."

•Turkish definition: "ölçülebilir"

•Translated sentence: "Basınç, akışkanların ölçülebilir bir özelliğidir."

Parameter (n): A specific characteristic that is used to define a system or process.

•Sample sentence: "Temperature is a critical parameter in many chemical reactions."

•Turkish definition: "parametre"

•Translated sentence: "Sıcaklık, birçok kimyasal reaksiyonda kritik bir parametredir."

Appliance (n): A device or piece of equipment used for a particular purpose.

•Sample sentence: "A pressure gauge is an appliance used to measure pressure in a system."

•Turkish definition: "alet"

•Translated sentence: "Basınç ölçeri, bir sistemdeki basıncı ölçmek için kullanılan bir alettir."


•Pressure measurement (n): The determination of the force exerted by a fluid on a surface per unit area.

Sample sentence: "Accurate pressure measurement is essential for safe operation of boilers."

Turkish definition: "basınç ölçümü"

Translated sentence: "Kazanların güvenli çalışması için doğru basınç ölçümü gereklidir."

•Temperature measurement (n): The determination of the degree of hotness or coldness of something.

Sample sentence: "Temperature measurement is used to monitor the quality of products during manufacturing."

Translated sentence: "Sıcaklık ölçümü, üretim sırasında ürünlerin kalitesini izlemek için kullanılır."

•Flow measurement (n): The determination of the rate at which a fluid moves past a certain point.

Sample sentence: "Flow meters are used to measure the flow rate of oil in pipelines."

Translated sentence: "Debimetreler, borulardaki yağ akış hızını ölçmek için kullanılır."

Level measurement (n): The determination of the height or amount of a substance in a container.

Sample sentence: "Level measurement is used to ensure that storage tanks don't overflow."

Translated sentence: "Seviye ölçümü, depolama tanklarının taşmamasını sağlamak için kullanılır."

Process recorders (n): Instruments that continuously record data from a process.

Sample sentence: "Process recorders provide valuable data for analyzing and optimizing production lines."

Turkish definition: "proses kaydedici"

Translated sentence: "Proses kaydediciler, üretim hatlarını analiz etmek ve optimize etmek için değerli veriler sağlar."

Exothermic (adj): Releasing heat during a reaction or process.

Sample sentence: "The burning of coal is an exothermic reaction."

Turkish definition: "ısı açığa çıkaran"

•Translated sentence: "Kömürün yanması, ısı açığa çıkaran bir reaksiyondur."

Exothermic reaction (n): A chemical reaction that releases heat.

•Sample sentence: "An exothermic reaction can be used to provide heat for other processes."

•Turkish definition: "ısı açığa çıkaran reaksiyon"

•Translated sentence: "Isı açığa çıkaran bir reaksiyon, diğer işlemler için ısı sağlamak için kullanılabilir."

Conveyor belt (n): A continuous belt that transports materials from one place to another.

•Sample sentence: "Conveyor belts are used in many industries to move materials along a production line."

•Turkish definition: "taşıma bandı"

•Translated sentence: "Taşıma bantları, birçok endüstride malzemeleri üretim hattı boyunca hareket ettirmek için kullanılır."

Exert (v): To apply force or pressure.

•Sample sentence: "The engine exerts a force on the wheels to propel the car forward."

•Turkish definition: "uygulamak"

•Translated sentence: "Motor, aracı ileriye doğru hareket ettirmek için tekerleklere bir kuvvet uygular."

Vessel (n): A container used to hold a liquid, gas, or other material.

•Sample sentence: "Chemical reactions often take place inside a sealed vessel."

•Turkish definition: "kap"

• Translated sentence: "Kimyasal reaksiyonlar genellikle kapalı bir kap içinde gerçekleşir."

Production line (n): A series of machines or processes that are connected together to produce a product.

•Sample sentence: "The efficiency of a production line can be improved by automating tasks."

•Turkish definition: "üretim hattı"

•Translated sentence: "Görevler otomatikleştirilerek üretim hattının verimliliği artırılabilir."

Build up (v): To accumulate or increase gradually over time.

•Sample sentence: "Pressure can build up in a closed container if there is no release valve."

•Turkish definition: "birikmek"

•Translated sentence: "Kapalı bir kapta eğer tahliye vanası yoksa basınç birikebilir."

Build-up (n): The act of accumulating or the accumulated material.

•Sample sentence: "Regular cleaning is necessary to prevent a build-up of dust in the machine."

•Turkish definition: "birikme"

•Translated sentence: "Makinede toz birikmesini önlemek için düzenli temizlik gereklidir."

Safety valve (n): A valve that automatically opens to relieve pressure when it exceeds a safe limit.

•Sample sentence: "Safety valves are essential for protecting equipment from damage caused by excessive pressure."

•Turkish definition: "emniyet ventili"

•Translated sentence: "Emniyet ventilleri, ekipmanı aşırı basınçtan kaynaklanan hasardan korumak için gereklidir."

Differential measurement (n): A measurement that compares the difference between two quantities.

•Sample sentence: "Differential pressure measurement is used to determine the flow rate of fluids in pipes."

•Turkish definition: "farklı ölçüm"

•Translated sentence: "Farklı basınç ölçümü, borulardaki akışkanların akış hızını belirlemek için kullanılır."

Cumulative consumption (n): The total amount of something that has been consumed over a period of time.

•Sample sentence: "Monitoring cumulative consumption of energy helps identify areas for improvement."

•Turkish definition: "toplam tüketim"

•Translated sentence: "Enerji tüketiminin toplamını izlemek, iyileştirilecek alanları belirlemeye yardımcı olur."

The actual rate of consumption (n): The amount of something that is being consumed at a specific point in time.

•Sample sentence: "The actual rate of consumption can vary depending on production demands."

•Turkish definition: "gerçek tüketim hızı"

•Translated sentence: "Gerçek tüketim hızı, üretim taleplerine bağlı olarak değişebilir."

Reaction cycle (n): The complete sequence of steps in a chemical reaction.

•Sample sentence: "Understanding the reaction cycle is crucial for optimizing the production of a desired product."

•Turkish definition: "reaksiyon çevrimi"

•Translated sentence: "Reaksiyon çevrimini anlamak, istenilen ürünün üretimini optimize etmek için önemlidir."

Peak (n): The highest point or value in a series of measurements.

•Sample sentence: "The peak power consumption of the machine occurs during startup."

•Turkish definition: "tepe"

•Translated sentence: "Makinenin en yüksek güç tüketimi, çalışma sırasında gerçekleşir."

The frequency of peaks in consumption (n): How often peaks in consumption occur.

•Sample sentence: "By analyzing the frequency of peaks in consumption, we can identify potential bottlenecks in the production line."

•Turkish definition: "tüketimdeki tepe sıklığı"

•Translated sentence: "Tüketimdeki tepe sıklığını analiz ederek, üretim hattındaki potansiyel darboğazları belirleyebiliriz."

Cumulative value (n): The total sum of a quantity over a period of time.

•Sample sentence: "The cumulative value of produced units helps track progress towards production goals."

•Turkish definition: "toplam değer"

•Translated sentence: "Üretilen birimlerin toplam değeri, üretim hedeflerine doğru ilerlemeyi takip etmede yardımcı olur."

Plot (v): To represent data visually on a graph.

•Sample sentence: "Engineers can plot sensor data to identify trends and anomalies."

•Turkish definition: "çizmek"

•Transated sentence: "Mühendisler, trendleri ve anormallikleri tespit etmek için sensör verilerini grafiğe çizebilirler."

Input value (n): A value that is entered into a system or process.

•Sample sentence: "The desired temperature is set as an input value for the temperature control system."

•Turkish definition: "giriş değeri"

•Translated sentence: "İstenen sıcaklık, sıcaklık kontrol sistemi için bir giriş değeri olarak ayarlanır."

Output value (n): A value that is produced by a system or process.

•Sample sentence: "The output value of the sensor is the measured voltage."

•Turkish definition: "çıkış değeri"

•Translated sentence: "Sensörün çıkış değeri, ölçülen voltajdır."

Optimum (adj): The best or most favorable condition.

•Sample sentence: "The goal is to operate the machine at its optimum performance level."

•Turkish definition: "en uygun"

•Translated sentence: "Amaç, makineyi optimum performans seviyesinde çalıştırmaktır."

Downstream (m): In the later stages of a process or system.

•Sample sentence: "Downstream processes rely on the quality of the output from upstream processes."

•Turkish definition: "aşağı yönlü"

•Translated sentence: "Aşağı yönlü işlemler, yukarı yönlü işlemlerden gelen çıktı kalitesine dayanır."

Flow meter (n): An instrument used to measure the rate of flow of a fluid or gas.

•Sample sentence: "Flow meters are essential for monitoring the flow rate of water in irrigation systems."

Turkish definition: "debi ölçer"

•Translated sentence: "Debi ölçerler, sulama sistemlerinde su akış hızını izlemek için gereklidir."

Cumulative figure (n): The total amount of something accumulated up to a specific point in time.

•Sample sentence: "The cumulative figure for produced units allows for calculating production efficiency."

•Turkish definition: "toplam rakam"

•Translated sentence: "Üretilen birimler için toplam rakam, üretim verimliliğini hesaplamayı sağlar."

Rate (n): The speed or frequency at which something happens over time.

•Sample sentence: "The production rate of the factory depends on the availability of raw materials."

•Turkish definition: "oran"

•Translated sentence: "Fabrikanın üretim oranı, hammadde bulunabilirliğine bağlıdır."

Flow rate (n): The volume of a fluid or gas that passes a certain point per unit of time.

•Sample sentence: "Maintaining a constant flow rate is crucial for many chemical processes."

•Turkish definition: "akış hızı"

•Translated sentence: "Birçok kimyasal işlem için sabit bir akış hızını korumak önemlidir."

Configure (v): To set up or adjust the settings of a device or system.

•Sample sentence: "The engineer configured the software to monitor specific sensor data."

•Turkish definition: "yapılandırmak"

•Translated sentence: "Mühendis, belirli sensör verilerini izlemek için yazılımı yapılandırdı."

Log (v): To record data or events electronically for future reference.

•Sample sentence: "The system automatically logs temperature readings every minute."

•Turkish definition: "kaydetmek"

•Translated sentence: "Sistem, her dakika otomatik olarak sıcaklık değerlerini kaydeder."

Pinpoint (v): To identify the exact location or cause of a problem.

•Sample sentence: "Technicians are working to pinpoint the source of the machine malfunction."

•Turkish definition: "tam olarak saptamak"

•Translated sentence: "Teknisyenler, makine arızasının kaynağını tam olarak saptamak için çalışıyorlar."

Entry point (n): The place where something or someone enters a system or process.

•Sample sentence: "The raw materials enter the production line through a designated entry point."

•Turkish definition: "giriş noktası"

•Translated sentence: "Hammaddeler, belirlenmiş bir giriş noktasından üretim hattına girer."

Outlet point (n): The place where something or someone exits a system or process.

•Sample sentence: "The finished products are conveyed to the packaging area through the outlet point."

•Turkish definition: "çıkış noktası"

•Translated sentence: "Bitmiş ürünler, taşıma bandı ile paketleme alanına çıkış noktasından iletilir."

Read the text below and answer the questions (B1 level)

Enhancing Efficiency and Safety in Chemical Processes through Advanced Monitoring and Control Systems

Introduction: Chemical processes are integral to numerous industries, ranging from pharmaceuticals to petrochemicals, where they facilitate the production of essential materials and products. Ensuring the smooth operation of these processes requires meticulous monitoring and control of various parameters to optimize efficiency, maintain safety, and uphold product quality.

Pressure Measurement and Control: Within chemical reactors and vessels, pressure plays a critical role in regulating the progress of reactions and ensuring the integrity of equipment. Engineers employ sophisticated pressure measurement devices such as pressure transmitters and manometers to accurately gauge pressure levels. Additionally, safety valves are strategically installed to prevent overpressure situations, safeguarding against equipment damage and potential hazards to personnel.

Temperature Monitoring and Regulation: Temperature management is paramount in controlling chemical reactions, particularly exothermic processes that generate heat. Advanced temperature sensors and controllers are employed to maintain precise temperature conditions within reaction vessels. By closely monitoring temperature variations, engineers can adjust reaction parameters to optimize yields, minimize byproducts, and ensure the consistency of end products.

Flow Measurement and Optimization: In chemical manufacturing, precise control of fluid flow rates is essential for maintaining process efficiency and product quality. Flow meters, ranging from electromagnetic to ultrasonic types, are utilized to accurately measure the volume or mass flow of liquids and gases. This data is then utilized to regulate flow rates, ensuring optimal throughput while minimizing energy consumption and material wastage.

Level Monitoring and Preventive Maintenance: Proper management of liquid levels within storage tanks and reactors is crucial for preventing overflow incidents and ensuring uninterrupted operations. Level sensors, including ultrasonic, radar, and capacitance probes, are employed to continuously monitor fluid levels. By integrating these sensors with automated control systems, engineers can implement preventive measures, such as activating pumps or valves, to maintain optimal levels and prevent costly downtime.

Utilization of Process Recorders: Modern chemical processes rely on advanced process recorders to capture, store, and analyze real-time data regarding process parameters. These recorders, equipped with sophisticated data logging and analysis capabilities, enable engineers to identify trends, detect anomalies, and optimize process conditions. By leveraging historical data and predictive analytics, operators can make informed decisions to enhance process efficiency, minimize downtime, and ensure regulatory compliance.

Conclusion: In conclusion, the effective monitoring and control of chemical processes are essential for achieving operational excellence, product quality, and safety. Through the integration of advanced instrumentation, automation, and data analytics, engineers can optimize process performance, reduce resource consumption, and mitigate risks associated with chemical manufacturing. By continually innovating monitoring and control systems, industries can drive towards greater sustainability, productivity, and competitiveness in today's dynamic market landscape.

1. What devices are commonly used for pressure measurement in chemical reactors? A) Pressure transmitters B) Safety valves C) Flow meters D) Temperature sensors

2.What is the main function of safety valves in chemical processes?

A) To measure pressure levels B) To regulate temperature

C) To prevent overpressure incidents D) To control flow rates

3.What role do flow meters play in chemical manufacturing?

A) Monitoring pressure levels B) Regulating temperature

C) Analyzing process data D) Measuring fluid flow rates

4.How do engineers utilize level sensors in chemical processes?

A) To control reaction parameters B) To prevent overflow incidents

C) To regulate flow rates D) To monitor pressure levels

5.What is the purpose of process recorders in modern chemical processes?

A) To analyze real-time data B) To control flow rates C) To measure temperature D) To activate safety valves

6.How do process recorders contribute to process optimization?

A) By regulating pressure levels B) By analyzing historical data

C) By monitoring flow rates D) By controlling temperature

7.What benefits do automated control systems offer in chemical manufacturing?

A) Minimizing resource consumption B) Maximizing energy consumption

C) Increasing material wastage D) Reducing process efficiency

8.What is the ultimate goal of monitoring and control systems in chemical processes?

A) To increase hazards to personnel B) To ensure equipment damage

C) To achieve operational excellence D) To mitigate regulatory compliance

Answers and explanations:

1.A) Pressure transmitters Explanation: Pressure transmitters are commonly used devices for pressure measurement in chemical reactors, providing accurate readings of pressure levels.

2.C) To prevent overpressure incidents Explanation: Safety valves are installed in chemical processes to automatically release excess pressure and prevent overpressure incidents, ensuring equipment and personnel safety.

3.D) Measuring fluid flow rates Explanation: Flow meters are utilized in chemical manufacturing to accurately measure the flow rates of fluids, helping to regulate processes and ensure efficient production.

4.B) To prevent overflow incidents Explanation: Level sensors are used to continuously monitor fluid levels in storage tanks and reactors to prevent overflow incidents and ensure uninterrupted operations.

5.A) To analyze real-time data Explanation: Process recorders are used to capture and analyze real-time data regarding process parameters, allowing engineers to identify trends, detect anomalies, and optimize process conditions.

6.B) By analyzing historical data Explanation: Process recorders contribute to process optimization by capturing and analyzing historical data, enabling engineers to identify areas for improvement and optimize process parameters.

7.A) Minimizing resource consumption Explanation: Automated control systems help minimize resource consumption in chemical manufacturing by regulating processes more efficiently and reducing wastage.

8.C) To achieve operational excellence Explanation: The ultimate goal of monitoring and control systems in chemical processes is to achieve operational excellence by optimizing efficiency, ensuring safety, and maintaining product quality.

Read the text below and answer the questions

Optimizing Production Efficiency at the Widget Manufacturing Facility

The Widget Manufacturing Facility (WMF) is a renowned producer of reliable gadgets. To further enhance their production efficiency and maintain their industry-leading position, WMF is implementing a data-driven approach focused on continuous monitoring and analysis of key production line parameters.

Temperature Control: A Critical Process Parameter

Temperature fluctuations can significantly impact widget quality. WMF strategically deploys a network of temperature sensors along the assembly line, capturing data at one-minute intervals. This real-time data is then translated into visual representations (plots) that allow engineers to identify any anomalies. By maintaining an "optimum" and consistent temperature throughout the process, WMF ensures the consistent production of high-quality widgets.

Ensuring Smooth Material Flow and Identifying Bottlenecks

Production bottlenecks can significantly hinder overall output. To prevent such occurrences, flow meters are meticulously positioned at various entry and exit points on the conveyor belt. These accurate devices continuously measure the flow rate of materials, enabling WMF to maintain a smooth and steady movement of parts. Additionally, WMF monitors the "cumulative figure" of widgets produced. This data, along with the flow rate information, is used to calculate the overall production rate. Furthermore, "differential pressure measurements" are utilized to compare pressure readings at different sections of the conveyor belt. This allows for the identification of potential trouble spots where materials might be experiencing flow restrictions.

Leveraging Data for Process Optimization

WMF transcends simple data collection by employing process recorders to capture real-time pressure, temperature, and flow rate readings. This wealth of information is then meticulously analyzed by engineers. For example, if the analysis reveals a discrepancy between the anticipated and actual rate of raw material consumption, it might indicate inefficiencies in a specific stage. By identifying such deviations, WMF can take corrective actions and streamline the process, achieving significant efficiency gains.

Safety: A Core Priority

Safety remains paramount at WMF. Similar to a pressure cooker's safety valve, the facility employs safety valves throughout their system. These valves act as automatic pressure relief mechanisms, discharging excess pressure if it surpasses safe limits. Regular maintenance is conducted to ensure the flawless operation of all equipment, including these vital safety valves.

The Road to Continued Success

WMF's commitment to continuous improvement goes beyond the current initiatives. They are actively exploring new technologies and methodologies to further refine their production line. These explorations include the implementation of predictive maintenance. This technology leverages sensors to detect potential equipment malfunctions before they occur, allowing for preventative maintenance and minimizing downtime. Additionally, WMF is considering automation through the use of robots or programmable machines to handle repetitive tasks. This would free up human workers for more complex activities and further optimize production processes.

By embracing a data-driven approach, prioritizing safety, and exploring innovative solutions, WMF is not just manufacturing widgets; they are crafting a blueprint for a future of optimized production. This commitment ensures WMF remains at the forefront of their industry, delivering consistently high-quality and reliable widgets.


1. What is the main goal of the Widget Manufacturing Facility's (WMF) new approach to production?

a) Reduce the cost of raw materials b) Increase production efficiency and maintain quality

c) Develop entirely new types of widgets d) Automate the entire workforce

2. How does WMF monitor temperature throughout the production line?

a) Manual inspections by engineers b) A network of temperature sensors collecting data

c) Visual checks on finished widgets d) Relying on worker feedback

3. What does WMF use "flow meters" for?

a) Measuring the temperature of materials b) Identifying potential safety hazards

c) Counting the total number of widgets produced d) Monitoring the rate of material movement

4. The term "cumulative figure" refers to:

a) The average temperature across the production line b) The highest pressure reading recorded

c) The total number of widgets produced over time d) The specific type of widget being manufactured

5. How does WMF analyze data from process recorders?

a) Discarding any information that seems irrelevant b) Manually reviewing each data point

c) Utilizing engineers to identify trends and inefficiencies d) Releasing the data publicly for competitor analysis

6. What is the primary function of a safety valve in the WMF system?

a) Automatically releasing excess pressure to prevent accidents b) Controlling the flow rate of materials

c) Monitoring the temperature of specific components d) Signalling when maintenance is needed

7. What is an example of how WMF might use data to improve efficiency?

a) Ignoring any discrepancies between expected and actual material usage

b) Discontinuing the use of process recorders

c) Focusing production solely on the most popular widget model

d) Investigating and addressing higher-than-expected raw material consumption

8. What is the main advantage of using automation in the production process (according to the passage)?

a) Freeing up workers for more complex tasks b) Reduced need for human workers

c) Lower production costs d) Eliminating the possibility of human error entirely

Answers and explanations:

1.b) Increase production efficiency and maintain quality

The passage highlights WMF's focus on monitoring and analyzing data throughout the production line to improve efficiency while ensuring consistent widget quality.

2.b) A network of temperature sensors collecting data

The text specifically mentions the use of strategically placed temperature sensors that capture data at regular intervals.

3.d) Monitoring the rate of material movement

Flow meters are instruments designed to measure the flow rate of fluids or gases, crucial for ensuring a smooth flow of materials on the conveyor belt.

4.c) The total number of widgets produced over time

"Cumulative figure" refers to the total amount accumulated over a period, and in this context, it signifies the total number of widgets manufactured.

5.c) Utilizing engineers to identify trends and inefficiencies

The passage states that WMF employs engineers to analyze data from process recorders, aiming to pinpoint areas for improvement in the production process.

6.a) Automatically releasing excess pressure to prevent accidents

Safety valves function as a safety measure, automatically releasing pressure if it exceeds a safe limit, similar to a pressure cooker's safety valve.

7.d) Investigating and addressing higher-than-expected raw material consumption

The example emphasizes WMF's use of data analysis to identify potential inefficiencies, such as a discrepancy between expected and actual material usage.

8.a) Freeing up workers for more complex tasks

While automation might reduce the need for certain repetitive tasks, the passage suggests it would allow workers to focus on more complex activities.

Read the paragraph below and fill in the blanks with the most appropriate words below.

a. output b. timescales c. optimum d. differential e. cumulative

Throughout a chemical reaction cycle, engineers closely monitor various parameters to ensure an 1…………… process. The raw materials fed into the system (input) are carefully measured to achieve the desired product 2…………….. . Sensors track the reaction's progress by recording the 3………………. pressure at various stages. This allows for the identification of any deviations from the ideal pressure profile. Additionally, the system monitors the 4…………….. consumption of reactants over time, ensuring they are not depleted prematurely. The rate of the reaction, influenced by factors like temperature and catalyst concentration, is also crucial. By analyzing these parameters at a high frequency and across different 5……………………, engineers can fine-tune the process for maximum efficiency and yield.

Answer key: 1. c / optimum 2. a / output 3. d / differential 4. e / cumulative 5. b / timescales

12 Mart 2024 Salı

Revision Exercises For Leng 102 Freshman English -9 (UNIT 8.Pgs:(62-63)


Unit 8 – Monitoring and control

Vocabulary pp 62-63 – Describing automated systems

The definitions and sample sentences:

1. Automate (v)

•English Definition: To use machines, computers, or technology to do a job that was previously done by people.

•Turkish Meaning: İnsanlar tarafından yapılan bir işi makine, bilgisayar veya teknoloji kullanarak yapmak.

•Sample Sentence: Engineers automate the production line to increase efficiency.

•Turkish Translation of the Sentence: Mühendisler, verimliliği artırmak için üretim hattını otomatikleştirir.

2. Automation (n)

•English Definition: The use of machines, computers, or technology to control a process.

•Turkish Meaning: Bir süreci kontrol etmek için makine, bilgisayar veya teknolojinin kullanılması.

•Sample Sentence: Automation in the factory has reduced the need for manual labor.

•Turkish Translation of the Sentence: Fabrikadaki otomasyon, manuel iş gücü ihtiyacını azalttı.

3. Automated (adj)

•English Definition: Controlled by machines, computers, or technology rather than by people.

•Turkish Meaning: İnsanlar yerine makine, bilgisayar veya teknoloji tarafından kontrol edilen.

•Sample Sentence: The automated system manages the entire process without human intervention.

•Turkish Translation of the Sentence: Otomatik sistem, insan müdahalesi olmadan tüm süreci yönetir.

4. Autonomous (adj)

•English Definition: Able to operate independently without direct human control.

•Turkish Meaning: Doğrudan insan kontrolü olmadan bağımsız bir şekilde çalışabilen.

•Sample Sentence: The autonomous robot can navigate through the factory on its own.

•Turkish Translation of the Sentence: Otonom robot, fabrikada kendi başına hareket edebilir.

5. Autonomously (adv)

•English Definition: In a way that allows operation or decision-making without human control.

•Turkish Meaning: İnsan kontrolü olmadan işlem yapma veya karar verme yetkisiyle.

•Sample Sentence: The vehicle operates autonomously, making its own decisions on the road.

•Turkish Translation of the Sentence: Araç, yolda kendi kararlarını alarak bağımsız bir şekilde çalışır.

6. Manual (adj)

•English Definition: Operated by people rather than by a machine or computer.

•Turkish Meaning: Makine veya bilgisayar yerine insanlar tarafından işletilen.

•Sample Sentence: Manual tools are still essential in certain engineering tasks.

•Turkish Translation of the Sentence: Manuel araçlar, bazı mühendislik görevlerinde hala önemlidir.

7. Centralised (adj)

•English Definition: Controlled from a single, central point.

•Turkish Meaning: Tek, merkezi bir noktadan kontrol edilen.

•Sample Sentence: The centralised heating system is more efficient for large buildings.

•Turkish Translation of the Sentence: Merkezi ısıtma sistemi, büyük binalar için daha verimlidir.

8. Green-oriented (adj)

•English Definition: Focused on or prioritizing environmental sustainability.

•Turkish Meaning: Çevresel sürdürülebilirliğe odaklanan veya onu önceliklendiren.

•Sample Sentence: Green-oriented designs are becoming more popular in engineering.

•Turkish Translation of the Sentence: Çevreye duyarlı tasarımlar mühendislikte daha popüler hale geliyor.

9. Solar Radiation (n)

•English Definition: The heat and light that come from the sun.

•Turkish Meaning: Güneşten gelen ısı ve ışık.

•Sample Sentence: Solar radiation is a key factor in designing solar panels.

•Turkish Translation of the Sentence: Güneş ışınımı, güneş panelleri tasarlarken ana faktördür.

10. Parameter (n)

•English Definition: A set of measurable factors that define a system or set its conditions.

•Turkish Meaning: Bir sistemi tanımlayan veya koşullarını belirleyen ölçülebilir faktörler seti.

•Sample Sentence: Engineers adjust the parameters to optimize the machine's performance.

•Turkish Translation of the Sentence: Mühendisler, makinenin performansını optimize etmek için parametreleri ayarlar.

11. Pick up (v)

•English Definition: To detect or receive a signal or information.

•Turkish Meaning: Bir sinyali veya bilgiyi algılamak veya almak.

•Sample Sentence: The sensor can pick up even the slightest changes in temperature.

•Turkish Translation of the Sentence: Sensör, en küçük sıcaklık değişikliklerini bile algılayabilir.

12. Trigger (v)

•English Definition: To cause a process or action to start.

•Turkish Meaning: Bir süreci veya eylemi başlatmak.

•Sample Sentence: The alarm system is triggered by any unauthorized entry.

•Turkish Translation of the Sentence: Alarm sistemi, herhangi bir yetkisiz girişle tetiklenir.

13. Convector (n)

•English Definition: A device that is designed to circulate and distribute heat in a room.

•Turkish Meaning: Bir odadaki ısıyı dolaştırmak ve dağıtmak için tasarlanmış cihaz.

•Sample Sentence: The convector efficiently spreads warmth throughout the space.

•Turkish Translation of the Sentence: Konvektör, ısıyı alana etkili bir şekilde yayıyor.

14. Convection (n)

•English Definition: The movement of heat through a fluid (liquid or gas) caused by molecular motion.

•Turkish Meaning: Moleküler hareket nedeniyle bir sıvı (sıvı veya gaz) içinde ısının hareketi.

•Sample Sentence: Convection plays a crucial role in the earth's atmospheric phenomena.

•Turkish Translation of the Sentence: Konveksiyon, dünyanın atmosferik olaylarında hayati bir rol oynar.

15. Assumption (n)

•English Definition: Something that is accepted as true without proof.

•Turkish Meaning: Kanıt olmadan doğru kabul edilen bir şey.

•Sample Sentence: Engineers often make assumptions to simplify complex calculations.

•Turkish Translation of the Sentence: Mühendisler, karmaşık hesaplamaları basitleştirmek için sık sık varsayımlarda bulunurlar.

16. Practicality (n)

•English Definition: The quality of being useful in real situations.

•Turkish Meaning: Gerçek durumlarda kullanışlı olma özelliği.

•Sample Sentence: The practicality of the design is its biggest advantage.

•Turkish Translation of the Sentence: Tasarımın kullanışlılığı en büyük avantajıdır.

17. Old-fashioned (adj)

•English Definition: Not modern; out of date.

•Turkish Meaning: Modern olmayan; modası geçmiş.

•Sample Sentence: Some old-fashioned techniques are still valuable in today's engineering.

•Turkish Translation of the Sentence: Bazı modası geçmiş teknikler, günümüz mühendisliğinde hala değerlidir.

18. Hi-tech gadget (n)

•English Definition: A modern, advanced technological device.

•Turkish Meaning: Modern, ileri teknolojiye sahip bir cihaz.

•Sample Sentence: Engineers are always looking for the latest hi-tech gadgets to improve their work.

•Turkish Translation of the Sentence: Mühendisler, işlerini geliştirmek için her zaman en yeni yüksek teknolojili cihazları ararlar.

Read the text below and answer the questions (B1 level)

The Evolution of Automation in Engineering

In the realm of engineering, the journey from manual labor to automation has been transformative, paving the way for innovations that were once considered the stuff of science fiction. This evolution has not only reshaped industries but also the very fabric of modern society. Let's explore how automation has become an integral part of the engineering world, and how it continues to shape the future.

Long ago, engineering tasks were predominantly manual, requiring physical labor and the use of simple tools. Workers spent hours on repetitive tasks, with efficiency and productivity limited by human endurance and precision. However, the introduction of machines marked the first step toward automation, a movement that would eventually lead to the autonomous systems we see today.

Automation, the process of using technology to perform tasks without human intervention, began with simple machines and has advanced to complex computer algorithms and robotics. Early automated systems were basic and often required some form of manual oversight. Yet, as technology progressed, these systems became increasingly sophisticated, capable of performing complex tasks with remarkable accuracy and speed.

The advent of automated machinery revolutionized industries, allowing for the mass production of goods at unprecedented rates. This shift not only boosted productivity but also reduced the cost of products, making them more accessible to the general public. Furthermore, automation improved workplace safety by taking over dangerous tasks previously performed by humans.

In recent years, the concept of autonomy has taken automation a step further. Autonomous vehicles and drones, for example, can operate independently, navigating and making decisions without human guidance. This level of independence is made possible by advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning, allowing machines to learn from data and improve over time.

However, the transition to automation and autonomy has not been without challenges. Concerns over job displacement and the ethical implications of autonomous decision-making have sparked debates. Despite these concerns, the potential benefits of automation in engineering—increased efficiency, safety, and innovation—continue to drive its development.

Centralised control systems have become a backbone of modern automation, enabling the management of complex operations from a single location. This approach ensures consistency, reduces errors, and simplifies the coordination of multifaceted processes.

In parallel, the rise of green-oriented engineering practices reflects a growing recognition of the importance of sustainability. Automated systems are increasingly designed with environmental impact in mind, optimizing energy use and reducing waste. For instance, the use of solar radiation as a clean energy source has been boosted by automated technologies that maximize efficiency and output.

The future of engineering lies in the balance between advancing automation and addressing the ethical, social, and environmental concerns it brings. As engineers continue to push the boundaries of what's possible, they must also consider the broader implications of their work, ensuring that the march of progress benefits society as a whole.

In conclusion, the evolution of automation in engineering is a testament to human ingenuity and the relentless pursuit of improvement. As we stand on the brink of a future where automation extends into every corner of our lives, it's clear that the journey of innovation is far from over. The next chapters of this story will undoubtedly be as fascinating as those that have come before, shaped by the dreams and dedication of engineers around the world.

1.What has automation primarily changed in the realm of engineering?

A) The need for physical labor B) The speed of production

C) The reliance on simple tools D) All of the above

2.Early automated systems were characterized by:

A) The ability to operate without any human oversight

B) The requirement for some form of manual oversight

C) The use of artificial intelligence

D) Their ability to learn and improve over time

3.Autonomous vehicles and drones are capable of:

A) Operating with constant human guidance B) Performing simple tasks only

C) Operating independently without human guidance D) Functioning without any form of technology

4.What advancements have enabled the autonomy of machines?

A) Artificial intelligence and machine learning B) Basic machine algorithms

C) Manual oversight D) Simple mechanical parts

5.Centralised control systems in automation are important for:

A) Increasing errors B) Reducing consistency

C) Ensuring consistency and reducing errors D) Complicating the coordination of processes

6.Green-oriented engineering practices prioritize:

A) Maximizing energy use B) Environmental sustainability

C) Increasing product costs D) Reducing automation

7.What is a major challenge facing the future of automation in engineering?

A) Stopping the advancement of technology

B) Ignoring ethical, social, and environmental concerns

C) Decreasing innovation

D) Addressing ethical, social, and environmental concerns

8.What ensures the march of progress in automation benefits society as a whole?

A) Considering the broader implications of engineering work

B) Focusing solely on technological advancement

C) Increasing the complexity of automated systems

D) Reducing the use of autonomous systems

Answers and Explanations:

1.Correct Answer: D) All of the above

•Explanation: Automation has significantly changed the engineering realm by reducing the need for physical labor, speeding up production processes, and diminishing the reliance on simple manual tools. The text discusses how automation transitioned tasks from being manually intensive to being efficiently executed by machines or technology.

2.Correct Answer: B) The requirement for some form of manual oversight

•Explanation: Early automated systems, while innovative, often required manual oversight to ensure proper operation. This is in contrast to later developments in automation that enable systems to operate with minimal or no human intervention.

3.Correct Answer: C) Operating independently without human guidance

•Explanation: The text highlights the capabilities of autonomous vehicles and drones to operate independently, navigating and making decisions without the need for human input, showcasing a major advancement in automation technology.

4.Correct Answer: A) Artificial intelligence and machine learning

•Explanation: Advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are the key technologies enabling machines to operate autonomously. These technologies allow machines to learn from data and improve their performance over time without direct human intervention.

5.Correct Answer: C) Ensuring consistency and reducing errors

•Explanation: Centralized control systems are crucial in modern automation because they allow for the management of complex operations from a single point. This approach ensures consistency across the process and minimizes errors, leading to more efficient and reliable operations.

6.Correct Answer: B) Environmental sustainability

•Explanation: The text mentions the rise of green-oriented engineering practices, which prioritize environmental sustainability. These practices aim to minimize the environmental impact of engineering projects and operations, focusing on sustainability.

7.Correct Answer: D) Addressing ethical, social, and environmental concerns

•Explanation: The future of automation in engineering is challenged by the need to address various concerns, including ethical, social, and environmental issues. The text emphasizes the importance of considering these broader implications to ensure that technological advancements benefit society as a whole.

8.Correct Answer: A) Considering the broader implications of engineering work

•Explanation: Ensuring that the progress in automation benefits society requires engineers to consider the broader implications of their work. This includes thinking about how technological advancements impact not just efficiency and productivity but also ethical, social, and environmental factors.

Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate word from the options given:

1. To increase efficiency, the company decided to _______ the entire production process.

A) manual B) automate C) assumption D) trigger

2. The development of _______ technology allows vehicles to operate without human drivers.

A) efficient B) manual C) autonomous D) old-fashioned

3. Our new _______ system can adjust the indoor temperature by circulating warm air.

A) convector B) parameter C) solar radiation D) practicality

4. The engineering team focuses on _______ solutions to minimize environmental impact.

A) centralised B) green-oriented C) old-fashioned D) automated


5. To start the machine, you need to _______ the switch located on the back panel.

A) pick up B) automate C) trigger D) assume

6. The project's _______ was questioned, as there were doubts about its effectiveness in real-world applications.

A) assumption B) practicality C) automation D) convection

7. Despite advancements in technology, some engineers still prefer _______ tools for certain precision tasks.

A) automated B) autonomous C) old-fashioned D) manual

8. The team decided to implement a more _______ approach to control all the subsystems from a single location.

A) autonomous B) manual C) centralised D) green-oriented

9. In our latest project, we are utilizing a _______ to efficiently convert solar energy into electricity.

A) hi-tech gadget B) solar radiation C) parameter D) convector

Answer key: 1. b 2. c 3. a 4. b 5. c 6. b 7. d 8. c 9. a

Read the paragraph and fill in the blanks with the correct words below.

a. trigger b. measurement c. sense d. regulate e. detector

In the world of engineering, precise 1)……………………. is fundamental to ensuring the accuracy and reliability of various systems. A 2)……………………. plays a crucial role in this context, as it is designed to 3)…………………. changes in the environment or within a system itself. Once a change is picked up, the system can then 4)……………….. an appropriate response, whether it's to alert users or to 5)………………….. the system's operation. This process ensures that everything from manufacturing processes to climate control systems operates smoothly, maintaining optimal conditions and safeguarding against potential issues. By integrating these key components, engineers can create sophisticated systems capable of adapting to and managing complex scenarios.

Answer key: 1. b 2. e 3. c 4. a 5. d

10 Mart 2024 Pazar

Revision Exercise For Leng 102 Freshman English-8 (Unit 7.Pgs:60-61)


Unit 7 – Procedures and precautions

Vocabulary pp 60-61 – Working with written instructions and notices

The definitions and sample sentences:

1. Sheet metal (n)

Definition: A thin, flat piece of metal made by an industrial process. It is used in many different applications, including car bodies, airplane wings, medical tables, and machinery.

Turkish: Sac metal

Sample sentence: "The mechanic used a piece of sheet metal to repair the damaged car door."

Turkish translation of the sentence: "Tamirci, hasar görmüş araba kapısını onarmak için bir parça sac metal kullandı."

2. Precision weighing device (n)

Definition: A tool designed to measure weight very accurately. It's often used in laboratories and industries where exact weight measurements are critical.

Turkish: Hassas tartı cihazı

Sample sentence: "The chemist used a precision weighing device to measure the chemicals accurately."

Turkish translation of the sentence: "Kimyager, kimyasalları doğru bir şekilde ölçmek için hassas bir tartı cihazı kullandı."

3. User-serviceable (adj)

Definition: Describes parts of a machine or device that can be repaired or serviced by the user without professional help.

Turkish: Kullanıcı tarafından bakımı yapılabilecek

Sample sentence: "The manual indicates which parts of the computer are user-serviceable."

Turkish translation of the sentence: "Kılavuz, bilgisayarın hangi parçalarının kullanıcı tarafından bakımının yapılabileceğini gösterir."

4. Invalidate (v)

Definition: To make something no longer valid or acceptable, often used in legal, technical, or engineering contexts.

Turkish: Geçersiz kılmak

Sample sentence: "The engineer found a critical error that could invalidate the entire experiment."

Turkish translation of the sentence: "Mühendis, tüm deneyi geçersiz kılabilecek kritik bir hata buldu."

5. Load-bearing (adj)

Definition: Describes a structure or component that supports weight and holds up other parts of a construction.

Turkish: Yük taşıyan


Sample sentence: "The load-bearing walls are essential for the building's stability."

Turkish translation of the sentence: "Yük taşıyan duvarlar, binanın istikrarı için hayati öneme sahiptir."

6. Control lever (n)

Definition: A handle or bar used to control a machine or mechanism.

Turkish: Kontrol kolu

Sample sentence: "He pulled the control lever to start the engine."

Turkish translation of the sentence: "Motoru başlatmak için kontrol kolunu çekti."

7. Off-cuts (n)

Definition: Pieces of material, such as wood or metal, that are left over after the main part has been cut or shaped.

Turkish: Artık parçalar

Sample sentence: "We can use the off-cuts for smaller projects instead of wasting them."

Turkish translation of the sentence: "Onları israf etmek yerine artık parçaları daha küçük projeler için kullanabiliriz."

8. Air inlet (n)

Definition: An opening or duct through which air enters a machine or system, especially for cooling or ventilation purposes.

Turkish: Hava girişi

Sample sentence: "The air inlet must be clear of obstructions to ensure proper ventilation."

Turkish translation of the sentence: "Düzgün havalandırma sağlamak için hava girişinin tıkanıklıklardan arınmış olması gerekir."

9. Inlet grille (n)

Definition: A protective grid or cover over an air inlet that prevents debris from entering while allowing air to flow through.

Turkish: Giriş ızgarası

Sample sentence: "The inlet grille needs cleaning to remove the accumulated dust."

Turkish translation of the sentence: "Biriken tozu temizlemek için giriş ızgarasının temizlenmesi gerekiyor."

10. Obstruction (n)

Definition: Something that blocks or gets in the way, preventing movement or the normal functioning of a process or system.

Turkish: Tıkanıklık

Sample sentence: "The technician removed the obstruction from the pipe to restore water flow."

Turkish translation of the sentence: "Tekniker, su akışını yeniden sağlamak için borudaki tıkanıklığı çıkardı."

11. Blower (n)


Definition: A machine or device that moves air or gas by forcing it forward, used for cooling, ventilation, or moving particles.

Turkish: Üfleyici

Sample sentence: "The blower helps distribute heat throughout the building during winter."

Turkish translation of the sentence: "Üfleyici, kış boyunca binanın her yerine ısı dağıtılmasına yardımcı olur."

12. Precision-engineered (adj)

Definition: Describes products or components designed and manufactured with very high accuracy and quality.

Turkish: Hassas mühendislikle üretilmiş

Sample sentence: "Precision-engineered parts are crucial for the aerospace industry."

Turkish translation of the sentence: "Hassas mühendislikle üretilmiş parçalar, havacılık endüstrisi için hayati önem taşır."

13. Revolve (v)

Definition: To move in a circle around a central point or axis.

Turkish: Dönmek

Sample sentence: "The gears revolve smoothly to transfer the engine's power."

Turkish translation of the sentence: "Dişliler, motorun gücünü aktarmak için sorunsuz bir şekilde döner."

14. Susceptible (adj)

Definition: Likely to be influenced or harmed by a particular thing.

Turkish: Hassas, duyarlı

Sample sentence: "Electronic components are susceptible to damage from static electricity."

Turkish translation of the sentence: "Elektronik bileşenler, statik elektrikten zarar görmeye duyarlıdır."

15. Vent (n)

Definition: An opening that allows air, gas, or liquid to pass out of or into a confined space.

Turkish: Havalandırma deliği

Sample sentence: "The vent in the room allows for fresh air to circulate."

Turkish translation of the sentence: "Odadaki havalandırma deliği, taze havanın dolaşımına izin verir."

16. External vent (n)

Definition: A vent located on the outside of a building or structure, allowing for air exchange with the exterior environment.

Turkish: Dış havalandırma deliği

Sample sentence: "The external vent needs to be clear to prevent moisture buildup inside."

Turkish translation of the sentence: "İçeride nem birikimini önlemek için dış havalandırma deliğinin açık olması gerekiyor."


17. Air-intake duct (n)

Definition: A passage or tube designed to direct incoming air to a specific part of a machine, such as an engine.

Turkish: Hava alım kanalı

Sample sentence: "The air-intake duct ensures that the engine receives enough air for combustion."

Turkish translation of the sentence: "Hava alım kanalı, motorun yanma için yeterli havayı almasını sağlar."

18. Spring (n)

Definition: An elastic device, typically made of metal, that can be pressed or pulled but returns to its original shape when released.

Turkish: Yay

Sample sentence: "The spring absorbs the shock when the car goes over a bump."

Turkish translation of the sentence: "Araba bir tümseğin üzerinden geçtiğinde, yay şoku emer."

19. Spring mechanism (n)

Definition: A system that uses one or more springs to function, often found in machines, tools, or devices to provide force or absorb shock.

Turkish: Yay mekanizması

Sample sentence: "The clock uses a spring mechanism to keep time accurately."

Turkish translation of the sentence: "Saat, zamanı doğru bir şekilde tutmak için bir yay mekanizması kullanır."

20. Strain (v)

Definition: To apply pressure or force to something, often causing it to stretch or deform.

Turkish: Zorlamak, gerilmek

Sample sentence: "The bridge will strain under the weight of heavy traffic."

Turkish translation of the sentence: "Köprü, ağır trafik yükünün altında gerilecek."

Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks in the sentences below with the best options.

1. The bridge is built on strong ________ structures that can hold the weight of cars and trucks.

(a) sheet metal (b) load-bearing (c) control lever

2. We need a ________ to measure the exact amount of gold for the jewelry.

(a) sheet metal (b) precision weighing device (c) user-serviceable

3. The ________ on the vacuum cleaner broke, but luckily it's ________ so we can fix it ourselves.

(a) control lever, user-serviceable (b) spring mechanism, load-bearing (c) off-cuts, precision-engineered

4. A missing screw could ________ the entire assembly process.

(a) obstruct (b) revolve (c) invalidate

5. The ________ of the engine is blocked by leaves, which is causing the car to overheat.

(a) inlet (b) blower (c) control lever


6. The thin metal plates used to create the car's body are called ________.

(a) air-intake duct (b) off-cuts (c) sheet metal

7. The metal ________ from the project can be recycled for future use.

(a) spring (b) off-cuts (c) external vent

8. The ________ on the air conditioner prevents dust from entering the system.

(a) inlet grille (b) blower (c) spring mechanism

9. The Earth ________ around the Sun once a year.

(a) suspends (b) obstructs (c) revolves

10. This type of paint is very ________ to scratches and fading.

(a) susceptible (b) precision-engineered (c) user-serviceable

Answer key:

1. The bridge is built on strong (b) load-bearing structures that can hold the weight of cars and trucks.

2. We need a (b) precision weighing device to measure the exact amount of gold for the jewelry.

3. The (a) control lever on the vacuum cleaner broke, but luckily it's (a) user-serviceable so we can fix it ourselves.

4. A missing screw could (c) invalidate the entire assembly process.

5. The (a) inlet of the engine is blocked by leaves, which is causing the car to overheat.

6. The thin metal plates used to create the car's body are called (c) sheet metal.

7. The metal (b) off-cuts from the project can be recycled for future use.

8. The (a) inlet grille on the air conditioner prevents dust from entering the system.

9. The Earth (c) revolves around the Sun once a year.

10. This type of paint is very (a) susceptible to scratches and fading.

Exercise 2: Read the text below and mark the statements as True or False (B1 level)

In a modern engineering workshop, a technician works diligently with various tools and components. He starts by selecting a piece of sheet metal, cutting it precisely to size for his project. Using a precision weighing device, he ensures that each part of his design has the exact weight required for balance and functionality. He checks the user-serviceable parts of his machinery to ensure everything is in order, occasionally having to invalidate parts that no longer meet the project's strict standards. The structure he's working on includes several load-bearing elements, ensuring stability and strength.

He adjusts the control lever to test the motion of the assembly, carefully placing off-cuts to the side for recycling. He examines the air inlet to ensure it's clear of any obstruction, occasionally cleaning the inlet grille to maintain optimal airflow. A powerful blower circulates air through the system, its components precision-engineered to work flawlessly together. The parts revolve smoothly, demonstrating their quality and the care taken in their selection and installation.

He is always cautious, knowing how susceptible the electronic components are to damage from static electricity. To prevent overheating, he installs a vent and an external vent, ensuring fresh air circulates through the system. An air-intake duct feeds the engine, crucial for its operation. The device incorporates a spring and a spring mechanism to absorb shocks and maintain tension, crucial for its functionality. Despite the strain this project places on him, the


technician takes pride in his work, knowing that his dedication and attention to detail will result in a high-quality, reliable engineering solution.


The technician uses a precision weighing device to ensure each part of the design has the exact weight needed.


The technician uses off-cuts as the main material for the load-bearing elements.


The project includes several load-bearing elements to ensure stability and strength.


The control lever is used to stop the motion of the assembly instead of testing it.


An air inlet is examined to ensure it's clear of any obstructions.


The air inlet grille is permanently sealed to prevent air from entering the system.


A blower circulates air through the system, with its components being precision-engineered to work together smoothly.


The device incorporates a spring mechanism to absorb shocks and maintain tension.


Electronic components are resistant and not susceptible to damage from static electricity.


The external vent restricts air from circulating through the system, causing overheating.

Answers and explanations:


True. The text mentions that the technician uses a precision weighing device to make sure every part of his design meets the required weight, highlighting the importance of accuracy in engineering projects.


False. Off-cuts are mentioned as being set aside for recycling, not as the main material for load-bearing elements. This highlights the practice of material efficiency and recycling in engineering workshops.


True. The inclusion of load-bearing elements in the project is mentioned as essential for providing stability and strength to the structure, demonstrating basic engineering principles.


False. The control lever is used to test the motion of the assembly, not to stop it. This demonstrates the use of controls in testing and adjusting machinery for proper operation.


True. The technician's examination of the air inlet to ensure it's free from obstructions shows the importance of maintaining clear airflow for optimal operation of machinery.


False. The air inlet grille needs to be cleaned for maintaining airflow, not sealed. This underlines the importance of regular maintenance to ensure systems work efficiently.


True. The mention of a blower circulating air and the components being precision-engineered to work flawlessly together emphasizes the care taken in selecting and installing parts for efficient system function.


True. The device's incorporation of a spring mechanism for shock absorption and tension maintenance is highlighted, showing how mechanical elements are used to enhance the durability and functionality of engineering designs.


False. Electronic components being susceptible to static electricity damage is stated, emphasizing the need for careful handling to prevent damage and ensure the longevity of electronic systems.


False. The external vent is installed to ensure fresh air circulates, preventing overheating, not to restrict air flow. This clarifies the role of ventilation systems in maintaining optimal operating temperatures and preventing damage.