Unit 9 – Theory and practice
Vocabulary pp 76-77 – Discussing causes and effects
The definitions and sample sentences:
1.overheat (v): To become excessively hot.
•Sample Sentence: The laptop overheated after running intensive software for several hours.
•Turkish Definition: Aşırı derecede ısınmak.
•Turkish Translation: Dizüstü bilgisayar, birkaç saat boyunca yoğun yazılım çalıştıktan sonra aşırı derecede ısındı.
2.inflate (v): To fill with air or gas to make something larger or firmer.
•Sample Sentence: The airbag inflates rapidly in the event of a collision.
•Turkish Definition: Hava veya gazla doldurmak, şişirmek.
•Turkish Translation: Airbag, çarpışma durumunda hızla şişer.
3.overload (v): To overload a system with excessive demands or tasks.
•Sample Sentence: The electrical circuit overloaded due to too many appliances being connected.
•Turkish Definition: Aşırı talepler veya görevlerle bir sistemi aşırı yüklemek.
•Turkish Translation: Elektrik devresi, çok sayıda cihazın bağlanmasından dolayı aşırı yüklendi.
4.surge (n): A sudden powerful forward or upward movement, especially by a crowd or by a natural force such as the sea.
•Sample Sentence: The surge in the power supply caused the lights to flicker.
•Turkish Definition: Özellikle bir kalabalık veya deniz gibi doğal bir kuvvet tarafından, ani güçlü bir ileri veya yukarı hareket.
•Turkish Translation: Güç kaynağındaki ani yükseliş, ışıkların yanıp sönmelerine neden oldu.
5.power supply (n): An electrical device that supplies electric power to an electrical load.
•Sample Sentence: The power supply unit converts AC power into DC power for the computer.
•Turkish Definition: Elektrik yüküne elektrik gücü sağlayan elektrik cihazı.
•Turkish Translation: Güç kaynağı birimi, bilgisayar için AC gücünü DC güce dönüştürür.
6.a surge in the power supply (n): A sudden increase in the amount of electrical power provided.
•Sample Sentence: There was a surge in the power supply during the storm, causing some electronic devices to malfunction.
•Turkish Definition: Sağlanan elektrik gücünde ani bir artış.
•Turkish Translation: Fırtına sırasında elektrik gücünde bir artış oldu, bu da bazı elektronik cihazların arızalanmasına neden oldu.
7.corrode (v): To gradually destroy or damage metal, stone, or other materials.
•Sample Sentence: Exposure to saltwater can cause metal to corrode over time.
•Turkish Definition: Metal, taş veya diğer malzemeleri zamanla yavaşça tahrip etmek veya zarar vermek.
•Turkish Translation: Tuzlu suya maruz kalmak, zamanla metali paslanmasına neden olabilir.
8.ship's hull (n): The main body of a ship, including the bottom, sides, and deck but not the masts, superstructure, rigging, engines, or other fittings.
•Sample Sentence: The ship's hull was damaged after hitting an underwater rock.
•Turkish Definition: Geminin ana gövdesi, altı, yanları ve güverteyi içeren ancak direkler, üzer yapı, halatlar, motorlar veya diğer montajlar gibi direkler, üst yapı, halatlar, motorlar veya diğer montajlar gibi parçaları içermeyen geminin ana gövdesi.
•Turkish Translation: Gemiyi su altındaki bir kayaya çarptıktan sonra gemi gövdesi hasar gördü.
9.degrade (v): To deteriorate or decline in quality or standard.
•Sample Sentence: Exposure to sunlight can cause plastics to degrade over time.
•Turkish Definition: Kalite veya standardında kötüleşme veya düşüş.
•Turkish Translation: Güneşe maruz kalma, plastiklerin zamanla kötüleşmesine neden olabilir.
10.cannon (n): A large, heavy piece of artillery, typically mounted on wheels, formerly used in warfare.
•Sample Sentence: The castle's walls were equipped with cannons to defend against enemy attacks.
•Turkish Definition: Tekerlekler üzerine monte edilmiş, genellikle savaşta kullanılan ağır bir topçu parçası.
•Turkish Translation: Kale duvarları, düşman saldırılarına karşı savunma yapmak için toplarla donatılmıştı.
11.chicken cannon (n): A device used to test the impact of bird strikes on aircraft.
•Sample Sentence: Engineers use a chicken cannon to simulate bird strikes on airplane windshields.
•Turkish Definition: Kuş çarpmalarının uçak camları üzerindeki etkisini test etmek için kullanılan bir cihaz.
•Turkish Translation: Mühendisler, uçak camlarına kuş çarpmalarını simüle etmek için tavuk topu kullanırlar.
12.goof (n): A mistake or blunder, often made in a silly or careless way.
•Sample Sentence: The engineer made a goof in the calculation, resulting in an incorrect measurement.
•Turkish Definition: Genellikle aptalca veya dikkatsizce yapılan bir hata veya yanılgı.
•Turkish Translation: Mühendis hesaplama yaparken bir hata yaptı ve yanlış bir ölçüm yapıldı.
13.tech egghead (n): A person who is highly knowledgeable about technology or science, especially computers or engineering, and is regarded as lacking in social skills or charisma.
•Sample Sentence: The tech egghead was brilliant at solving complex engineering problems but struggled to communicate effectively with others.
•Turkish Definition: Özellikle bilgisayarlar veya mühendislik hakkında son derece bilgili ve sosyal beceriler veya cazibesi olmayan biri olarak kabul edilen kişi.
•Turkish Translation: Teknik bilgisi olan kişi, karmaşık mühendislik problemlerini çözmekte harikaydı ancak diğerleriyle etkili iletişim kurmakta zorlanıyordu.
14.cockpit (n): The compartment from which a pilot controls the aircraft.
•Sample Sentence: The pilot sat in the cockpit, preparing for takeoff.
•Turkish Definition: Pilotun uçağı kontrol ettiği bölme.
•Turkish Translation: Pilot, kalkışa hazırlanmak için kokpite oturdu.
15.windshield (n): The front window of a car, bus, or other vehicle.
•Sample Sentence: The windshield of the car was cracked after a rock hit it on the highway.
•Turkish Definition: Bir araba, otobüs veya diğer aracın ön camı.
•Turkish Translation: Arabanın ön camı, otoyolda bir taşa çarptıktan sonra çatladı.
16.simulate (v): To imitate the appearance or character of.
•Sample Sentence: Engineers use computer models to simulate the behavior of structures under different conditions.
•Turkish Definition: Görünümünü veya karakterini taklit etmek.
•Turkish Translation: Mühendisler, farklı koşullar altında yapıların davranışlarını simüle etmek için bilgisayar modelleri kullanırlar.
17.mid-air (adj): Occurring in the air, especially at a high altitude.
•Sample Sentence: The mid-air collision between two planes was caused by a miscommunication between air traffic controllers.
•Turkish Definition: Özellikle yüksek bir irtifada havada meydana gelen.
•Turkish Translation: İki uçağın havada çarpışması, hava trafik kontrolörleri arasında yanlış bir iletişimden kaynaklandı.
18.mid-air (n): The space or region in the air.
•Sample Sentence: The bird flew gracefully through the mid-air, searching for its next meal.
•Turkish Definition: Havada bulunan boşluk veya bölge.
•Turkish Translation: Kuş, bir sonraki öğününü aramak için havada zarifçe uçtu.
19.mid-air collision (n): A collision that occurs while both objects are in flight.
•Sample Sentence: The mid-air collision between the two helicopters resulted in tragic loss of life.
•Turkish Definition: Her iki nesnenin de uçuş halinde olduğu bir çarpışma.
•Turkish Translation: İki helikopter arasındaki havada çarpışma, trajik bir yaşam kaybına neden oldu.
20.compressed-air cannon (n): A device that uses compressed air to propel objects at high speeds.
•Sample Sentence: The compressed-air cannon is used to launch testing projectiles in the laboratory.
•Turkish Definition: Nesneleri yüksek hızlarda itmek için sıkıştırılmış hava kullanan bir cihaz.
•Turkish Translation: Sıkıştırılmış hava topu, laboratuvarda test mermilerini fırlatmak için kullanılır.
21.oven-ready (adj): Prepared and ready to be cooked or used.
•Sample Sentence: The ingredients for the experiment were oven-ready, simplifying the process for the researchers.
•Turkish Definition: Pişirilmeye veya kullanılmaya hazır olan.
•Turkish Translation: Deneyin malzemeleri fırına hazırdı, bu da araştırmacılar için süreci basitleştirdi.
22.devastating (adj): Causing severe shock, distress, or grief.
•Sample Sentence: The earthquake had a devastating effect on the infrastructure of the city.
•Turkish Definition: Ciddi şok, sıkıntı veya üzüntüye neden olan.
•Turkish Translation: Deprem, şehrin altyapısını ciddi şekilde etkiledi.
23.devastate (v): To destroy or ruin something completely.
•Sample Sentence: The flood devastated the coastal town, leaving many homeless.
•Turkish Definition: Bir şeyi tamamen yok etmek veya mahvetmek.
•Turkish Translation: Sel, sahil kasabasını mahvetti ve birçok kişiyi evsiz bıraktı.
24.to be smashed (v): To be violently broken into pieces.
•Sample Sentence: The window was smashed by a falling tree branch during the storm.
•Turkish Definition: Parçalara ayrılmış şekilde şiddetle kırılmak.
•Turkish Translation: Pencere, fırtına sırasında düşen bir ağaç dalı tarafından kırıldı.
25.urban legend/urban myth (n): A modern myth, often with a macabre or humorous twist, circulated as true stories.
•Sample Sentence: The story of the haunted house was just an urban legend, with no evidence to support it.
•Turkish Definition: Genellikle doğru hikayeler olarak dolaşan, çoğunlukla korkunç veya komik bir yanı olan modern bir efsane.
•Turkish Translation: Lanetli ev hikayesi sadece bir şehir efsanesiydi, destekleyen hiçbir kanıtı yoktu.
26.come up with an idea (v): To think of or produce a new idea or plan.
•Sample Sentence: The engineer came up with an innovative solution to the problem.
•Turkish Definition: Yeni bir fikir veya plan düşünmek veya üretmek.
•Turkish Translation: Mühendis, probleme yenilikçi bir çözüm buldu.
27.bizarre (adj): Very strange or unusual, especially so as to cause interest or amusement.
•Sample Sentence: The experiment produced some bizarre results that were difficult to explain.
•Turkish Definition: Çok garip veya alışılmadık, özellikle ilgi veya eğlenceye sebep olacak kadar.
•Turkish Translation: Deney, açıklaması zor olan bazı garip sonuçlar üretti.
28.incident (n): An event or occurrence, typically one that is noteworthy or significant.
•Sample Sentence: The safety procedures were revised after the incident with the faulty machinery.
•Turkish Definition: Genellikle dikkate değer veya önemli olan bir olay veya durum.
•Turkish Translation: Hatalı makine ile yaşanan olaydan sonra güvenlik prosedürleri gözden geçirildi.
29.blast (n): A destructive wave of highly compressed air spreading outward from an explosion.
•Sample Sentence: The blast from the explosion shattered windows in nearby buildings.
•Turkish Definition: Patlamadan dışarı doğru yayılan yoğun sıkıştırılmış hava dalgası.
•Turkish Translation: Patlamadan gelen basınç dalgası, yakınlardaki binalardaki pencereleri parçaladı.
30.blast (v): To explode or destroy something with an explosive force.
•Sample Sentence: The demolition crew blasted the old building to make way for new construction.
•Turkish Definition: Patlamak veya patlayıcı bir kuvvetle bir şeyi yok etmek.
•Turkish Translation: Yıkım ekibi, yeni inşaat için yer açmak için eski binayı patlattı.
31.hoax theory (n): A false idea or belief, especially one that is deliberately fabricated or misleading.
•Sample Sentence: The hoax theory about the moon landing has been debunked by scientists.
•Turkish Definition: Özellikle kasıtlı olarak uydurulmuş veya yanıltıcı olan yanlış bir fikir veya inanç.
•Turkish Translation: Ay inişine ilişkin sahte teori, bilim insanları tarafından çürütüldü.
32.for ages (adv): For a long time; for an indefinite period.
•Sample Sentence: Engineers have been studying this problem for ages but still haven't found a solution.
•Turkish Definition: Uzun bir süre boyunca; belirsiz bir süre boyunca.
•Turkish Translation: Mühendisler bu problemi uzun süredir çalışıyorlar ama hala bir çözüm bulamadılar.
33.substantially (adv): To a large extent; considerably.
•Sample Sentence: The new software update has substantially improved the performance of the system.
•Turkish Definition: Büyük ölçüde; önemli derecede.
•Turkish Translation: Yeni yazılım güncellemesi, sistemin performansını önemli ölçüde artırdı.
CEFE Unit 9 p.76 Causes and Effects
because of: Used to indicate the reason or cause of something.
•Sample Sentence: The project was delayed because of the unexpected shortage of materials.
•Turkish Definition: Bir şeyin nedenini veya sebebini belirtmek için kullanılır.
•Turkish Translation: Proje, beklenmedik malzeme kıtlığı nedeniyle gecikti.
2.due to: Because of; owing to.
•Sample Sentence: The experiment's failure was due to a miscalculation in the initial setup.
•Turkish Definition: Bir şeyin nedenini veya sebebini belirtmek için kullanılır.
•Turkish Translation: Deneyin başlangıç kurulumundaki yanlış hesaplama nedeniyle başarısız oldu.
3.owing to: Because of; due to.
•Sample Sentence: The production line stopped owing to a technical malfunction in the machinery.
•Turkish Definition: Bir şeyin nedenini veya sebebini belirtmek için kullanılır.
•Turkish Translation: Üretim hattı, makinedeki teknik arıza nedeniyle durdu.
4.cause (v): To make something happen; to bring about.
•Sample Sentence: The heavy rainfall caused flooding in low-lying areas.
•Turkish Definition: Bir şeyin meydana gelmesine sebep olmak; neden olmak.
•Turkish Translation: Yoğun yağış, alçak bölgelerde sel oluşmasına neden oldu.
5.result in (v): To cause something to happen; to lead to a particular outcome.
•Sample Sentence: The design flaw resulted in the product being recalled from the market.
•Turkish Definition: Bir şeyin meydana gelmesine sebep olmak; belirli bir sonuca yol açmak.
•Turkish Translation: Tasarım hatası, ürünün piyasadan geri çağrılmasına neden oldu.
6.result of: The outcome or consequence of something.
•Sample Sentence: The accident was the result of negligence in following safety procedures.
•Turkish Definition: Bir şeyin sonucu veya sonucu.
•Turkish Translation: Kaza, güvenlik prosedürlerini takip etmekteki ihmalkarlığın bir sonucuydu.
7.consequently: As a result; therefore.
•Sample Sentence: The budget cuts led to a reduction in research funding; consequently, many projects were put on hold.
•Turkish Definition: Bir sonuç; dolayısıyla.
•Turkish Translation: Bütçe kesintileri, araştırma fonlarında azalmaya neden oldu; dolayısıyla birçok proje beklemeye alındı.
-Because of/ Due to/ Owing to + Noun/Ving (cause), Full sentence (S+V+…) (effect).
•Because of the increased wind load, the bridge design needs to be reinforced to ensure stability.
-Full sentence (S+V+…) (effect) because of/ due to/ owing to + Noun/Ving (cause).
•The building experienced structural damage due to the faulty foundation.
-Because of/ Due to/ Owing to + the fact that + Full sentence (cause), Full sentence (effect).
•Owing to the fact that the soil conditions were not properly assessed, the construction project encountered significant delays.
-Full sentence (effect) because of/ due to/ owing to + the fact that + Full sentence (cause).
•The power grid failed because of the fact that a transformer overloaded.
-Subject + cause + sb/sth + to + V1 .
•The use of lightweight materials allowed the engineers to design a more fuel-efficient car.
-Subject + result in + Noun/ Ving .
•Improper maintenance of the machine resulted in a costly breakdown.
-Subject + result in + sb/sth + Ving .
•The new production process will result in increasing the company's output by 20%.
-As a result of + Noun/ Ving (cause), Full sentence (effect).
•As a result of the new welding technique, the team achieved a stronger and more durable joint.
-As a result of + the fact that + Full sentence (cause), Full sentence (effect).
•As a result of the fact that the concrete wasn't fully cured, the construction team had to postpone the next phase of the project.
-Full sentence (effect) as a result of + Noun/ Ving (cause).
•The bridge collapsed as a result of exceeding its weight capacity.
-Full sentence (effect) as a result of + the fact that + Full sentence (cause).
•The launch of the satellite was delayed as a result of the fact that a critical system malfunctioned.
-Full sentence (cause). Consequently/ Therefore/ As a result/ Hence, Full sentence (effect).
•The project experienced unexpected challenges. Consequently, the deadline will need to be extended.
-Full sentence (cause); consequently/therefore/ hence, full sentence (effect).
•The new regulations require stricter safety measures; hence, the production line needs to be modified.
Read the text below and answer the questions
Understanding causes and effects is a crucial aspect of engineering, as it allows engineers to predict potential problems and develop effective solutions. For instance, when designing electrical systems, engineers must consider how various components interact with each other. If one component overheats, it can inflate the risk of other components becoming overloaded, leading to a surge in the power supply. This surge can cause the system to corrode or degrade over time, resulting in system failure. Consequently, engineers must thoroughly analyze each component's cause and effect relationship to ensure the system's reliability and longevity.
One fascinating example of cause and effect in engineering is the use of a chicken cannon to simulate mid-air collisions between aircraft and birds. A chicken cannon is a compressed-air cannon that fires a dead chicken at an aircraft's windshield to test its strength and durability. This unusual testing method came about due to an urban legend that airlines were losing planes because of mid-air collisions with birds. To investigate this claim, engineers came up with the idea of using a chicken cannon to simulate the impact of a bird strike. The results were devastating, with the chicken being smashed into the windshield, causing substantial damage.
The chicken cannon testing has since become a standard practice in the aviation industry, helping engineers design safer and more robust windshields. Owing to these tests, engineers have been able to identify potential weaknesses in windshield design and develop new materials that can withstand the impact of a mid-air collision. As a result, the number of incidents involving bird strikes has significantly decreased, and planes are now better equipped to handle these potentially devastating events. The use of a chicken cannon is an excellent example of how understanding causes and effects can lead to significant improvements in engineering design and safety.
1.What is the main focus of understanding causes and effects in engineering?
a) Predicting potential problems b) Developing new materials
c) Designing innovative solutions d) Testing aircraft engines
2.Why did engineers use a chicken cannon for the first time to simulate mid-air collisions?
a) To test the strength of aircraft engines b) To investigate an urban legend
c) To inflate the risk of bird strikes d) To design more robust windshields
3.In the first chicken cannon test, what was the result of the chicken being fired at the aircraft's windshield?
a) The windshield shattered b) The chicken bounced off harmlessly
c) The aircraft engine failed d) The windshield sustained substantial damage
4.How has the use of a chicken cannon impacted the aviation industry?
a) It has increased the number of bird strikes.
b) It has led to more incidents involving plane crashes.
c) It has decreased the number of bird strike incidents.
d) It has caused engineers to use outdated testing methods.
5.What have engineers been able to identify and develop as a result of chicken cannon testing?
a) Potential weaknesses in windshield design b) Improved aircraft seating in case of a brid strike
c) New airline routes to avoid bird strikes d) Faster aircraft engines to escape bird strikes
6.What does the use of a chicken cannon illustrate about engineering practices?
a) The importance of urban legends
b) The need for outdated testing methods
c) The significance of understanding causes and effects
d) The limitations of technological advancements
Answers and explanations
1. Correct answer: a) Predicting potential problems
•Explanation: Understanding causes and effects allows engineers to anticipate issues that may arise and develop effective solutions to address them.
2. Correct answer: b) To investigate an urban legend
•Explanation: Engineers used the chicken cannon to test the validity of an urban legend regarding mid-air collisions between aircraft and birds.
3. Correct answer: d) The windshield sustained substantial damage
•Explanation: The impact of the chicken on the windshield caused substantial damage, highlighting the importance of robust windshield design.
4. Correct answer: c) It has decreased the number of bird strike incidents.
•Explanation: By identifying weaknesses in windshield design and developing new materials, the use of the chicken cannon has helped reduce the frequency of bird strike incidents in the aviation industry.
5. Correct answer: a) Potential weaknesses in windshield design
•Explanation: Chicken cannon testing has allowed engineers to identify vulnerabilities in windshield design and develop stronger materials to improve aircraft safety.
6. Correct answer: c) The significance of understanding causes and effects
•Explanation: The use of the chicken cannon demonstrates how understanding the causes and effects of phenomena can lead to significant advancements in engineering design and safety practices