Unit 10 – Pushing the boundaries
Vocabulary pp 82-83 – Discussing relative performance
The definitions and sample sentences:
1.Relative (adj) / İlgili
•Turkish Definition: İki veya daha fazla şey arasındaki ilişkiyi ifade eden; bağlantılı olan.
•English Definition: Expressing the relationship between two or more things; connected.
•Sample Sentence: The relative position of the components affects the overall performance of the system.
•Turkish Translation: Bileşenlerin göreceli konumu sistemin genel performansını etkiler.
2.Relative performance (n) / Göreceli performans
•Turkish Definition: Bir sistemin veya cihazın diğerine göre başarısı veya etkinliği.
•English Definition: The success or effectiveness of a system or device compared to another.
•Sample Sentence: The relative performance of the new engine model was better than the previous one.
•Turkish Translation: Yeni motor modelinin göreceli performansı öncekine göre daha iyiydi.
3.Comparative analysis / Karşılaştırmalı analiz
•Turkish Definition: Farklı durumları veya özellikleri karşılaştırmak için yapılan detaylı inceleme.
•English Definition: Detailed examination of different situations or characteristics for comparison.
•Sample Sentence: The company conducted a comparative analysis of different materials to select the most suitable one for the project.
•Turkish Translation: Şirket, projeye en uygun olanı seçmek için farklı malzemelerin karşılaştırmalı analizini yaptı.
4.Convenience / Kolaylık
•Turkish Definition: Bir şeyi yapmayı daha kolay veya rahat hale getiren durum.
•English Definition: The state of being convenient; easy to use or suitable for a particular purpose.
•Sample Sentence: The location of the laboratory provides convenience for conducting experiments.
•Turkish Translation: Laboratuvarın konumu deneylerin yapılmasını kolaylaştırır.
5.Efficiency (n) / Verimlilik
•Turkish Definition: Bir işin ne kadar iyi yapıldığını veya ne kadar az kaynak kullanıldığını belirten durum.
•English Definition: The state of being efficient; achieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense.
•Sample Sentence: Increasing the efficiency of the production line resulted in significant cost savings.
•Turkish Translation: Üretim hattının verimliliğini artırmak önemli miktarda maliyet tasarrufuna yol açtı.
6.Efficient (adj) / Verimli
•Turkish Definition: Bir işi iyi veya etkili bir şekilde yapan.
•English Definition: Performing or functioning effectively and with minimum wasted effort.
•Sample Sentence: The new system is more efficient than the previous one in terms of energy consumption.
•Turkish Translation: Yeni sistem enerji tüketimi açısından öncekine göre daha verimlidir.
7.Relative effectiveness (n) / Göreceli etkinlik
•Turkish Definition: Bir şeyin diğerine göre ne kadar etkili olduğunu belirten durum.
•English Definition: The extent to which something is effective compared to something else.
•Sample Sentence: The relative effectiveness of different mass-transport solutions varies depending on the city's infrastructure.
•Turkish Translation: Farklı kütle taşıma çözümlerinin göreceli etkinliği şehrin altyapısına bağlı olarak değişir.
8.Mass-transport solutions (n) / Kütle/kitle/toplu taşıma çözümleri
•Turkish Definition: Geniş bir nüfusu taşımak için kullanılan toplu taşıma sistemleri veya çözümleri.
•English Definition: Public transportation systems or solutions used to transport large numbers of people.
•Sample Sentence: The city is exploring various mass-transport solutions to alleviate traffic congestion.
•Turkish Translation: Şehir, trafik sıkışıklığını hafifletmek için çeşitli kütle taşıma çözümlerini araştırıyor.
9.Criterion (n) / Kriter
•Turkish Definition: Bir değerlendirmenin temelini oluşturan ölçüt veya standart.
•English Definition: A principle or standard by which something may be judged or decided.
•Sample Sentence: Safety is a key criterion when evaluating new engineering designs.
•Turkish Translation: Yeni mühendislik tasarımlarını değerlendirirken güvenlik önemli bir kriterdir.
10.Factor (n) / Faktör
•Turkish Definition: Bir sonucu etkileyen veya belirleyen durum veya öğe.
•English Definition: A circumstance, fact, or influence that contributes to a result or outcome.
•Sample Sentence: Cost is a significant factor in determining the feasibility of a project.
•Turkish Translation: Maliyet, bir proje yapılabilirliğini belirlemede önemli bir faktördür.
11.Vary (v) / Değişmek
•Turkish Definition: Farklılık göstermek veya değişmek.
•English Definition: To change or differ in some way, especially in size, amount, or form.
•Sample Sentence: The temperature can vary significantly depending on the time of day.
•Turkish Translation: Sıcaklık günün saati göre önemli ölçüde değişebilir.
12.Variable (adj) / Değişken
•Turkish Definition: Değişime veya değişikliğe tabi olan.
•English Definition: Able to change or be changed; not consistent or having a fixed pattern.
•Sample Sentence: The variable wind speed makes it challenging to predict weather patterns accurately.
•Turkish Translation: Değişken rüzgar hızı, hava durumu desenlerini doğru bir şekilde tahmin etmeyi zorlaştırır.
13.Variable (n) / Değişken
•Turkish Definition: Bir deneyde veya analizde değişen bir durum veya faktör.
•English Definition: A factor or element that can change or vary in an experiment or analysis.
•Sample Sentence: Temperature and humidity are important variables to consider in agricultural research.
•Turkish Translation: Sıcaklık ve nem tarımsal araştırmalarda dikkate alınması gereken önemli değişkenlerdir.
14.Operating speed (n) / İşletme hızı
•Turkish Definition: Bir sistem veya cihazın normal çalışma hızı.
•English Definition: The speed at which a system or device operates under normal conditions.
•Sample Sentence: The operating speed of the new conveyor belt is faster than the previous one.
•Turkish Translation: Yeni taşıma bandının işletme hızı öncekine göre daha hızlıdır.
15.Modify (v) / Değiştirmek
•Turkish Definition: Bir şeyi değiştirmek veya modifiye etmek.
•English Definition: To make partial or minor changes to something in order to improve it or make it more suitable for a particular purpose.
•Sample Sentence: The engineers need to modify the design to meet the new safety standards.
•Turkish Translation: Mühendisler, yeni güvenlik standartlarını karşılamak için tasarımı değiştirmek zorundalar.
16.Modified (adj) / Modifiye edilmiş
•Turkish Definition: Değiştirilmiş veya düzeltilmiş.
•English Definition: Changed in some way from its original form, typically to improve or adapt it.
•Sample Sentence: The modified version of the software includes several new features.
•Turkish Translation: Yazılımın modifiye edilmiş sürümü birkaç yeni özellik içerir.
17.Slightly modified (adj) / Hafifçe modifiye edilmiş
•Turkish Definition: Biraz değiştirilmiş veya düzeltilmiş.
•English Definition: Changed to a small degree from its original form.
•Sample Sentence: The design was slightly modified to reduce manufacturing costs.
•Turkish Translation: Tasarım, üretim maliyetlerini azaltmak için hafifçe modifiye edildi.
18.Heavily modified (adj) / Ağır modifiye edilmiş
•Turkish Definition: Büyük ölçüde değiştirilmiş veya düzeltilmiş.
•English Definition: Changed significantly from its original form.
•Sample Sentence: The heavily modified engine provides better performance than the standard model.
•Turkish Translation: Ağır modifiye edilmiş motor, standart modele göre daha iyi performans sağlar.
19.Coach (train) (n) / Vagon
•Turkish Definition: Bir trenin yolcu taşımak için kullanılan bölümü.
•English Definition: A carriage of a train designed to carry passengers.
•Sample Sentence: Passengers can relax comfortably in the coach while traveling long distances.
•Turkish Translation: Yolcular uzun mesafeleri seyahat ederken vagon içinde rahatça dinlenebilirler.
20.Consulting engineer (n) / Danışman mühendis
•Turkish Definition: Bir proje veya tasarım sürecinde uzman tavsiyesi ve yardımı sağlayan mühendis.
•English Definition: An engineer who provides expert advice and assistance during a project or design process.
•Sample Sentence: The consulting engineer helped optimize the structural design of the new building.
•Turkish Translation: Danışman mühendis, yeni binanın yapısal tasarımını optimize etmeye yardımcı oldu.
21.Bodywork (n) / Gövde işçiliği
•Turkish Definition: Bir aracın veya makinenin dış kısmı veya şasisi.
•English Definition: The outer shell or framework of a vehicle or machine.
•Sample Sentence: The bodywork of the car was damaged in the accident and needed repairs.
•Turkish Translation: Araçtaki gövde işçiliği kaza sonucu zarar gördü ve onarıma ihtiyacı vardı.
22.Margin (n) / Marj
•Turkish Definition: Bir miktarın üzerindeki küçük bir fark veya boşluk.
•English Definition: A small amount by which a thing is won or falls short.
•Sample Sentence: The project was completed with only a small margin of error.
•Turkish Translation: Proje, yalnızca küçük bir hata marjıyla tamamlandı.
23.A tiny margin (n) / Çok küçük bir marj
•Turkish Definition: Çok az bir fark veya boşluk.
•English Definition: A very small difference or gap.
•Sample Sentence: The team won the championship by a tiny margin.
•Turkish Translation: Takım, şampiyonluğu çok küçük bir marj ile kazandı.
24.A huge margin (n) / Çok büyük bir marj
•Turkish Definition: Çok büyük bir fark veya boşluk.
•English Definition: A very large difference or gap.
•Sample Sentence: The company outperformed its competitors by a huge margin.
•Turkish Translation: Şirket, rakiplerini çok büyük bir marj ile geride bıraktı.
25.To a certain extent (collocation) / Belirli bir dereceye kadar
•Turkish Definition: Bir şeyin sınırlı bir ölçüde geçerli olduğu nokta.
•English Definition: To a limited degree; partly.
•Sample Sentence: The success of the project depends on funding to a certain extent.
•Turkish Translation: Projenin başarısı belirli bir dereceye kadar finansmana bağlıdır.
26.To a considerable extent (collocation) / Önemli ölçüde
•Turkish Definition: Önemli bir derecede veya miktar.
•English Definition: To a significant degree or amount.
•Sample Sentence: The outcome of the experiment was influenced to a considerable extent by external factors.
•Turkish Translation: Deneyin sonucu, önemli ölçüde dış faktörler tarafından etkilendi.
27.Significantly (adv) / Önemli ölçüde
•Turkish Definition: Önemli bir şekilde.
•English Definition: In a way that is large or important enough to be noticed or have an effect.
•Sample Sentence: The new technology significantly improved the efficiency of the manufacturing process.
•Turkish Translation: Yeni teknoloji, üretim sürecinin verimliliğini önemli ölçüde artırdı.
28.Slightly (adv) / Biraz
•Turkish Definition: Çok az derecede.
•English Definition: To a small degree; not very much.
•Sample Sentence: The temperature increased slightly during the afternoon.
•Turkish Translation: Sıcaklık öğleden sonra hafifçe arttı.
29.Marginally (adv) / Marjinal olarak
•Turkish Definition: Çok az bir farkla veya derece ile.
•English Definition: To a limited extent or degree.
•Sample Sentence: The company's profits only increased marginally compared to last year.
•Turkish Translation: Şirketin karı, geçen yıla kıyasla sadece marjinal olarak arttı.
30.Substantially (adv) / Önemli ölçüde
•Turkish Definition: Önemli miktarda veya derecede.
•English Definition: To a great or significant extent.
•Sample Sentence: The new software reduced processing time substantially.
•Turkish Translation: Yeni yazılım işlem süresini önemli ölçüde azalttı.
31.A slight amount (n) / Küçük bir miktar
•Turkish Definition: Çok az miktarda.
•English Definition: A small quantity or degree.
•Sample Sentence: Add only a slight amount of detergent to the solution.
•Turkish Translation: Çözeltiye sadece biraz deterjan ekleyin.
32.A considerable amount (n) / Önemli bir miktar
•Turkish Definition: Çok miktarda veya derecede.
•English Definition: A large quantity or degree.
•Sample Sentence: The project required a considerable amount of funding to be completed.
•Turkish Translation: Proje tamamlanması için önemli miktarda finansmana ihtiyaç duyuyordu.
33.Catenary cables (n) / Katarina kabloları
•Turkish Definition: Yüksek gerilim hatlarında kullanılan yük taşıyan kablolar.
•English Definition: Cables that carry electric power from pylons or other suspended structures in a catenary system.
•Sample Sentence: Engineers inspected the catenary cables to ensure they were properly installed.
•Turkish Translation: Mühendisler, katarina kablolarının uygun şekilde kurulduğundan emin olmak için inceleme yaptılar.
34.Oscillation (n) / Titreme
•Turkish Definition: Düzenli bir şekilde bir yerden bir yere hareket etme.
•English Definition: The repetitive variation, typically in time, of some measure about a central value or between two or more different states.
•Sample Sentence: The oscillation of the bridge caused structural fatigue over time.
•Turkish Translation: Köprünün titremesi zamanla yapısal yorgunluğa neden oldu.
35.Camber (n) / Eğrilik ya da kavis
•Turkish Definition: Bir yüzeyin eğriliği veya kavisli olma durumu.
•English Definition: The slight convexity of a surface, such as of a road or a ship's deck.
•Sample Sentence: The road was designed with a slight camber to improve drainage.
•Turkish Translation: Yol, drenajı iyileştirmek için hafif bir eğrilikle tasarlandı.
36.Camber of the track (n) / Pistin eğriliği ya da kavisi
•Turkish Definition: Bir yarış pistinin eğriliği veya eğimi.
•English Definition: The curvature or slope of a race track.
•Sample Sentence: The camber of the track affects the handling of the race car.
•Turkish Translation: Pistin eğriliği, yarış arabasının kontrolünü etkiler.
Read the text below and answer the questions.
Choosing the Right Mass-Transport Solution: A Comparative Analysis
As a consulting engineer specializing in mass-transport solutions, I'm frequently tasked with evaluating the relative performance of different options for a project. This involves a thorough comparative analysis that goes beyond just convenience for passengers. We delve into factors that determine overall efficiency.
Relative effectiveness, in this context, hinges on several key criteria. Operating speed is a crucial factor, but it's not the only one. We must consider variables such as capacity, infrastructure requirements, and oscillation (the swaying motion experienced by passengers).
Here's where the concept of relative performance comes into play. For instance, a high-speed rail line might boast a significantly faster operating speed compared to a light rail system. However, light rail might offer a higher passenger capacity and require less extensive bodywork modifications to existing infrastructure.
The degree to which these factors influence the decision depends on the specific project. A slightly modified tram system might be a marginally better option for a short, inner-city route with a tight budget. On the other hand, a heavily modified train network with a higher initial investment could be substantially more effective for a long-distance route with a high projected ridership.
The impact of each variable can vary considerably. For example, camber (the inward tilt of a track) can significantly improve passenger comfort on high-speed lines, but it might be a less critical factor for a slower tram system with a smaller margin for error.
Ultimately, the goal is to strike a balance between efficiency and convenience within a realistic budget. A consulting engineer's role is to identify the solution that offers the most effective use of resources while meeting the project's specific needs, to a certain extent. There will always be trade-offs, but by carefully considering relative performance, we can ensure the chosen mass-transport solution delivers the best possible outcome.
1. The main purpose of a comparative analysis in choosing a mass-transport solution is to:
a) evaluate overall efficiency for a project. b) identify the fastest option.
c) prioritize passenger comfort. d) minimize construction costs.
2. The term "relative effectiveness" in the passage refers to:
a) how a system compares to itself over time. b) a system's effectiveness compared to another.
c) the ease of use for passengers. d) the initial cost of implementing a system.
3. Which of the following factors is NOT explicitly mentioned as a variable to consider in the passage?
a) Environmental impact b) Maintenance costs c) Capacity d) Operating speed
4. According to the passage, a slightly modified tram system might be preferable for:
a) a long-distance route with high ridership. b) a short, inner-city route with a tight budget.
c) a high-speed line with a focus on comfort. d) a heavily populated area with existing infrastructure.
5. The impact of camber on passenger comfort is likely to be:
a) the same for all types of mass-transport systems. b) more significant for slower tram systems.
c) most crucial for high-speed lines. d) irrelevant for efficient operation.
6. The author uses the phrase "to a certain extent" to suggest that:
a) a perfect balance between efficiency and convenience is impossible.
b) consulting engineers have complete control over the decision.
c) passenger needs are always the top priority.
d) budget constraints might limit the ideal solution.
7. The passage suggests that consulting engineers can:
a) guarantee a perfect mass-transport solution for every project.
b) prioritize convenience over efficiency in all cases. c) identify the most effective use of resources within project constraints. d) completely eliminate trade-offs when making decisions.
Answers and explanations
1. Answer: (a) evaluate overall efficiency for a project. (Explained: The passage emphasizes looking beyond convenience and focusing on factors that contribute to the project's overall efficiency.)
2. Answer: (b) a system's effectiveness compared to another. (Explained: "Relative effectiveness" compares options, not a system to itself.)
3. Answer: (a) Environmental impact (Explained: The passage focuses on operational factors, not environmental impact.)
4. Answer: (b) a short, inner-city route with a tight budget. (Explained: The passage highlights cost-effectiveness and existing infrastructure for short routes.)
5. Answer: (c) most crucial for high-speed lines. (Explained: Camber is mentioned as important for passenger comfort, especially at high speeds.)
6. Answer: (d) budget constraints might limit the ideal solution. (Explained: "To a certain extent" implies limitations, likely due to budget.)
7. Answer: (c) identify the most effective use of resources within project constraints. (Explained: The role is to find the best fit, considering limitations.)