28 Nisan 2024 Pazar

Revision Exercises For Leng 102 Freshman English-18 (UNIT-10 Pgs:80-81)


Unit 10 – Pushing the boundaries

Vocabulary pp 80-81 – Describing physical forces

The definitions and sample sentences:

1.Harnessing horsepower from nature (n):

•Definition: Utilizing natural energy sources to generate power.

•Sample sentence: Engineers are exploring ways to harness horsepower from nature, such as through wind and solar energy.

•Turkish: Doğadan güç elde etme.

•Örnek cümle: Mühendisler, rüzgar ve güneş enerjisi gibi doğal enerji kaynaklarından güç elde etmenin yollarını araştırıyorlar.

2.Donkey's years (n):

•Definition: A long time; a colloquial expression.

•Sample sentence: It took donkey's years for the project to be completed due to various setbacks.

•Turkish: Epey bir zaman.

•Örnek cümle: Projenin tamamlanması epey bir zaman aldı çeşitli aksaklıklardan dolayı.

3.Conceive (v):

•Definition: To form or devise a plan or idea.

•Sample sentence: The engineer conceived a revolutionary design for the new bridge.

•Turkish: Tasarlamak, düşünmek.

•Örnek cümle: Mühendis, yeni köprü için devrim niteliğinde bir tasarım düşündü.

4.Solar chimney (n):

•Definition: A structure that uses solar energy to create an updraft for ventilation or power generation.

•Sample sentence: The building was designed with a solar chimney to improve natural ventilation.

•Turkish: Güneş bacası.

•Örnek cümle: Bina, doğal havalandırmayı iyileştirmek için güneş bacasıyla tasarlandı.

5.Ambitious (adj):

•Definition: Having or showing a strong desire and determination to succeed.

•Sample sentence: The engineering team has ambitious plans to develop sustainable infrastructure.

•Turkish: Hırslı, iddialı.

•Örnek cümle: Mühendislik ekibinin sürdürülebilir altyapı geliştirmek için iddialı planları var.

6.Capture (v):

•Definition: To take possession or control of something.

•Sample sentence: The system is designed to capture rainwater for reuse.

•Turkish: Yakalamak, ele geçirmek.

•Örnek cümle: Sistem, tekrar kullanım için yağmur suyunu yakalamak üzere tasarlanmıştır.

7.Colossal (adj):

•Definition: Extremely large or great in size, extent, or degree.

•Sample sentence: The dam project required a colossal amount of concrete.

•Turkish: Kocaman, devasa.

•Örnek cümle: Baraj projesi için kocaman bir miktar beton gerekiyordu.

8.Margin (n):

•Definition: The edge or border of something.

•Sample sentence: The margin of safety should be carefully calculated in engineering designs.

•Turkish: Kenar, marj.

•Örnek cümle: Güvenlik marjı mühendislik tasarımlarında dikkatlice hesaplanmalıdır.

9.By a huge margin:

•Definition: By a large amount or degree.

•Sample sentence: The new bridge exceeded safety standards by a huge margin.

•Turkish: Büyük ölçüde.

•Örnek cümle: Yeni köprü, güvenlik standartlarını büyük ölçüde aştı.

10.Enclosure (n):

•Definition: A structure that encloses something.

•Sample sentence: The electrical components were housed within a protective enclosure.

•Turkish: Kapsül, kafes.

•Örnek cümle: Elektrik bileşenleri, koruyucu bir kapsülün içine yerleştirilmişti.


1.Compression (Sıkıştırma):

•Definition: Compression is the action of pressing something together, reducing its volume or making it more compact.

•Sample Sentence: The compression strength of the concrete determines its ability to withstand pressure.

•Örnek Cümle (Turkish): Betonun sıkıştırma dayanımı, basınca karşı direncini belirler.

2.Bending (Bükme):

•Definition: Bending is the process of applying force to something, causing it to curve or flex.

•Sample Sentence: The beams in the bridge are designed to withstand bending forces.

•Örnek Cümle (Turkish): Köprüdeki kirişler, bükme kuvvetlerine dayanacak şekilde tasarlanmıştır.

3.Torsion/Torque (Torsiyon/Tork):

•Definition: Torsion or torque is the twisting or rotational force applied to an object.

•Sample Sentence: The engine generates high torque to rotate the wheels of the car.

•Örnek Cümle (Turkish): Motor, arabanın tekerleklerini döndürmek için yüksek tork üretir.

4.Expansion (Genleşme):

•Definition: Expansion is the process of becoming larger or extending in size, volume, or quantity.

•Sample Sentence: Metal expands when heated due to thermal expansion.

•Örnek Cümle (Turkish): Metal, ısındığında termal genleşmeden dolayı genişler.

5.Pressure (Basınç):

•Definition: Pressure is the force applied vertical to the surface of an object per unit area.

•Sample Sentence: The pressure inside the container increases with temperature.

•Örnek Cümle (Turkish): Kap içindeki basınç sıcaklıkla birlikte artar.

6.Tension (Gerilme):

•Definition: Tension is the pulling force applied to an object, attempting to stretch it.

•Sample Sentence: The cables are under high tension to support the weight of the suspension bridge.

•Örnek Cümle (Turkish): Kablolar, asma köprünün ağırlığını desteklemek için yüksek gerilim altındadır.

7.Shear (Kesme):

•Definition: Shear is the force that causes one part of a material to slide or shift parallel to an adjacent part.

•Sample Sentence: The shear stress along the joint needs to be calculated for proper structural design.

•Örnek Cümle (Turkish): Birleşim boyunca kesme gerilimi, uygun yapısal tasarım için hesaplanmalıdır.

8.Friction (Sürtünme):

•Definition: Friction is the resistance that one surface or object encounters when moving over another.

•Sample Sentence: Lubricants are used to reduce friction between moving parts in machinery.

•Örnek Cümle (Turkish): Yağlayıcılar, makinelerdeki hareketli parçalar arasındaki sürtünmeyi azaltmak için kullanılır.

9.Contraction (Büzülme):

•Definition: Contraction is the process of becoming smaller or decreasing in size, volume, or quantity.

•Sample Sentence: The cooling of the metal causes contraction and may lead to dimensional changes.

•Örnek Cümle (Turkish): Metalin soğuması, büzülmeye neden olur ve boyutsal değişikliklere yol açabilir.

10.Centrifugal Force (Santrifüj Kuvveti):

•Definition: Centrifugal force is the outward force that acts on a body moving in a curved path around another body.

•Sample Sentence: Engineers need to consider centrifugal forces when designing rotating machinery.

•Örnek Cümle (Turkish): Mühendisler, dönen makineleri tasarlarken santrifüj kuvvetleri dikkate almalıdırlar.

Read the text below and answer the questions.

Understanding Physical Forces in Engineering

Introduction: In the world of engineering, it's essential to understand different physical forces to create strong and reliable structures and systems. This article explores some important forces in engineering and how they're used in real-life projects.

Compression: Compression is when something is pressed together, making it smaller. For example, when building a bridge, engineers need to make sure the concrete can handle the compression forces from the weight of the cars and trucks passing over it.

Bending: Bending happens when something is pushed or pulled, making it curve or flex. Think about a tall building in a windy city. The building needs to be designed to bend a little without breaking when strong winds blow against it.

Torsion/Torque: Torsion, also called torque, is a twisting force. In a wind turbine, the blades experience torsion as they rotate, converting wind energy into electrical power.

Expansion and Contraction: Expansion and contraction occur when materials get bigger or smaller because of changes in temperature. For instance, railway tracks can expand and contract depending on the weather, so engineers must plan for this to avoid accidents.

Pressure: Pressure is the force pushing on something. Hydraulic systems in construction machinery use pressure to lift heavy loads, like lifting a bulldozer blade.

Tension: Tension is when something is stretched. Suspension bridges, like the famous Golden Gate Bridge, use tension in their cables to support the weight of the road and traffic.

Shear: Shear is when one part of something slides against another part. Engineers must consider shear forces when designing buildings in earthquake-prone areas to prevent collapse during tremors.

Friction: Friction is the resistance when surfaces rub against each other. For example, engineers use lubricants in car engines to reduce friction between moving parts and make them last longer.

Centrifugal Force: Centrifugal force pushes things away from the center of rotation. In a washing machine, centrifugal force helps to spin water out of clothes during the spin cycle.

Conclusion: Understanding these physical forces is vital for engineers to create safe and efficient structures and systems. By considering compression, bending, torsion, expansion, pressure, tension, shear, friction, and centrifugal force, engineers can tackle the challenges of engineering projects with confidence and skill.

Mark the statements as True or False

1.Engineers use compression strength calculations to ensure concrete can withstand the weight of buildings.

2.Wind turbines experience torsion forces as their blades rotate to generate electricity.

3.Engineers do not need to consider wind forces when designing tall buildings in windy cities.

4.Shear forces are not a concern for buildings in earthquake-prone areas.

5.Railway tracks can expand and contract due to temperature changes, requiring engineers to plan for these fluctuations.

6.Suspension bridges utilize tension in their cables to support the weight of the roadway and traffic.

7.Hydraulic systems in construction machinery do not rely on pressure to lift heavy loads.

8.Friction between surfaces does not play a role in the wear and tear of mechanical systems.

9.Friction between moving parts in car engines can be reduced by using lubricants, increasing their longevity.

10.Centrifugal force pulls things toward the center of rotation instead of pushing them away.

Answer key: 1. T 2. T 3. F 4.F 5. T 6. T 7. F 8. F 9. T 10. F

Revision Exercises For Leng 102 Freshman English-17 (UNIT 10.Pgs:78-79)


Unit 10 – Pushing the boundaries

Vocabulary pp 78-79 – Discussing performance and suitability

The definitions and sample sentences:

1.Pushing the boundaries:

•Definition: To extend the limits or capabilities of something.

•Sample sentence: Engineers are constantly pushing the boundaries of technology to create more efficient solutions.

•Turkish: Sınırları zorlamak

•Sample sentence (Turkish): Mühendisler, daha verimli çözümler yaratmak için sürekli olarak teknolojinin sınırlarını zorluyorlar.


•Definition: The manner in which a machine or system functions.

•Sample sentence: The performance of the new engine exceeded our expectations.

•Turkish: Performans

•Sample sentence (Turkish): Yeni motorun performansı beklentilerimizi aştı.


•Definition: The quality of being right or appropriate for a particular purpose.

•Sample sentence: The material's suitability for extreme temperatures makes it ideal for aerospace applications.

•Turkish: Uygunluk

•Sample sentence (Turkish): Malzemenin aşırı sıcaklıklar için uygunluğu, havacılık uygulamaları için ideal hale getirir.


•Definition: Having the shape of a tube or tubes.

•Sample sentence: The frame of the bicycle is made from tubular steel.

•Turkish: Borulu

•Sample sentence (Turkish): Bisikletin çerçevesi borulu çelikten yapılmıştır.


•Definition: Producing good results without costing a lot of money.

•Sample sentence: Using recycled materials is a cost-effective way to reduce environmental impact.

•Turkish: Maliyet etkin

•Sample sentence (Turkish): Geri dönüştürülmüş malzemeler kullanmak, çevresel etkiyi azaltmanın maliyet etkin bir yoludur.

6.Fixed structure:

•Definition: A stationary or immobile construction.

•Sample sentence: The bridge's fixed structure ensures stability during high winds.

•Turkish: Sabit yapı

•Sample sentence (Turkish): Köprünün sabit yapısı, şiddetli rüzgarlar sırasında stabiliteyi sağlar.


•Definition: A component or part that makes up a whole system.

•Sample sentence: Steel and concrete are the main constituents of the building's structure.

•Turkish: Bileşen

•Sample sentence (Turkish): Çelik ve beton, binanın yapısının ana bileşenleridir.

8.To be embedded:

•Definition: To be firmly and deeply incorporated into something.

•Sample sentence: The sensors are embedded in the pavement to monitor traffic flow.

•Turkish: Gömülü olmak

•Sample sentence (Turkish): Sensörler, trafik akışını izlemek için kaldırıma gömülüdür.

9.To be exposed to:

•Definition: To be subjected to or come into contact with something.

•Sample sentence: The metal components are exposed to harsh weather conditions.

•Turkish: Maruz kalmak

•Sample sentence (Turkish): Metal bileşenler, sert hava koşullarına maruz kalır.


•Definition: To gradually wear away or break down.

•Sample sentence: The river's currents erode the riverbank over time.

•Turkish: Aşındırmak

•Sample sentence (Turkish): Nehir akıntıları zamanla nehir kenarını aşındırır.

11.Get exposed:

•Definition: To become uncovered or subjected to something.

•Sample sentence: Without proper protection, the electrical wires can get exposed to moisture.

•Turkish: Maruz kalmak

•Sample sentence (Turkish): Uygun koruma olmadan, elektrik telleri neme maruz kalabilir.

12.Coastal defense:

•Definition: Measures or structures designed to protect coastal areas from erosion or flooding.

•Sample sentence: The government invested in coastal defense systems to mitigate the effects of rising sea levels.

•Turkish: Kıyı savunması

•Sample sentence (Turkish): Hükümet, yükselen deniz seviyelerinin etkilerini azaltmak için kıyı savunma sistemlerine yatırım yaptı.

13.Crumble away:

•Definition: To break or fall apart into small pieces gradually.

•Sample sentence: Over time, the ancient ruins crumble away due to weathering.

•Turkish: Parçalanıp dağılmak

•Sample sentence (Turkish): Zamanla, eski kalıntılar aşınmadan dolayı parçalanıp dağılır.

14.Slender structure:

•Definition: A structure that is thin or narrow in proportion to its length.

•Sample sentence: The skyscraper's design incorporates slender structures to reduce wind resistance.

•Turkish: İnce yapı

•Sample sentence (Turkish): Gökdelenin tasarımı, rüzgar direncini azaltmak için ince yapıları içerir.


•Definition: A compact mass or piece of something.

•Sample sentence: The engineer noticed a lump of rust forming on the metal surface.

•Turkish: Topak

•Sample sentence (Turkish): Mühendis, metal yüzeyinde pas birikmesi oluşturan bir topak fark etti.


•Definition: Essential or basic; forming the foundation or core.

•Sample sentence: Understanding mathematics is fundamental to studying engineering.

•Turkish: Temel

•Sample sentence (Turkish): Matematiği anlamak, mühendislik çalışmaları için temel niteliktedir.

17.Overhead power line:

•Definition: Electrical cables or wires suspended above the ground to transmit electricity.

•Sample sentence: The storm caused damage to several overhead power lines, resulting in power outages.

•Turkish: Havai enerji hattı

•Sample sentence (Turkish): Fırtına, birçok havai enerji hattına zarar verdi ve elektrik kesintilerine neden oldu.


•Definition: In or relating to a particular area or place.

•Sample sentence: The company sources materials locally to support the community.

•Turkish: Yerel olarak

•Sample sentence (Turkish): Şirket, toplumu desteklemek için malzemeleri yerel olarak kaynaklıyor.


•Definition: The process of mechanical failure or malfunction.

•Sample sentence: The breakdown of the machine halted production for several hours.

•Turkish: Arıza

•Sample sentence (Turkish): Makinenin arızalanması, üretimi birkaç saat durdurdu.

20.In-axial stresses:

•Definition: Stresses that act within the axis of a structure or component.

•Sample sentence: Engineers need to consider in-axial stresses when designing load-bearing structures.

•Turkish: Eksenel gerilmeler

•Sample sentence (Turkish): Mühendisler, yük taşıyan yapıları tasarlarken eksenel gerilmeleri dikkate almak zorundadır.

21.Stem from:

•Definition: To originate or arise from a particular source or cause.

•Sample sentence: The problem stems from a lack of proper maintenance.

•Turkish: Köken almak

•Sample sentence (Turkish): Sorun, uygun bakım eksikliğinden kaynaklanıyor.


•Definition: To successfully deal with or defeat a problem or obstacle.

•Sample sentence: Engineers must find innovative solutions to overcome challenges in construction projects.

•Turkish: Üstesinden gelmek

•Sample sentence (Turkish): Mühendisler, inşaat projelerinde karşılaşılan zorlukların üstesinden gelmek için yenilikçi çözümler bulmalıdır.

23.Common-sense (noun):

•Definition: Practical judgment based on simple perception of the situation or facts.

•Sample sentence: Using common-sense engineering principles, the team identified the most efficient solution.

•Turkish: Sağduyu

•Sample sentence (Turkish): Ortak akıl mühendislik prensiplerini kullanarak, ekip en verimli çözümü belirledi.

24.Common-sense (adjective):

•Definition: Based on or exhibiting good sense and sound judgment in practical matters.

•Sample sentence: The common-sense approach to safety includes regular equipment inspections.

•Turkish: Sağduyulu

•Sample sentence (Turkish): Güvenlik konusundaki sağduyulu yaklaşım, düzenli ekipman denetimlerini içerir.

A comparison: What is effectiveness and what is efficiency? In engineering, effectiveness and efficiency are two crucial concepts that work together to achieve optimal results. Here's a breakdown of each and how they differ:


•Focuses on doing the right things.

•Asks the question: "Are we achieving the desired outcome?"

•Deals with choosing the correct solution to a problem that meets the project's goals and objectives.


•Concentrates on doing things right.

•Asks the question: "Are we using resources wisely to achieve the outcome?"

•Involves minimizing waste (time, materials, effort) to complete a task or project.

Key Differences:

•Goal Orientation: Effectiveness is about achieving the right goal, while efficiency is about achieving any goal with minimal waste.

•Focus: Effectiveness deals with what to do, and efficiency deals with how to do it.

An analogy: Imagine building a bridge.

•Effectiveness: Choosing the right design and materials to ensure a safe and functional bridge that meets traffic needs.

•Efficiency: Completing the bridge construction within budget and schedule, using the least amount of materials and labor possible.

Both are Important:

While they are distinct, effectiveness and efficiency are interconnected. You can't have one without the other. Building a bridge incredibly fast (efficient) is pointless if it collapses (not effective). Conversely, taking forever to build a bridge (not efficient) isn't ideal even if it's perfect (effective).

By striving for both effectiveness and efficiency, engineers can create successful projects that achieve their goals while using resources wisely.

effectiveness vs. efficiency

1.goal-oriented : YES YES

2.effort-oriented : : NO YES

3.process-oriented : NO YES

4.cost-oriented : NO YES

5.time-oriented : NO YES

Read the text below and answer the questions

Wind turbine engineers are constantly innovating to improve performance and suitability for different environments. While the basic design of a wind turbine with rotating blades, a tall tower, and a generator is well-known, optimizing each component for a specific location is crucial. Wind speed, consistency, and even local weather patterns all play a role in determining the best technical characteristics for a wind turbine.

For instance, in coastal areas with strong winds and salty air, engineers might choose a tubular steel tower over a concrete fixed structure. Steel is lighter and more resistant to corrosion from salt spray. Salt spray can quickly erode concrete, causing it to crumble away and potentially compromising the entire structure. However, slender steel towers can be more susceptible to bending under high winds, which can cause internal stresses and lead to breakdowns. Finding the right balance between weight and strength is key. Similarly, the materials used for the blades and their length are carefully chosen based on the wind patterns in the area. Longer blades can capture more wind energy in areas with consistent strong winds, but they may be impractical or even dangerous in locations with frequent gusts or turbulence.

Ultimately, the goal is to strike a common-sense balance between performance, suitability, and cost-effectiveness. By carefully considering the technical characteristics of each location, from wind speed to potential for erosion, engineers can design wind turbines that perform well. They can choose appropriate construction materials for each component, ensuring the turbine can withstand the local environment and requires minimal regular maintenance. This meticulous planning ensures consistent, reliable, and economical electricity generation, making wind power a more efficient and sufficient source of renewable energy.

1.What is the MAIN reason engineers consider different materials for wind turbine towers in coastal areas?

a) To reduce the overall cost of the turbine. b) To make the tower more visible from a distance.

c) To improve the tower's resistance to salt spray erosion. d) To make the tower more aerodynamic.

2.Why might longer turbine blades be a disadvantage in some locations?

a) They are more expensive to manufacture and maintain.

b) They are heavier and put more stress on the tower.

c) They are less efficient at capturing weaker winds.

d) They are more likely to be struck by lightning.

3.The passage mentions that the design of a wind turbine is:

a) Well-established but needs to be optimized for location. b) Completely new and constantly changing.

c) Only suitable for offshore locations. d) Primarily focused on aesthetics.

4.Which of the following factors does NOT play a role in determining the technical characteristics of a wind turbine?

a) Local weather patterns b) Construction material costs

c) The height of nearby buildings d) Wind speed and consistency

5.What is the main purpose of using a tubular steel tower for wind turbines?

a) To reduce the weight of the overall structure. b) To provide a more stable base for the generator.

c) To improve the efficiency of the rotating blades. d) To create a habitat for nesting birds.

6.The passage suggests that wind turbines require:

a) Very little to no maintenance at all. b) Frequent and expensive repairs.

c) Only maintenance during extreme weather events. d) Regular maintenance for optimal performance.

7.According to the text, achieving a balance between performance, suitability, and cost-effectiveness is a:

a) Common-sense approach to wind turbine design. b) Simple task requiring minimal planning.

c) Difficult and often unattainable goal. d) Goal that is constantly being debated.

8.The passage implies that wind power is becoming a more:

a) Expensive and unreliable source of energy. b) Efficient and sufficient source of renewable energy.

c) Polluting and environmentally damaging source of power. d) Short-term solution to energy needs.

Answers and explanations

1. Answer: c) To improve the tower's resistance to salt spray erosion.

•Explanation: The passage highlights that steel is chosen for coastal areas due to its resistance to corrosion from salt spray, which can damage concrete.

2. Answer: b) They are heavier and put more stress on the tower.

•Explanation: The text explains that while longer blades capture more wind energy, they can also be impractical for locations with strong winds because they put a greater strain on the tower structure.

3. Answer: a) Well-established but needs to be optimized for location.

•Explanation: The passage clarifies that the basic design of a wind turbine is known, but factors like wind speed and local weather require engineers to optimize each component for the specific location.

4. Answer: c) The height of nearby buildings

•Explanation: The reading focuses on wind patterns, construction materials, and local weather, not the height of surrounding buildings.

5. Answer: a) To reduce the weight of the overall structure.

•Explanation: The passage mentions that steel is chosen for its lighter weight compared to concrete, making the overall structure less stressed.

6. Answer: d) Regular maintenance for optimal performance.

•Explanation: The text emphasizes the importance of choosing appropriate materials that require minimal maintenance for the turbine to function well.

7. Answer: a) Common-sense approach to wind turbine design.

•Explanation: The passage describes achieving a balance between performance, suitability, and cost-effectiveness as a fundamental and crucial aspect of designing wind turbines.

8. Answer: b) Efficient and sufficient source of renewable energy.

•Explanation: The text suggests that careful planning for wind turbine design leads to consistent, reliable, and economical electricity generation, making wind power a more efficient and sufficient source of renewable energy.

21 Nisan 2024 Pazar

Revision Exercises For Leng 102 Freshman English-15 (UNIT 9 : Pgs:76-77)


Unit 9 – Theory and practice

Vocabulary pp 76-77 – Discussing causes and effects

The definitions and sample sentences:

1.overheat (v): To become excessively hot.

•Sample Sentence: The laptop overheated after running intensive software for several hours.

•Turkish Definition: Aşırı derecede ısınmak.

•Turkish Translation: Dizüstü bilgisayar, birkaç saat boyunca yoğun yazılım çalıştıktan sonra aşırı derecede ısındı.

2.inflate (v): To fill with air or gas to make something larger or firmer.

•Sample Sentence: The airbag inflates rapidly in the event of a collision.

•Turkish Definition: Hava veya gazla doldurmak, şişirmek.

•Turkish Translation: Airbag, çarpışma durumunda hızla şişer.

3.overload (v): To overload a system with excessive demands or tasks.

•Sample Sentence: The electrical circuit overloaded due to too many appliances being connected.

•Turkish Definition: Aşırı talepler veya görevlerle bir sistemi aşırı yüklemek.

•Turkish Translation: Elektrik devresi, çok sayıda cihazın bağlanmasından dolayı aşırı yüklendi.

4.surge (n): A sudden powerful forward or upward movement, especially by a crowd or by a natural force such as the sea.

•Sample Sentence: The surge in the power supply caused the lights to flicker.

•Turkish Definition: Özellikle bir kalabalık veya deniz gibi doğal bir kuvvet tarafından, ani güçlü bir ileri veya yukarı hareket.

•Turkish Translation: Güç kaynağındaki ani yükseliş, ışıkların yanıp sönmelerine neden oldu.

5.power supply (n): An electrical device that supplies electric power to an electrical load.

•Sample Sentence: The power supply unit converts AC power into DC power for the computer.

•Turkish Definition: Elektrik yüküne elektrik gücü sağlayan elektrik cihazı.

•Turkish Translation: Güç kaynağı birimi, bilgisayar için AC gücünü DC güce dönüştürür.

6.a surge in the power supply (n): A sudden increase in the amount of electrical power provided.

•Sample Sentence: There was a surge in the power supply during the storm, causing some electronic devices to malfunction.

•Turkish Definition: Sağlanan elektrik gücünde ani bir artış.

•Turkish Translation: Fırtına sırasında elektrik gücünde bir artış oldu, bu da bazı elektronik cihazların arızalanmasına neden oldu.

7.corrode (v): To gradually destroy or damage metal, stone, or other materials.

•Sample Sentence: Exposure to saltwater can cause metal to corrode over time.

•Turkish Definition: Metal, taş veya diğer malzemeleri zamanla yavaşça tahrip etmek veya zarar vermek.

•Turkish Translation: Tuzlu suya maruz kalmak, zamanla metali paslanmasına neden olabilir.

8.ship's hull (n): The main body of a ship, including the bottom, sides, and deck but not the masts, superstructure, rigging, engines, or other fittings.

•Sample Sentence: The ship's hull was damaged after hitting an underwater rock.

•Turkish Definition: Geminin ana gövdesi, altı, yanları ve güverteyi içeren ancak direkler, üzer yapı, halatlar, motorlar veya diğer montajlar gibi direkler, üst yapı, halatlar, motorlar veya diğer montajlar gibi parçaları içermeyen geminin ana gövdesi.

•Turkish Translation: Gemiyi su altındaki bir kayaya çarptıktan sonra gemi gövdesi hasar gördü.

9.degrade (v): To deteriorate or decline in quality or standard.

•Sample Sentence: Exposure to sunlight can cause plastics to degrade over time.

•Turkish Definition: Kalite veya standardında kötüleşme veya düşüş.

•Turkish Translation: Güneşe maruz kalma, plastiklerin zamanla kötüleşmesine neden olabilir.

10.cannon (n): A large, heavy piece of artillery, typically mounted on wheels, formerly used in warfare.

•Sample Sentence: The castle's walls were equipped with cannons to defend against enemy attacks.

•Turkish Definition: Tekerlekler üzerine monte edilmiş, genellikle savaşta kullanılan ağır bir topçu parçası.

•Turkish Translation: Kale duvarları, düşman saldırılarına karşı savunma yapmak için toplarla donatılmıştı.

11.chicken cannon (n): A device used to test the impact of bird strikes on aircraft.

•Sample Sentence: Engineers use a chicken cannon to simulate bird strikes on airplane windshields.

•Turkish Definition: Kuş çarpmalarının uçak camları üzerindeki etkisini test etmek için kullanılan bir cihaz.

•Turkish Translation: Mühendisler, uçak camlarına kuş çarpmalarını simüle etmek için tavuk topu kullanırlar.

12.goof (n): A mistake or blunder, often made in a silly or careless way.

•Sample Sentence: The engineer made a goof in the calculation, resulting in an incorrect measurement.

•Turkish Definition: Genellikle aptalca veya dikkatsizce yapılan bir hata veya yanılgı.

•Turkish Translation: Mühendis hesaplama yaparken bir hata yaptı ve yanlış bir ölçüm yapıldı.

13.tech egghead (n): A person who is highly knowledgeable about technology or science, especially computers or engineering, and is regarded as lacking in social skills or charisma.

•Sample Sentence: The tech egghead was brilliant at solving complex engineering problems but struggled to communicate effectively with others.

•Turkish Definition: Özellikle bilgisayarlar veya mühendislik hakkında son derece bilgili ve sosyal beceriler veya cazibesi olmayan biri olarak kabul edilen kişi.

•Turkish Translation: Teknik bilgisi olan kişi, karmaşık mühendislik problemlerini çözmekte harikaydı ancak diğerleriyle etkili iletişim kurmakta zorlanıyordu.

14.cockpit (n): The compartment from which a pilot controls the aircraft.

•Sample Sentence: The pilot sat in the cockpit, preparing for takeoff.

•Turkish Definition: Pilotun uçağı kontrol ettiği bölme.

•Turkish Translation: Pilot, kalkışa hazırlanmak için kokpite oturdu.

15.windshield (n): The front window of a car, bus, or other vehicle.

•Sample Sentence: The windshield of the car was cracked after a rock hit it on the highway.

•Turkish Definition: Bir araba, otobüs veya diğer aracın ön camı.

•Turkish Translation: Arabanın ön camı, otoyolda bir taşa çarptıktan sonra çatladı.

16.simulate (v): To imitate the appearance or character of.

•Sample Sentence: Engineers use computer models to simulate the behavior of structures under different conditions.

•Turkish Definition: Görünümünü veya karakterini taklit etmek.

•Turkish Translation: Mühendisler, farklı koşullar altında yapıların davranışlarını simüle etmek için bilgisayar modelleri kullanırlar.

17.mid-air (adj): Occurring in the air, especially at a high altitude.

•Sample Sentence: The mid-air collision between two planes was caused by a miscommunication between air traffic controllers.

•Turkish Definition: Özellikle yüksek bir irtifada havada meydana gelen.

•Turkish Translation: İki uçağın havada çarpışması, hava trafik kontrolörleri arasında yanlış bir iletişimden kaynaklandı.

18.mid-air (n): The space or region in the air.

•Sample Sentence: The bird flew gracefully through the mid-air, searching for its next meal.

•Turkish Definition: Havada bulunan boşluk veya bölge.

•Turkish Translation: Kuş, bir sonraki öğününü aramak için havada zarifçe uçtu.

19.mid-air collision (n): A collision that occurs while both objects are in flight.

•Sample Sentence: The mid-air collision between the two helicopters resulted in tragic loss of life.

•Turkish Definition: Her iki nesnenin de uçuş halinde olduğu bir çarpışma.

•Turkish Translation: İki helikopter arasındaki havada çarpışma, trajik bir yaşam kaybına neden oldu.

20.compressed-air cannon (n): A device that uses compressed air to propel objects at high speeds.

•Sample Sentence: The compressed-air cannon is used to launch testing projectiles in the laboratory.

•Turkish Definition: Nesneleri yüksek hızlarda itmek için sıkıştırılmış hava kullanan bir cihaz.

•Turkish Translation: Sıkıştırılmış hava topu, laboratuvarda test mermilerini fırlatmak için kullanılır.

21.oven-ready (adj): Prepared and ready to be cooked or used.

•Sample Sentence: The ingredients for the experiment were oven-ready, simplifying the process for the researchers.

•Turkish Definition: Pişirilmeye veya kullanılmaya hazır olan.

•Turkish Translation: Deneyin malzemeleri fırına hazırdı, bu da araştırmacılar için süreci basitleştirdi.

22.devastating (adj): Causing severe shock, distress, or grief.

•Sample Sentence: The earthquake had a devastating effect on the infrastructure of the city.

•Turkish Definition: Ciddi şok, sıkıntı veya üzüntüye neden olan.

•Turkish Translation: Deprem, şehrin altyapısını ciddi şekilde etkiledi.

23.devastate (v): To destroy or ruin something completely.

•Sample Sentence: The flood devastated the coastal town, leaving many homeless.

•Turkish Definition: Bir şeyi tamamen yok etmek veya mahvetmek.

•Turkish Translation: Sel, sahil kasabasını mahvetti ve birçok kişiyi evsiz bıraktı.

24.to be smashed (v): To be violently broken into pieces.

•Sample Sentence: The window was smashed by a falling tree branch during the storm.

•Turkish Definition: Parçalara ayrılmış şekilde şiddetle kırılmak.

•Turkish Translation: Pencere, fırtına sırasında düşen bir ağaç dalı tarafından kırıldı.

25.urban legend/urban myth (n): A modern myth, often with a macabre or humorous twist, circulated as true stories.

•Sample Sentence: The story of the haunted house was just an urban legend, with no evidence to support it.

•Turkish Definition: Genellikle doğru hikayeler olarak dolaşan, çoğunlukla korkunç veya komik bir yanı olan modern bir efsane.

•Turkish Translation: Lanetli ev hikayesi sadece bir şehir efsanesiydi, destekleyen hiçbir kanıtı yoktu.

26.come up with an idea (v): To think of or produce a new idea or plan.

•Sample Sentence: The engineer came up with an innovative solution to the problem.

•Turkish Definition: Yeni bir fikir veya plan düşünmek veya üretmek.

•Turkish Translation: Mühendis, probleme yenilikçi bir çözüm buldu.

27.bizarre (adj): Very strange or unusual, especially so as to cause interest or amusement.

•Sample Sentence: The experiment produced some bizarre results that were difficult to explain.

•Turkish Definition: Çok garip veya alışılmadık, özellikle ilgi veya eğlenceye sebep olacak kadar.

•Turkish Translation: Deney, açıklaması zor olan bazı garip sonuçlar üretti.

28.incident (n): An event or occurrence, typically one that is noteworthy or significant.

•Sample Sentence: The safety procedures were revised after the incident with the faulty machinery.

•Turkish Definition: Genellikle dikkate değer veya önemli olan bir olay veya durum.

•Turkish Translation: Hatalı makine ile yaşanan olaydan sonra güvenlik prosedürleri gözden geçirildi.

29.blast (n): A destructive wave of highly compressed air spreading outward from an explosion.

•Sample Sentence: The blast from the explosion shattered windows in nearby buildings.

•Turkish Definition: Patlamadan dışarı doğru yayılan yoğun sıkıştırılmış hava dalgası.

•Turkish Translation: Patlamadan gelen basınç dalgası, yakınlardaki binalardaki pencereleri parçaladı.

30.blast (v): To explode or destroy something with an explosive force.

•Sample Sentence: The demolition crew blasted the old building to make way for new construction.

•Turkish Definition: Patlamak veya patlayıcı bir kuvvetle bir şeyi yok etmek.

•Turkish Translation: Yıkım ekibi, yeni inşaat için yer açmak için eski binayı patlattı.

31.hoax theory (n): A false idea or belief, especially one that is deliberately fabricated or misleading.

•Sample Sentence: The hoax theory about the moon landing has been debunked by scientists.

•Turkish Definition: Özellikle kasıtlı olarak uydurulmuş veya yanıltıcı olan yanlış bir fikir veya inanç.

•Turkish Translation: Ay inişine ilişkin sahte teori, bilim insanları tarafından çürütüldü.

32.for ages (adv): For a long time; for an indefinite period.

•Sample Sentence: Engineers have been studying this problem for ages but still haven't found a solution.

•Turkish Definition: Uzun bir süre boyunca; belirsiz bir süre boyunca.

•Turkish Translation: Mühendisler bu problemi uzun süredir çalışıyorlar ama hala bir çözüm bulamadılar.

33.substantially (adv): To a large extent; considerably.

•Sample Sentence: The new software update has substantially improved the performance of the system.

•Turkish Definition: Büyük ölçüde; önemli derecede.

•Turkish Translation: Yeni yazılım güncellemesi, sistemin performansını önemli ölçüde artırdı.

CEFE Unit 9 p.76 Causes and Effects


because of: Used to indicate the reason or cause of something.

•Sample Sentence: The project was delayed because of the unexpected shortage of materials.

•Turkish Definition: Bir şeyin nedenini veya sebebini belirtmek için kullanılır.

•Turkish Translation: Proje, beklenmedik malzeme kıtlığı nedeniyle gecikti.

2.due to: Because of; owing to.

•Sample Sentence: The experiment's failure was due to a miscalculation in the initial setup.

•Turkish Definition: Bir şeyin nedenini veya sebebini belirtmek için kullanılır.

•Turkish Translation: Deneyin başlangıç kurulumundaki yanlış hesaplama nedeniyle başarısız oldu.

3.owing to: Because of; due to.

•Sample Sentence: The production line stopped owing to a technical malfunction in the machinery.

•Turkish Definition: Bir şeyin nedenini veya sebebini belirtmek için kullanılır.

•Turkish Translation: Üretim hattı, makinedeki teknik arıza nedeniyle durdu.

4.cause (v): To make something happen; to bring about.

•Sample Sentence: The heavy rainfall caused flooding in low-lying areas.

•Turkish Definition: Bir şeyin meydana gelmesine sebep olmak; neden olmak.

•Turkish Translation: Yoğun yağış, alçak bölgelerde sel oluşmasına neden oldu.

5.result in (v): To cause something to happen; to lead to a particular outcome.

•Sample Sentence: The design flaw resulted in the product being recalled from the market.

•Turkish Definition: Bir şeyin meydana gelmesine sebep olmak; belirli bir sonuca yol açmak.

•Turkish Translation: Tasarım hatası, ürünün piyasadan geri çağrılmasına neden oldu.

6.result of: The outcome or consequence of something.

•Sample Sentence: The accident was the result of negligence in following safety procedures.

•Turkish Definition: Bir şeyin sonucu veya sonucu.

•Turkish Translation: Kaza, güvenlik prosedürlerini takip etmekteki ihmalkarlığın bir sonucuydu.

7.consequently: As a result; therefore.

•Sample Sentence: The budget cuts led to a reduction in research funding; consequently, many projects were put on hold.

•Turkish Definition: Bir sonuç; dolayısıyla.

•Turkish Translation: Bütçe kesintileri, araştırma fonlarında azalmaya neden oldu; dolayısıyla birçok proje beklemeye alındı.

-Because of/ Due to/ Owing to + Noun/Ving (cause), Full sentence (S+V+…) (effect).

•Because of the increased wind load, the bridge design needs to be reinforced to ensure stability.

-Full sentence (S+V+…) (effect) because of/ due to/ owing to + Noun/Ving (cause).

•The building experienced structural damage due to the faulty foundation.

-Because of/ Due to/ Owing to + the fact that + Full sentence (cause), Full sentence (effect).

•Owing to the fact that the soil conditions were not properly assessed, the construction project encountered significant delays.

-Full sentence (effect) because of/ due to/ owing to + the fact that + Full sentence (cause).

•The power grid failed because of the fact that a transformer overloaded.

-Subject + cause + sb/sth + to + V1 .

•The use of lightweight materials allowed the engineers to design a more fuel-efficient car.

-Subject + result in + Noun/ Ving .

•Improper maintenance of the machine resulted in a costly breakdown.

-Subject + result in + sb/sth + Ving .

•The new production process will result in increasing the company's output by 20%.

-As a result of + Noun/ Ving (cause), Full sentence (effect).

•As a result of the new welding technique, the team achieved a stronger and more durable joint.

-As a result of + the fact that + Full sentence (cause), Full sentence (effect).

•As a result of the fact that the concrete wasn't fully cured, the construction team had to postpone the next phase of the project.

-Full sentence (effect) as a result of + Noun/ Ving (cause).

•The bridge collapsed as a result of exceeding its weight capacity.

-Full sentence (effect) as a result of + the fact that + Full sentence (cause).

•The launch of the satellite was delayed as a result of the fact that a critical system malfunctioned.

-Full sentence (cause). Consequently/ Therefore/ As a result/ Hence, Full sentence (effect).

•The project experienced unexpected challenges. Consequently, the deadline will need to be extended.

-Full sentence (cause); consequently/therefore/ hence, full sentence (effect).

•The new regulations require stricter safety measures; hence, the production line needs to be modified.

Read the text below and answer the questions

Understanding causes and effects is a crucial aspect of engineering, as it allows engineers to predict potential problems and develop effective solutions. For instance, when designing electrical systems, engineers must consider how various components interact with each other. If one component overheats, it can inflate the risk of other components becoming overloaded, leading to a surge in the power supply. This surge can cause the system to corrode or degrade over time, resulting in system failure. Consequently, engineers must thoroughly analyze each component's cause and effect relationship to ensure the system's reliability and longevity.

One fascinating example of cause and effect in engineering is the use of a chicken cannon to simulate mid-air collisions between aircraft and birds. A chicken cannon is a compressed-air cannon that fires a dead chicken at an aircraft's windshield to test its strength and durability. This unusual testing method came about due to an urban legend that airlines were losing planes because of mid-air collisions with birds. To investigate this claim, engineers came up with the idea of using a chicken cannon to simulate the impact of a bird strike. The results were devastating, with the chicken being smashed into the windshield, causing substantial damage.

The chicken cannon testing has since become a standard practice in the aviation industry, helping engineers design safer and more robust windshields. Owing to these tests, engineers have been able to identify potential weaknesses in windshield design and develop new materials that can withstand the impact of a mid-air collision. As a result, the number of incidents involving bird strikes has significantly decreased, and planes are now better equipped to handle these potentially devastating events. The use of a chicken cannon is an excellent example of how understanding causes and effects can lead to significant improvements in engineering design and safety.

1.What is the main focus of understanding causes and effects in engineering?

a) Predicting potential problems b) Developing new materials

c) Designing innovative solutions d) Testing aircraft engines

2.Why did engineers use a chicken cannon for the first time to simulate mid-air collisions?

a) To test the strength of aircraft engines b) To investigate an urban legend

c) To inflate the risk of bird strikes d) To design more robust windshields

3.In the first chicken cannon test, what was the result of the chicken being fired at the aircraft's windshield?

a) The windshield shattered b) The chicken bounced off harmlessly

c) The aircraft engine failed d) The windshield sustained substantial damage

4.How has the use of a chicken cannon impacted the aviation industry?

a) It has increased the number of bird strikes.

b) It has led to more incidents involving plane crashes.

c) It has decreased the number of bird strike incidents.

d) It has caused engineers to use outdated testing methods.

5.What have engineers been able to identify and develop as a result of chicken cannon testing?

a) Potential weaknesses in windshield design b) Improved aircraft seating in case of a brid strike

c) New airline routes to avoid bird strikes d) Faster aircraft engines to escape bird strikes

6.What does the use of a chicken cannon illustrate about engineering practices?

a) The importance of urban legends

b) The need for outdated testing methods

c) The significance of understanding causes and effects

d) The limitations of technological advancements

Answers and explanations

1. Correct answer: a) Predicting potential problems

•Explanation: Understanding causes and effects allows engineers to anticipate issues that may arise and develop effective solutions to address them.

2. Correct answer: b) To investigate an urban legend

•Explanation: Engineers used the chicken cannon to test the validity of an urban legend regarding mid-air collisions between aircraft and birds.

3. Correct answer: d) The windshield sustained substantial damage

•Explanation: The impact of the chicken on the windshield caused substantial damage, highlighting the importance of robust windshield design.

4. Correct answer: c) It has decreased the number of bird strike incidents.

•Explanation: By identifying weaknesses in windshield design and developing new materials, the use of the chicken cannon has helped reduce the frequency of bird strike incidents in the aviation industry.

5. Correct answer: a) Potential weaknesses in windshield design

•Explanation: Chicken cannon testing has allowed engineers to identify vulnerabilities in windshield design and develop stronger materials to improve aircraft safety.

6. Correct answer: c) The significance of understanding causes and effects

•Explanation: The use of the chicken cannon demonstrates how understanding the causes and effects of phenomena can lead to significant advancements in engineering design and safety practices

16 Nisan 2024 Salı

Revision Exercises For Leng 102 Freshman English-15 (UNIT 9-Pgs:74-75)


Unit 9 – Theory and practice

Vocabulary pp 74-75 – Comparing results with expectations

The definitions and sample sentences:

1. Aeronautical (adj) - Havacılık (adj): Used for things related to flight or airplanes.

•English: We're developing new aeronautical materials to improve airplane performance.

•Turkish: Uçak performansını arttırmak için yeni havacılık malzemeleri geliştiriyoruz.

2. Rely on (v) - Güvenmek (v): To depend on something.

•English: The new bridge design relies on strong support beams.

•Turkish: Yeni köprü tasarımı sağlam destek kirişlerine güvenmektedir.

3. Trial and error (n) - Deneme yanılma (n): A method of solving problems by trying different things and learning from mistakes.

•English: We used trial and error to find the best settings for the machine.

•Turkish: Makine için en iyi ayarları bulmak için deneme yanılma yöntemini kullandık.

4. Unfamiliar territory (n) - Bilinmeyen alan (n): An area or subject that you don't know much about.

•English: Working with this new technology is unfamiliar territory for me.

•Turkish: Bu yeni teknoloji ile çalışmak benim için bilinmeyen bir alan.

5. On a steep learning curve (idiom) - Hızlı öğrenme sürecinde (deyim): Learning something new quickly and with some difficulty.

•English: I'm on a steep learning curve with this new software, but I'm getting the hang of it.

•Turkish: Bu yeni yazılımla hızlı öğrenme sürecindeyim ama yavaş yavaş alışıyorum.

6. Launch (v) - Fırlatmak (v): To send something (often a rocket or spacecraft) into space.

•English: The team is preparing to launch the new satellite next week.

•Turkish: Ekip, yeni uyduyu önümüzdeki hafta fırlatmaya hazırlanıyor.

7. Bear in mind (v) - Unutmamak (v): To remember something important.

•English: Bear in mind the safety precautions when working with this equipment.

•Turkish: Bu ekipmanla çalışırken güvenlik önlemlerini unutmamak gerekir.

8. Shoot up (v) - Hızla yükselmek (v): To increase rapidly.

•English: The cost of materials has been shooting up lately.

•Turkish: Malzeme fiyatları son zamanlarda hızla yükseliyor.

9. Reasonably (adv) - Makul bir şekilde (adv): In a way that is fair and sensible.

•English: We can expect to finish the project reasonably on time.

•Turkish: Projeyi makul bir şekilde zamanında bitirebileceğimizi düşünüyoruz.

10. Exceed (v) - Aşmak (v): To be greater than something.

•English: The new engine design exceeds all performance expectations.

•Turkish: Yeni motor tasarımı tüm performans beklentilerini aşıyor.

11. Ecstatic (adj) - Mutlu (adj): Very happy and excited.

•English: The team was ecstatic about the successful launch of the rocket.

•Turkish: Ekip, roketin başarılı bir şekilde fırlatılmasından dolayı mutluydu.

12. In a split-second (adv) - Bir saniyenin küçük bir kesrinde (adv): In a very short amount of time.

•English: The driver had to react in a split-second to avoid the accident.

•Turkish: Sürücü kazayı önlemek için bir saniyenin küçük bir kesrinde tepki vermek zorunda kaldı.

13.Tumble over (v) - Dönerek Düşmek (v): To fall over while rolling.

•English: The astronaut did a somersault and tumbled over in zero gravity.

•Turkish: Astronot bir takla attı ve yerçekimsiz ortamda dönerek düştü.

14.Disposable (adj) - Atılabilir (adj): Designed to be thrown away after use.

•English: We used disposable gloves while handling the hazardous materials.

•Turkish: Tehlikeli malzemeleri ele alırken atılabilir eldiven kullandık.

15. Beaker (n) - Kimyasal deney deney tüpü (n): A glass container used in chemistry experiments.

•English: The scientist carefully poured the solution into the beaker.

•Turkish: Bilim insanı çözeltiyi dikkatlice kimyasal deney deney tüpüne döktü.

16. Inertia (n) - Eylemsizlik (n): The tendency of an object to resist changes in its state of motion.

•English: Inertia makes it difficult to stop a moving car quickly.

•Turkish: Eylemsizlik, hareket halindeki bir arabayı hızla durdurmayı zorlaştırır.

17. Front-heavy (adj) - Öne eğimli (adj): Having more weight in the front than the back.

•English: The airplane was too front-heavy and had difficulty taking off.

•Turkish: Uçak çok öne eğimliydi ve kalkışta zorluk yaşadı.

18. Attain (v) - Sahip olmak (v): To achieve or reach something.

•English: The engineers are working to attain greater fuel efficiency.

•Turkish: Mühendisler daha fazla yakıt verimliliği sahip olmak için çalışıyorlar.

19. Turn out (v) - Olmak (v): To happen in a particular way.

•English: The experiment didn't quite turn out as we expected.

•Turkish: Deney beklediğimiz gibi olmadı.

20. Overfill (v) - Doldurmak (v): To put too much liquid or gas in something.

•English: Be careful not to overfill the tank, it could leak.

•Turkish: Depoyu doldurmamaya dikkat edin, sızabilir.

21. Expel (v) - Atmak (v): To force something out of a container or place.

•English: The engine expels exhaust fumes through the tailpipe.

•Turkish: Motor, egzoz dumanlarını kuyruk borusundan atar.

22. A quarter full, a third full (phrases) - Dörtte biri dolu, üçte biri dolu (kısaltmalar): Describing the level of liquid in a container.

•English: The cup is about a quarter full of water.

•Turkish: Bardak yaklaşık dörtte biri dolu su var.

23. Underestimate (v) - Azımsamak (v): To judge something to be less important, powerful, or difficult than it really is.

•English: Don't underestimate the complexity of this project.

•Turkish: Bu projenin karmaşıklığığını azımsamayın.

24. Overestimate (v) - Abartmak (v): To judge something to be more important, powerful, or difficult than it really is.

•English: We may have overestimated the time needed to complete the task.

•Turkish: Görevi tamamlamak için gereken süreyi abartmış olabiliriz.

25. To be hardly up to sth (idiom) - Bir şeye pek uygun olmamak (deyim): To not be good enough for something.

•English: This old equipment is hardly up to the task of meeting today's production standards.

•Turkish: Bu eski ekipman, günümüzün üretim standartlarını karşılamak için pek uygun değil.

26. DIY (Do It Yourself) (adj) - Kendin Yap (adj): Refers to projects or repairs completed without professional help.

•English: I'm building a simple robot using a DIY kit.

•Turkish: Kendin Yap bir kit kullanarak basit bir robot inşa ediyorum.

27. Pressurisation (n) - Basınçlandırma (n): The act of increasing the pressure inside a container.

•English: The pressurisation of the rocket fuel tank is a critical step before launch.

•Turkish: Roket yakıt deposunun basınçlandırılması fırlatma öncesi kritik bir adımdır.

28. Compressor (n) - Kompresör (n): A machine that increases the pressure of a gas.

•English: The compressor in an air conditioner pumps cool air into your home.

•Turkish: Klima cihazındaki kompresör, evinize soğuk hava pompalar.

29. Launch pad (n) - Fırlatma rampası (n): The platform from which a rocket or spacecraft is launched.

•English: The astronauts boarded the spacecraft on the launch pad.

•Turkish: Astronotlar fırlatma rampasında uzay aracına bindiler.

30. Release (n) - Salınım (n): The act of letting something go or allowing it to escape.

•English: The sudden release of pressure caused the valve to burst.

•Turkish: Basıncın ani salınımı vana patlamasına neden oldu.

31. Release (v) - Salıvermek (v): To let something go or allow it to escape.

•English: The engineer carefully released the pressure from the boiler.

•Turkish: Mühendis, kazandan basıncı dikkatlice salıverdi.

32. Trigger (v) - Tetiklemek (v): To cause something to happen; activate.

•English: The high temperature triggered the fire alarm.

•Turkish: Yüksek sıcaklık yangın alarmını tetikledi.

33. Competitor (n) - Rakip (n): A company or person that competes with another in business.

•English: We need to develop new features to stay ahead of the competition.

•Turkish: Rakiplerin önünde kalmak için yeni özellikler geliştirmemiz gerekiyor.

34. Deem (v) - Düşünmek (v): To believe or consider something to be true.

•English: The engineers deem this new material to be strong enough for the project.

•Turkish: Mühendisler bu yeni malzemenin proje için yeterince güçlü olduğunu düşünüyorlar.

Instructions: Choose the answer that best completes the sentence.

1.I'm working on a(n) _______ project to build a bird feeder from recycled materials.

a) professional b) industrial c) DIY d) commercial

2.The safe storage of chemicals requires proper _______ to prevent leaks.

a) expectation b) pressurisation c) depression d) decompression

3.The air conditioner uses a(n) _______ to cool down the incoming air.

a) expeller b) detector c) releaser d) compressor

4.The astronauts waved goodbye from the _______ before the rocket blasted off.

a) platform b) launch pad c) runway d) assembly line

5.A sudden _______ in the water pipe caused a leak in the kitchen.

a) release b)decrease c) injection d) absorption

6.The technician carefully _______ the pressure from the gas tank before maintenance.

a) increased b) maintained c) released d) triggered

7.The loud noise _______ the car alarm, startling everyone nearby.

a) exceeded b) expelled c) released d) triggered

8.We need to improve our product design to stay ahead of the _______.

a) colleagues b) competitors c) clients d) suppliers

9.The team _______ the new invention to be a major breakthrough in renewable energy.

a) knows b) understands c) deems d) expects

10.Entering an _______ territory like deep-sea exploration requires careful planning.

a) unfamiliar b) familiar c) reasonable d) disposable

11.Learning new software can be a(n) _______ learning curve, but it's rewarding.

a) slow b) steady c) steep d) flat

12.Always _______ the safety precautions when working with hazardous materials.

a) underestimate b) bear in mind c) trigger d) expel

13.The new engine design _______ all performance expectations.

a) decreases b) exceeds c) releases d) benefits

14.The scientist needed to use a(n) _______ to measure the volume of the liquid.

a) compressor b) trigger c) launch pad d) beaker

15.The instructions for building the robot were unclear, so we had to use _______ to figure it out.

a) trial and error b) trigger c) release d) pressurize

16.The __________ engineer was thrilled to work on designing the new spacecraft.

a) aeronautical b) disposable c) trial and error d) turn out

17.Engineers often have to __________ on computer simulations to predict the behavior of complex systems.

a) bear in mind b) rely on c) shoot up d) overfill

18.The demand for renewable energy has __________ in recent years due to environmental concerns.

a) turned out b) underestimated c) exceeded d) shot up

19.The experiment __________ to be more difficult than we initially thought.

a) relies on b) is hardly up to c) turns out d) overfills

20.The robot __________ the obstacle in its path and continued moving forward.

a) exceeds b) tumbles over c) is front-heavy d) attains

Answer key: 1. c 2. b 3. d 4. b 5. a 6. c 7. d 8. b 9. c 10. a 11. c 12. b 13. b 14. d 15. a 16. a 17. b 18. d 19. c 20. b

Read the text below and mark the statements as True or False.

The Innovative Aeronautical Design of Our New Drone: A Deep Dive into Its Features and Development

In the ever-evolving world of engineering and technology, our company has consistently been at the vanguard, pushing the boundaries of innovation and setting new standards. Today, we are excited to present our latest product, an innovative drone meticulously designed with state-of-the-art aeronautical materials that significantly enhance its performance and efficiency.

The development of this drone is underpinned by a robust design that incorporates strong, yet lightweight materials. These materials, which our engineers have deemed to be strong enough after rigorous testing, were carefully selected following a series of trial and error experiments. This process was indeed a steep learning curve for our team, but it was a reasonably expected challenge given the unfamiliar territory we were venturing into.

The drone's engine design is a marvel in itself, exceeding all performance expectations by offering unprecedented fuel efficiency. This achievement is the result of a painstaking design process that takes into account the importance of every single detail. For instance, the drone's pressurization system, a critical step that ensures the proper functioning of the engine, has been designed with utmost precision. The sudden release of pressure could trigger a malfunction, and to prevent this, our engineers have designed a safety valve that carefully controls and releases the pressure from the engine.

In terms of competition, we are confident that our new drone will outpace its rivals. Its unique features, such as the DIY customization kit, make it a formidable competitor in the market. However, we are aware of the complexity of maintaining this leading position. It requires constant innovation and improvement, a challenge we are prepared to tackle head-on.

The launch of this new drone is scheduled for next week at our designated launch pad. The team is meticulously preparing for the event, ensuring all safety precautions are in place. We are ecstatic about this milestone and eagerly anticipate seeing our drone take flight.

However, we must remember that this is just the beginning. The cost of materials has been escalating lately, and we need to find reasonably priced alternatives without compromising on quality. This is a challenge we are ready to face, as we believe in our product and its potential to revolutionize the drone industry.

The drone's design also includes disposable components, making maintenance more convenient. The inertia of the drone has been carefully calculated to ensure stability during flight, and the beaker-shaped body allows for optimal airflow. The drone's control system is designed to be user-friendly, even for those in unfamiliar territory when it comes to drone technology.

In conclusion, our new drone is not just a product; it's a testament to our commitment to innovation and excellence. It's a product of countless hours of work, numerous trials, and the unwavering dedication of our team. We are confident that it will exceed your expectations and set a new benchmark in the aeronautical engineering field. We invite you to join us on this exciting journey as we continue to push the boundaries of what's possible in drone technology.

1.The company has introduced a new drone designed with cutting-edge aeronautical materials to improve its performance and efficiency.

True / False

2.The drone is designed with heavy materials to increase its durability.

True / False

3.The drone's engine design offers greater fuel efficiency and exceeds all performance expectations.

True / False

4.The development process was straightforward, and the engineering team did not face any challenges.

True / False

5.The development process involved a steep learning curve and trial and error tests for the engineering team. True / False

6.The drone's pressurization system is not a critical step in ensuring the proper functioning of the engine.

True / False

7.The drone has unique features, such as a DIY customization kit, making it a strong competitor in the market. True / False

8.The cost of materials has been decreasing lately, making it easier for the company to maintain the drone's quality.

True / False

9.The launch of the drone is planned for next week, and the team is preparing while ensuring all safety precautions are in place.

True / False

10.The drone's control system is designed to be complex, catering only to experienced drone users.

True / False

Answer key: 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T 6.F 7. T 8. F 9. T 10. F

Revision Exercises For Leng 102 Freshman English-14 (UNIT 9 Pgs:72-73)


Unit 9 – Theory and practice

Vocabulary pp 72-73 – Exchanging views on predictions and theories

The definitions and sample sentences:

1.Prediction (n):•Definition: A statement about what will happen or might happen in the future based on evidence or reasoning.

•Sample sentence: Engineers use mathematical models to make predictions about the performance of structures under various conditions.

Turkish definition: Tahmin Turkish sample sentence: Mühendisler, çeşitli koşullar altında yapıların performansı hakkında tahminler yapmak için matematiksel modeller kullanırlar.


Theory (n):

Definition: A well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world that is acquired through the scientific method and repeatedly tested and confirmed.

Sample sentence: The theory of relativity proposed by Albert Einstein revolutionized our understanding of space and time.

Turkish definition: Teori Turkish sample sentence: Albert Einstein tarafından önerilen izafiyet teorisi, uzay ve zamanın anlayışımızı kökten değiştirdi.

3.Cargo (n):

•Definition: Goods carried by a large vehicle, ship, or aircraft.

•Sample sentence: The cargo hold of the airplane was filled with supplies for the remote village.

Turkish definition: Kargo, Yük Turkish sample sentence: Uçağın kargo bölümü, uzak köye götürülmek üzere malzemelerle doluydu.

4.Humanitarian aid (n):

•Definition: Assistance provided for humanitarian purposes, typically in response to a crisis such as a natural disaster or conflict.

•Sample sentence: The Red Cross provided humanitarian aid to the victims of the earthquake.

Turkish definition: İnsani yardım Turkish sample sentence: Kızıl Haç, deprem mağdurlarına insani yardım sağladı.

5.To drop off sth (v):

•Definition: To deliver or deposit something at a specific location.

•Sample sentence: The helicopter will drop off medical supplies at the designated area.

Turkish definition: Bırakmak Turkish sample sentence: Helikopter, belirlenen alanda tıbbi malzemeleri bırakacak.

6.Air-drops (n):

•Definition: Supplies or equipment dropped from an aircraft by parachute.

•Sample sentence: The air-drops provided essential supplies to the stranded population.

Turkish definition: Havadan indirme Turkish sample sentence: Havadan indirmeler, mahsur kalan nüfusa temel malzemeler sağladı.

7.Air-drop (v):

•Definition: To deliver supplies or equipment from an aircraft by dropping them with parachutes.

•Sample sentence: The military air-dropped food and medicine to the remote village.

Turkish definition: Havadan indirmek Turkish sample sentence: Askeri birlikler, uzak köye yiyecek ve ilaçları hava indirerek ulaştırdı.

8.Air-dropped (adj):

•Definition: Describing supplies or equipment that have been delivered from an aircraft by dropping them with parachutes.

•Sample sentence: The air-dropped relief supplies arrived safely to the disaster area.

Turkish definition: Havadan indirilmiş Turkish sample sentence: Havadan indirilmiş yardım malzemeleri, felaket bölgesine güvenli bir şekilde ulaştı.

9.Airspeed (n):

•Definition: The speed of an aircraft relative to the air through which it is moving.

•Sample sentence: Pilots need to monitor airspeed carefully during takeoff and landing.

Turkish definition: Hava hızı Turkish sample sentence: Pilotlar, kalkış ve iniş sırasında hava hızını dikkatlice izlemelidir.

10.Groundspeed (n):

•Definition: The speed of an aircraft relative to the ground below it.

•Sample sentence: The groundspeed of the plane was reduced due to strong headwinds.

Turkish definition: Yer hızı Turkish sample sentence: Uçağın yer hızı, güçlü rüzgarlar nedeniyle azaldı.

11.The horizontal speed (n):

•Definition: The speed of an object or vehicle in the horizontal direction, parallel to the ground.

•Sample sentence: Engineers calculated the horizontal speed of the projectile to determine its trajectory.

Turkish definition: Yatay hız Turkish sample sentence: Mühendisler, projektilin yörüngesini belirlemek için yatay hızını hesapladılar.

12.Low-altitude (n):

•Definition: Relatively close to the ground.

•Sample sentence: The helicopter flew at a low altitude to avoid detection by enemy radar.

Turkish definition: Düşük irtifa Turkish sample sentence: Helikopter, düşman radarı tarafından tespit edilmemek için düşük irtifada uçtu.

13.The vertical speed (n):

•Definition: The rate of change of altitude of an object or vehicle, typically measured in feet or meters per second.

•Sample sentence: The elevator's vertical speed was controlled by the hydraulic system.

Turkish definition: Dikey hız Turkish sample sentence: Asansörün dikey hızı hidrolik sistem tarafından kontrol ediliyordu.

14.High-altitude (n):

•Definition: At a great distance above the ground.

•Sample sentence: High-altitude balloons are used for scientific research in the upper atmosphere.

Turkish definition: Yüksek irtifa Turkish sample sentence: Yüksek irtifa balonları, üst atmosferde bilimsel araştırmalar için kullanılır.

15.Impact speed (n):

•Definition: The speed at which an object strikes another object.

•Sample sentence: Engineers analyzed the impact speed of the vehicle collision to assess the damage.

Turkish definition: Çarpışma hızı Turkish sample sentence: Mühendisler, araç çarpışmasının hasarını değerlendirmek için çarpışma hızını analiz ettiler.

16.Impact damage (n):

•Definition: Damage caused by the collision or striking of an object.

•Sample sentence: The impact damage to the bridge required extensive repairs.

Turkish definition: Çarpma hasarı Turkish sample sentence: Köprüye olan çarpma hasarı geniş kapsamlı onarımları gerektirdi.

17.Slide (v):

•Definition: To move smoothly along a surface, typically with a continuous contact.

•Sample sentence: The sled slid down the snowy hill.

Turkish definition: Kaymak Turkish sample sentence: Kızak, karlı tepeden aşağı kaydı.

18.Roll (v):

•Definition: To move by turning over and over on an axis.

•Sample sentence: The ball rolled down the ramp.

Turkish definition: Yuvarlanmak Turkish sample sentence: Top rampadan aşağı yuvarlandı.

19.The terminal velocity (n):

•Definition: The constant speed that a freely falling object eventually reaches when the resistance of the medium through which it is falling prevents further acceleration.

•Sample sentence: The skydiver reached terminal velocity before deploying the parachute.

Turkish definition: Terminal hız Turkish sample sentence: Paraşüt açmadan önce paraşütçü terminal hıza ulaştı.

20.Aerodynamic drag (n):

•Definition: The resistance experienced by an object moving through a fluid medium (such as air) due to its shape and surface characteristics.

•Sample sentence: Engineers aim to minimize aerodynamic drag to increase the efficiency of vehicles.

Turkish definition: Aerodinamik direnç Turkish sample sentence: Mühendisler, araçların verimliliğini artırmak için aerodinamik direnci en aza indirmeyi hedefler.

21.Air resistance (n):

•Definition: The force that opposes the motion of an object through air.

•Sample sentence: Parachutists experience air resistance as they fall through the atmosphere.

Turkish definition: Hava direnci Turkish sample sentence: Paraşütçüler, atmosferden düşerken hava direnci ile karşılaşırlar.

22.Distribute (v):

•Definition: To give out or deliver something to a number of people or places.

•Sample sentence: The organization distributes food to needy families in the community.

Turkish definition: Dağıtmak Turkish sample sentence: Kuruluş, toplumda ihtiyaç sahibi ailelere yiyecek dağıtır.

23.Distribution (n):

•Definition: The act of distributing something.

•Sample sentence: The distribution of resources was uneven across different regions.

Turkish definition: Dağıtım Turkish sample sentence: Kaynakların dağılımı farklı bölgeler arasında dengesizdi.

24.Weight distribution (n):

•Definition: The arrangement or allocation of weight within an object or structure.

•Sample sentence: Proper weight distribution is essential for the stability of the aircraft.

Turkish definition: Ağırlık dağılımı Turkish sample sentence: Uçağın stabilitesi için uygun ağırlık dağılımı çok önemlidir.

Read the text below and answer the questions

In the vast and complex field of logistics and transportation, air-dropped cargos hold a unique and crucial position, particularly in situations where traditional ground transportation is not feasible or time-sensitive deliveries are required. The concept of air-dropped cargos involves the delivery of supplies or equipment from an aircraft by dropping them with parachutes, a method that has been used extensively in military operations, disaster relief efforts, and humanitarian aid missions.

The process of air-dropping cargos begins with careful planning and preparation. The cargo, which can range from food and medical supplies to vehicles and military equipment, must be securely packed and attached to parachutes designed to withstand the forces of the drop. The weight distribution of the cargo is a critical factor in this process. Proper weight distribution ensures the stability of the aircraft and the safe descent of the cargo. Engineers and logistics experts use mathematical models and well-substantiated theories to make predictions about the performance of the cargo under various conditions, taking into account factors such as airspeed, groundspeed, and vertical speed.

Airspeed, the speed of an aircraft relative to the air through which it is moving, is a crucial factor in the success of an air-drop mission. Pilots need to monitor airspeed carefully during the drop to ensure that the cargo is released at the correct speed and altitude. Groundspeed, the speed of an aircraft relative to the ground below it, and the horizontal speed, the speed of the aircraft in the horizontal direction, are also important considerations. These factors can be influenced by wind conditions and the terrain over which the aircraft is flying.

The altitude of the aircraft during the air-drop is another critical factor. Low-altitude air-drops, those relatively close to the ground, can be used to avoid detection by enemy radar or to deliver supplies to a specific location with precision. However, they also present challenges such as reduced reaction time and increased risk of collision with terrain or obstacles. On the other hand, high-altitude air-drops, at a great distance above the ground, can cover a larger drop area and reduce the risk of detection, but they require more sophisticated equipment and planning.

The impact speed, the speed at which the cargo strikes the ground, is a significant factor in determining the potential for impact damage. Engineers analyze the impact speed of the cargo to assess the risk of damage and to design parachutes and packing materials that can withstand the forces of the impact. Impact damage, damage caused by the collision or striking of an object, can result in the loss of critical supplies or equipment. Therefore, minimizing impact damage is a key goal in the planning and execution of air-drop missions.

The distribution of air-dropped cargos is another important aspect of these operations. The act of distributing something, whether it's supplies, resources, or even weight within an aircraft, is a critical aspect of many logistical

tasks. In the context of air-dropped cargos, distribution can refer to the allocation of supplies among different drop zones or the arrangement of cargo within the aircraft to ensure proper weight distribution.

In conclusion, the concept of air-dropped cargos involves a complex interplay of various factors, including prediction, theory, cargo handling, airspeed, groundspeed, horizontal speed, low-altitude and high-altitude flights, impact speed, impact damage, and distribution. Each of these factors plays a crucial role in the planning and execution of air-drop missions, and understanding their interconnections and dependencies is essential for the success of these operations. Whether it's delivering lifesaving supplies to a remote village or providing critical support to military operations, air-dropped cargos are a vital tool in the field of logistics and transportation.

1.What is the process of air-dropping cargos?

a) Delivering supplies or equipment from an aircraft by dropping them with parachutes

b) Transporting supplies or equipment using ground vehicles

c) Delivering supplies or equipment using drones

d) Transporting supplies or equipment using ships

2.What is a crucial factor in the process of air-dropping cargos?

a) The color of the parachutes b) The weight distribution of the cargo

c) The type of aircraft used d) The time of day the drop is made

3.What is impact damage in the context of air-dropped cargos?

a) Damage caused by exposure to moisture

b) Damage caused by exposure to extreme temperatures

c) Damage caused by the collision or striking of an object

d) Damage caused by mishandling during transport

4.What is a challenge of low-altitude air-drops?

a) Reduced reaction time and increased risk of collision with terrain or obstacles

b) Difficulty in covering a large drop area

c) Increased risk of detection by enemy radar

d) Difficulty in delivering supplies to a specific location with precision

5.What is the purpose of proper weight distribution in the context of air-dropped cargos?

a) To ensure the cargo is delivered to the correct location

b) To ensure the stability of the aircraft and the safe descent of the cargo

c) To ensure the cargo is delivered on time

d) To ensure the cargo is not damaged during transport

6.What is the significance of minimizing impact damage in air-drop missions?

a) To ensure the safety of the aircraft and its crew

b) To save time and resources in the mission

c) To prevent the loss of critical supplies or equipment

d) To maintain the quality of the supplies being delivered

7.What does distribution refer to in the context of air-dropped cargos?

a) The allocation of supplies among different drop zones

b) The arrangement of cargo within the aircraft to ensure proper weight distribution

c) The delivery of supplies to the intended recipients

d) Both a and b

8.What is the role of engineers and logistics experts in air-drop missions?

a) To design and build the aircraft used in the mission

b) To plan and execute the mission, including predicting the performance of the cargo and assessing the risk of damage

c) To maintain and repair the aircraft and equipment used in the mission

d) To train the crew and personnel involved in the mission.

Answers and explanations

1.Answer: a) Delivering supplies or equipment from an aircraft by dropping them with parachutes Explanation: The text states that the process of air-dropping cargos involves delivering supplies or equipment from an aircraft by dropping them with parachutes.

2.Answer: b) The weight distribution of the cargo Explanation: The text mentions that proper weight distribution is a crucial factor in the process of air-dropping cargos to ensure the stability of the aircraft and the safe descent of the cargo.

3.Answer: c) Damage caused by the collision or striking of an object Explanation: The text defines impact damage as damage caused by the collision or striking of an object.

4.Answer: a) Reduced reaction time and increased risk of collision with terrain or obstacles Explanation: The text mentions that low-altitude air-drops present challenges such as reduced reaction time and increased risk of collision with terrain or obstacles.

5.Answer: b) To ensure the stability of the aircraft and the safe descent of the cargo Explanation: The text states that proper weight distribution is necessary to ensure the stability of the aircraft and the safe descent of the cargo.

6.Answer: c) To prevent the loss of critical supplies or equipment Explanation: The text mentions that minimizing impact damage is a key goal in air-drop missions to prevent the loss of critical supplies or equipment.

7.Answer: d) Both a and b Explanation: The text mentions that distribution in the context of air-dropped cargos can refer to both the allocation of supplies among different drop zones and the arrangement of cargo within the aircraft to ensure proper weight distribution.

8.Answer: b) To plan and execute the mission, including predicting the performance of the cargo and assessing the risk of damage Explanation: The text states that engineers and logistics experts use mathematical models and well-substantiated theories to make predictions about the performance of the cargo under various conditions and assess the risk of damage in air-drop missions. They are involved in planning and executing the mission.

Fill in the Blanks: Airdrop Mission

Instructions: Complete each sentence with the most appropriate word from the list.

prediction, theory, drop off, air-dropped, airspeed, groundspeed, horizontal speed, low-altitude, vertical speed, high-altitude, impact speed, slide, roll, aerodynamic drag, air resistance, distribute, distribution

1.The aid workers are finalizing the _________ plan for delivering supplies to the flood victims.

2.Due to bad weather, we may need to adjust the _________ for the airdrop.

3.The helicopter will _________ the emergency kits at designated points along the trail.

4.The _________ of the cargo will increase significantly as it falls towards the ground.

5.At high altitudes, parachutes are essential to slow down the _________ of the supplies.

6.The careful packing of the boxes minimizes the possibility of them _________ or _________ during landing.

7.Ideally, the _________ of the aircraft should match the wind speed for a precise drop.

8.The _________ of the falling object is reduced by air resistance, also known as _________ .

9.While _________ airdrops offer more control, they also pose a higher risk due to potential obstacles.

10. Following the airdrop, volunteers will be responsible for the _________ of the aid throughout the affected area.


1.The aid workers are finalizing the distribution plan for delivering supplies to the flood victims.

2.Due to bad weather, we may need to adjust the airspeed for the airdrop.

3.The helicopter will drop off the emergency kits at designated points along the trail.

4.The vertical speed of the cargo will increase significantly as it falls towards the ground.

5.At high altitudes, parachutes are essential to slow down the impact speed of the supplies.

6.The careful packing of the boxes minimizes the possibility of them sliding or rolling during landing.

7.Ideally, the horizontal speed of the aircraft should match the wind speed for a precise drop.

8.The vertical speed of the falling object is reduced by air resistance, also known as aerodynamic drag.

9.While low-altitude airdrops offer more control, they also pose a higher risk due to potential obstacles.

10.Following the airdrop, volunteers will be responsible for the distribution of the aid throughout the affected area.

Revision Exercises For Leng 102 Freshman English-13 (UNIT 9 pgs:70-71)


Unit 9 – Theory and practice

Vocabulary pp 70 - 71 – Explaining tests and experiments – updated version!

The definitions and sample sentences:

1. Scale (n): The size of something relative to another thing.

•Sentence: "The model airplane was built at a 1:10 scale compared to the real aircraft."

•Turkish: Ölçek (n): Bir şeyin diğerine göre büyüklüğü.

•Turkish Sentence: Gerçek uçağa göre 1:10 ölçekli model uçak yapıldı.

2. Computer Models and Simulations: Representations of a system or process using a computer program.

•Sentence: "Engineers used computer models and simulations to predict the behavior of the bridge under stress."

•Turkish: Bilgisayar Modelleri ve Simülasyonları: Bir sistemin veya sürecin bir bilgisayar programı kullanılarak temsili.

•Turkish Sentence: Mühendisler, köprünün stres altında davranışını tahmin etmek için bilgisayar modelleri ve simülasyonları kullandılar.

3. Reduced-scale testing: Testing a smaller version of something to learn about the full-scale version.

•Sentence: " Reduced-scale testing of the car's design helped identify potential weaknesses before building the full vehicle."

•Turkish: Küçültülmüş Ölçekli Test: Tam ölçekli versiyon hakkında bilgi edinmek için daha küçük bir versiyonun test edilmesi.

•Turkish Sentence: Arabanın tasarımının küçültülmüş ölçekli testi, tam araç inşa edilmeden önce potansiyel zayıflıkların tespit edilmesine yardımcı oldu.

4. Full-scale testing: Testing something in its actual size and operating conditions.

•Sentence: The full-scale testing of the rocket was conducted at a launch facility.

•Turkish: Tam Ölçekli Test: Bir şeyin gerçek boyutunda ve çalışma koşullarında test edilmesi.

•Turkish Sentence: Roketin tam ölçekli testi bir fırlatma tesisinde yapıldı.

5. Development Tools: Equipment or software used to create or improve something.

•Sentence: 3D printing is becoming a popular development tool for engineers in prototyping new products.

•Turkish: Geliştirme Araçları: Yeni ürünlerin prototiplerini oluşturmak veya geliştirmek için kullanılan ekipman veya yazılım.

•Turkish Sentence: 3D baskı, mühendisler arasında yeni ürünlerin prototiplenmesinde popüler bir geliştirme aracı haline geliyor.

6. Aerodynamics: The study of how air interacts with moving objects.

•Sentence: Understanding aerodynamics is crucial for designing airplanes that fly efficiently.

•Turkish: Aerodinamik: Havanın hareketli cisimlerle nasıl etkileşime girdiğini inceleyen bilim dalı.

•Turkish Sentence: Uçakların verimli bir şekilde uçmasını sağlamak için aerodinamiği anlamak çok önemlidir.

7. Aerodynamic Testing: The process of evaluating the aerodynamic properties of a design.

•Sentence: Aerodynamic testing in a wind tunnel can help identify areas for improvement in a car's design.

•Turkish: Aerodinamik Test: Bir tasarımın aerodinamik özelliklerini değerlendirme süreci.

•Turkish Sentence: Rüzgar tünelinde yapılan aerodinamik testler, bir arabanın tasarımında iyileştirilebilecek alanları belirlemeye yardımcı olabilir.

8. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD): A computer program used to simulate fluid flow around objects.

•Sentence: CFD is a valuable tool for engineers in aerodynamic testing.

•Turkish: Hesaplamalı Akışkanlar Dinamiği (HAD): Nesnelerin çevresindeki akışkan akışını simüle etmek için kullanılan bir bilgisayar programı.

•Turkish Sentence: HAD, mühendisler için aerodinamik testlerde değerli bir araçtır.

9. Wind Tunnel: A closed chamber used to simulate airflow around objects.

•Sentence: The airplane model was placed in a wind tunnel to test its aerodynamic performance.

•Turkish: Rüzgar Tüneli: Nesnelerin çevresindeki hava akışını simüle etmek için kullanılan kapalı bir oda.

•Turkish Sentence: Uçak modeli, aerodinamik performansını test etmek için bir rüzgar tüneline yerleştirildi.

10. To be equipped with (v): To have something as part of its features or design.

•Sentence: The new car is equipped with a variety of safety features.

•Turkish: Donanım olmak (fiil): Bir şeyin özelliklerinin veya tasarımının bir parçası olarak sahip olmak.

•Turkish Sentence: Yeni araba çeşitli güvenlik özellikleri ile donatılmıştır.

11. Rolling Road (n): A machine that simulates driving conditions for testing vehicles.

•Sentence: The car's engine performance was tested on a rolling road.

•Turkish: Dönen Yol (isim): Araçları test etmek için sürüş koşullarını simüle eden bir makine.

•Turkish Sentence: Arabanın motor performansı dönen yolda test edildi.

12. Reliability (n): The ability of something to perform consistently and without failure.

•Sentence: Reliability is a key factor to consider when choosing an engine for a car.

•Turkish: Güvenilirlik (isim): Bir şeyin tutarlı bir şekilde ve arıza yapmadan performans gösterme yeteneği.

•Turkish Sentence: Araba için motor seçerken güvenilirlik önemli bir faktördür.

13. Reliable (adj): Able to be depended on to work well and consistently.

•Sentence: This brand of engine is known for being reliable.

•Turkish: Güvenilir (sıfat): İyi ve tutarlı bir şekilde çalışması beklenen.

•Turkish Sentence: Bu marka motor, güvenilirliğiyle bilinir.

14. Field Testing: Testing a product or system in real-world conditions.

•Sentence: The new software will undergo field testing before being released to the public.

•Turkish: Saha Testi: Bir ürünü veya sistemi gerçek dünya koşullarında test etme.

•Turkish Sentence: Yeni yazılım halka sunulmadan önce saha testinden geçecek.

15. Collaborate (v): To work together on a project or task.

•Sentence: Engineers from different departments collaborated on the design of the new bridge.

•Turkish: İşbirliği yapmak (fiil): Bir proje veya görev üzerinde birlikte çalışmak.

•Turkish Sentence: Farklı departmanlardan mühendisler, yeni köprünün tasarımında işbirliği yaptılar.

16. Turbulence (n): Irregular and unpredictable movement in a fluid.

•Sentence: Turbulence can cause discomfort for passengers on airplanes.

•Turkish: Türbülans (isim): Bir akışkandaki düzensiz ve öngörülemeyen hareket.

•Turkish Sentence: Türbülans, uçak yolcuları için rahatsızlığa neden olabilir.

17. Enclosed (adj): Surrounded on all sides.

•Sentence: The experiment was conducted in an enclosed chamber.

•Turkish: Kapalı (sıfat): Her tarafı çevrili.

•Turkish Sentence: Deney, kapalı bir odada yapıldı.

18. In Isolation: Alone or separate from others.

•Sentence: It's important to test each component in isolation before integrating them into the system.

•Turkish: İzolasyon içinde: Tek başına veya diğerlerinden ayrı.

•Turkish Sentence: Her bir bileşeni sisteme entegre etmeden önce izolasyon içinde test etmek önemlidir.

19. As a Combination: Together or working jointly.

•Sentence: The different parts of the engine work as a combination to create power.

•Turkish: Kombinasyon Olarak: Birlikte veya birlikte çalışan.

•Turkish Sentence: Motorun farklı parçaları güç oluşturmak için kombinasyon halinde çalışır.

20. To Bear in Mind (v): To remember or consider something.

•Sentence: Bear in mind the user's needs when designing a new product.

•Turkish: Akılda Tutmak (fiil): Yeni bir ürün tasarlarken kullanıcının ihtiyaçlarını akılda tutun.

•Turkish Sentence: Yeni bir ürün tasarlarken kullanıcının ihtiyaçlarını akılda tutun.

21. The Acid Test: A very difficult or challenging test that reveals the true qualities of something.

•Sentence: Putting the new phone through the acid test helped identify its strengths and weaknesses.

•Turkish: Asıl Test (deyim): Bir şeyin gerçek niteliklerini ortaya çıkaran çok zor veya çetin bir test.

•Turkish Sentence: Yeni telefonu asıl teste tabi tutmak, güçlü ve zayıf yönlerini belirlemeye yardımcı oldu.

22. Back-to-Back Testing: Comparing two different versions of something to see which one performs better.

•Sentence: Back-to-back testing of the two software versions helped determine which one was more user-friendly.

•Turkish: Arka Arkaya Test (deyim): Hangi performansın daha iyi olduğunu görmek için iki farklı sürümü karşılaştırma.

•Turkish Sentence: İki yazılım sürümünün arka arkaya testi, hangisinin daha kullanıcı dostu olduğunu belirlemeye yardımcı oldu.

23. In the Field: In a real-world setting, outside of a controlled environment.

•Sentence: The new material will be tested in the field to see how it performs under different weather conditions.

•Turkish: Sahada: Kontrollü bir ortamın dışında, gerçek bir ortamda.

•Turkish Sentence: Yeni malzeme, farklı hava koşullarında nasıl performans gösterdiğini görmek için sahada test edilecek.

24. Mock-up (n): A full-scale model used for testing or demonstration purposes.

•Sentence: The engineers built a mock-up of the airplane to test the ergonomics of the cockpit.

•Turkish: Maketi (isim): Test veya gösteri amaçlı kullanılan tam ölçekli model.

•Turkish Sentence: Mühendisler, kokpitin ergonomisini test etmek için uçağın bir maketini inşa ettiler.

25. Trial (n): An attempt or experiment to test something.

•Sentence: The company is conducting a trial of a new self-driving car technology.

•Turkish: Deneme (isim): Bir şeyi test etmek için yapılan bir girişim veya deney.

•Turkish Sentence: Şirket, kendi kendini süren araba teknolojisi için bir deneme yürütüyor.

26. Trial Run (n): A practice run done before an actual event.

•Sentence: The pilot crew conducted a trial run before takeoff to ensure everything was functioning properly.

•Turkish: Deneme Uçuşu (isim): Gerçek bir olaydan önce yapılan bir deneme koşusu.

•Turkish Sentence: Pilot ekibi, her şeyin düzgün çalıştığından emin olmak için kalkıştan önce bir deneme uçuşu gerçekleştirdi.

27. Tried-and-Tested (adj): Proven to be reliable or effective through experience.

•Sentence: This is a tried-and-tested method for repairing a flat tire.

•Turkish: D denenmiş ve kanıtlanmış (sıfat): Deneyim yoluyla güvenilir veya etkili olduğu kanıtlanmış.

•Turkish Sentence: Bu, patlak bir lastiği onarmak için denenmiş ve kanıtlanmış bir yöntemdir.

28. Validate (v): To confirm the accuracy or effectiveness of something.

•Sentence: The research team is validating the results of the experiment.

•Turkish: Doğrulamak (fiil): Bir şeyin doğruluğunu veya etkinliğini onaylamak.

•Turkish Sentence: Araştırma ekibi, deneyin sonuçlarını doğrulamaktadır.

29. Invalidate (v): To prove something to be false or ineffective.

•Sentence: New evidence invalidated the previously held theory.

•Turkish: Geçersiz Kılmak (fiil): Bir şeyin yanlış veya etkisiz olduğunu kanıtlamak.

•Turkish Sentence: Yeni kanıtlar, daha önce kabul edilen teoriyi geçersiz kıldı.

30. Virtual (adj): Existing or done on a computer rather than in the physical world.

•Sentence: The team used a virtual reality simulation to train the astronauts.

•Turkish: Sanal (sıfat): Fiziksel dünyada değil, bilgisayarda var olan veya yapılan.

•Turkish Sentence: Ekip, astronotları eğitmek için sanal gerçeklik simülasyonu kullandı.

31. Simulate (v): To imitate the behavior of something using a computer model.

•Sentence: Engineers can simulate the crashworthiness of a car using computer software.

•Turkish: Simüle Etmek (fiil): Bir şeyin davranışını bilgisayar modeli kullanarak taklit etmek.

•Turkish Sentence: Mühendisler, bir arabanın çarpışma dayanıklılığını bilgisayar yazılımı kullanarak simüle edebilirler.

32. Relatively (adv): In comparison to something else.

•Sentence: The new material is relatively lightweight and strong.

•Turkish: Karşılaştırıldığında (zarf): Başka bir şeyle karşılaştırıldığında.

•Turkish Sentence: Yeni malzeme nispeten hafif ve güçlüdür.

33. Fragile (adj)- Easily broken or damaged. (Note: This definition is provided in Chinese characters for reference, as a direct translation may not be the most natural phrasing)

•Sentence: The fragile components need to be handled with care.

•Turkish: Kırılgan (sıfat): Kolayca kırılan veya hasar gören.

•Turkish Sentence: Kırılgan bileşenlerin dikkatli bir şekilde ele alınması gerekir.

34. Air-dropped (adj): Dropped from an airplane.

•Sentence: Air-dropped supplies provided relief to the isolated village.

•Turkish: Havadan Atılan (sıfat): Uçaktan atılan.

•Turkish Sentence: Havadan atılan malzemeler izole köy halkına yardım sağladı.

35. Air-dropping Cargo (n): Supplies or equipment dropped from an airplane.

•Sentence: The military conducted a training exercise involving air-dropping cargo.

•Turkish: Havadan Atılan Kargo (isim): Uçaktan atılan malzeme veya ekipman.

•Turkish Sentence: Askeriye, havadan atılan kargoyu içeren bir eğitim tatbikatı gerçekleştirdi.

36. Deformable (adj): Able to be bent or shaped without breaking.

•Sentence: The car bumper is made of a deformable material to absorb impact.

•Turkish: Deforme Olabilir (sıfat): Kırılmadan eğilebilen veya şekillendirilebilen.

•Turkish Sentence: Araba tamponu, darbeyi emmek için deforme olabilen bir malzemeden yapılmıştır.

37. Maximise (v): To increase something to the greatest possible amount.

•Sentence: Engineers are working to maximise the fuel efficiency of the new engine.

•Turkish: Maksimize Etmek (fiil): Bir şeyi mümkün olan en yüksek miktara çıkarmak.

•Turkish Sentence: Mühendisler, yeni motorun yakıt verimliliğini maksimize etmek için çalışıyorlar.

Read the text below and answer the questions (B1 level)

Bringing Ideas to Flight: The Aerodynamic Design Process

Imagine a sleek airplane soaring effortlessly through the clouds, a race car hugging the track with minimal resistance, or even a high-speed train gliding silently on a bed of air. Behind these marvels of modern engineering lies a fascinating process: aerodynamic design. It's more than just shaping an object to look good; it's about understanding the intricate dance between air and an object's scale (size) and shape to achieve optimal performance. Here's where the magic happens:

The Birth of an Idea:

The journey begins with a spark of creativity. Engineers translate their vision into computer models and simulations. These virtual representations allow them to experiment with different shapes and configurations. Software like Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) acts as a virtual wind tunnel, simulating airflow around the design. This helps identify potential weak spots, like areas of high drag or turbulence, before any physical prototypes are built.

Testing, Testing, One, Two, Three:

The next step involves reduced-scale testing. Imagine miniature versions of airplanes or cars built with meticulous detail. These scaled-down models are often placed inside wind tunnels. These enclosed chambers act as controlled environments, where engineers can manipulate airflow and measure the model's aerodynamic properties. Reduced-scale testing is crucial, allowing for quick and relatively inexpensive evaluations. However, it's important to remember that scaling effects can sometimes introduce limitations - what works on a small model might not translate perfectly to the full-size version.

The Ultimate Challenge: Full-Scale Testing

This is where the rubber meets the road, or rather, the air meets the wings. Full-scale testing is the ultimate acid test. The full-size prototype, often equipped with a multitude of sensors, undergoes rigorous evaluation in the field. For airplanes, this might involve test flights, while cars might be tested on a rolling road that simulates real-world driving conditions. Full-scale testing takes into account real-world factors like turbulence, unpredictable wind patterns, and the true impact of air resistance on the full-size object.

Collaboration is Key:

Throughout this process, engineers from various disciplines collaborate seamlessly. Aerodynamicists work with structural engineers to ensure the design is strong and lightweight. Human factors specialists are brought in to consider passenger comfort and ergonomics. Sometimes, a full-scale mock-up is built to test the functionality and user interaction with the design before finalizing the production model.

Refining the Design: Trials and Validations

The journey doesn't end with testing. Data is meticulously analyzed to validate the design's performance. Engineers might identify areas that require further refinement. This is where trials and trial runs come into play. Modifications are made based on the collected data, and the design undergoes further testing to ensure optimal performance. This iterative process, relying on tried-and-tested methods, guarantees a final product that is not only aesthetically pleasing but also aerodynamically sound.

The Final Reward: Efficiency Takes Flight

The ultimate goal is to maximize efficiency and safety. By skillfully combining these techniques, engineers transform aerodynamic ideas into reality. These creations, from airplanes soaring gracefully through the clouds to high-speed trains gliding effortlessly, are a testament to the art and science of aerodynamic design.

1. What is the main purpose of aerodynamic design, according to the text?

(a) To understand how air interacts with objects for optimal performance.

(b) To create aesthetically pleasing objects.

(c) To build miniature models of vehicles.

(d) To simulate flights on computers.

2. The text mentions "computer models and simulations. What role do these play in the early stages of aerodynamic design?

(a) To identify the best materials for construction. (b) To virtually test different shapes and configurations.

(c) To control airflow in a wind tunnel. (d) To analyze data from full-scale testing.

3. What is the advantage of reduced-scale testing compared to full-scale testing?

(a) It provides a more realistic picture of air resistance.

(b) It allows for testing under real-world conditions.

(c) It is a quicker and more cost-effective method.

(d) It is more accurate for evaluating aerodynamic properties.

4. Why is full-scale testing considered the "acid test" in aerodynamic design?

(a) It involves collaborating with engineers from various disciplines.

(b) It allows for testing the functionality of a mock-up.

(c) It provides the most accurate data about the design's performance.

(d) It is the final stage of the design process.

5. What does the phrase "collaboration is key" suggest about the process of aerodynamic design?

(a) It is primarily an individual effort of an engineer.

(b) It emphasizes the importance of computer simulations.

(c) It focuses solely on testing the design in a wind tunnel.

(d) It requires input from specialists with different areas of expertise.

6. The text mentions "trials and validations”. What happens during this stage of the design process?

(a) The final production model is built.

(b) The design undergoes further refinement based on testing data.

(c) Engineers collaborate to create a computer model.

(d) The object is tested in a controlled environment.

7. The passage uses airplanes, race cars, and high-speed trains as examples. What do these all have in common in relation to aerodynamic design?

(a) They all require efficient movement through the air. (b) They are all built using similar materials.

(c) They all undergo the same testing procedures. (d) They all prioritize passenger comfort in the design.

Bonus: The passage mentions the concept of scaling effects. Explain why these effects can be a limitation during reduced-scale testing.


Answers and Explanations:

1. Answer: (a) To understand how air interacts with objects for optimal performance.

Explanation: The passage emphasizes that aerodynamic design goes beyond aesthetics. It's about understanding how air interacts with an object's shape and size to achieve the best possible performance (e.g., lift for airplanes, minimal drag for cars).

2. Answer: (b) To virtually test different shapes and configurations.

Explanation: Computer models and simulations allow engineers to experiment with various designs on a computer before building physical prototypes. This helps identify potential weak spots early on.

3. Answer: (c) It is a quicker and more cost-effective method.

Explanation: Reduced-scale testing is faster and cheaper than full-scale testing. However, it's important to remember that scaling effects might not always translate perfectly to the final product.

4. Answer: (c) It provides the most accurate data about the design's performance.

Explanation: Full-scale testing is considered the "acid test" because it evaluates the actual prototype under real-world conditions, providing the most accurate data about its aerodynamic performance (e.g., turbulence, air resistance).

5. Answer: (d) It requires input from specialists with different areas of expertise.

Explanation: The phrase "collaboration is key" highlights the importance of teamwork. Aerodynamic design involves engineers from various disciplines (aerodynamics, structures, etc.) working together for optimal results.

6. Answer: (b) The design undergoes further refinement based on testing data.

Explanation: During trials and validations, data from testing is analyzed to identify areas for improvement. The design is then modified based on these findings before further testing.

7. Answer: (a) They all require efficient movement through the air.

Explanation: The passage uses airplanes, race cars, and high-speed trains as examples of objects that all need to move efficiently through the air. Aerodynamic design plays a crucial role in achieving this efficiency.

Bonus. Explanation: Scaling effects can be a limitation during reduced-scale testing because the way air interacts with a small model might not perfectly translate to the full-size version. For example, a small model airplane wing might experience less drag than the actual airplane wing due to the way air flows around different scales.