LENG101 FRESHMAN ENGLISH – Extensive supporting material
Unit 4 – Engineerin design
Vocabulary pp.30-31 – Working with drawings
The definitions and sample sentences:
1. Panel (n)
Definition: A flat piece of material used to make the walls or ceiling of a structure. Türkçe Çeviri: Yapıların duvarlarını veya tavanlarını yapmak için kullanılan düz bir malzeme parçası. Sample Sentence: The walls of the room were made up of wooden panels. Türkçe Çeviri: Odanın duvarları ahşap panellerden yapılmıştı.
2. Deck (n)
Definition: A flat area of a building or ship that is used for walking or working on. Türkçe Çeviri: Üzerinde yürümek veya çalışmak için kullanılan, bir bina veya geminin düz bir alanı. Sample Sentence: The deck of the ship was made of wood and was used for sunbathing. Türkçe Çeviri: Geminin güvertesi ahşaptandı ve güneşlenmek için kullanılıyordu.
3. Duct (n)
Definition: A passage or channel used for conveying air, gases, or liquids. Türkçe Çeviri: Hava, gaz veya sıvıları taşımak için kullanılan bir geçit veya kanal. Sample Sentence: The air conditioning ducts in the house were clogged with dust. Türkçe Çeviri: Evin klima kanalları tozla tıkanmıştı.
4. Hollow (adj)
Definition: Empty or having a space inside. Türkçe Çeviri: İç kısmı boş olan veya bir boşluğa sahip. Sample Sentence: The hollow tube was used to transport water. Türkçe Çeviri: Boş boru su taşımak için kullanılıyordu.
5. Beam (n)
Definition: A long, strong piece of material that is used to support a weight. Türkçe Çeviri: Ağırlığı desteklemek için kullanılan uzun, sağlam bir malzeme parçası. Sample Sentence: The steel beam was used to support the roof of the building. Türkçe Çeviri: Çelik kiriş, binanın çatısını desteklemek için kullanıldı.
6. Hollow Beam (n)
Definition: A type of structural element with a hollow cross-section, used in construction for being lightweight yet strong. Türkçe Çeviri: Hafif ama güçlü olması için inşaatta kullanılan, içi boş kesitli bir yapı elemanı. Sample Sentence: The hollow beams used in the construction of the bridge were strong enough to support the heavy traffic load. Türkçe Çeviri: Köprünün yapımında kullanılan boş kirişler, yoğun trafik yükünü destekleyecek kadar güçlüydü.
7. Perimeter (n)
Definition: The distance around the edge of a shape. Türkçe Çeviri: Bir şeklin kenarı etrafındaki mesafe. Sample Sentence: The perimeter of the square was 20 meters. Türkçe Çeviri: Karenin çevresi 20 metreydi.
8. Floodlight (n)
Definition: A powerful light that is used to illuminate a large area. Türkçe Çeviri: Büyük bir alanı aydınlatmak için kullanılan güçlü bir ışık. Sample Sentence: The floodlights were used to illuminate the football field. Türkçe Çeviri: Futbol sahasını aydınlatmak için projektörler kullanıldı.
9. Sprinkler System (n)
Definition: A system of pipes and sprinklers that is used to put out fires. Türkçe Çeviri: Yangınları söndürmek için kullanılan boru ve sprinklerlerden oluşan bir sistem. Sample Sentence: The sprinkler system in the factory was activated when the fire broke out. Türkçe Çeviri: Fabrikadaki sprinkler sistemi, yangın çıktığında devreye girdi.
10. Scale (n)
Definition: A ratio of the size of an object to its actual size. Türkçe Çeviri: Bir nesnenin boyutunun gerçek boyutuna oranı. Sample Sentence: The scale of the map was 1:100,000. Türkçe Çeviri: Haritanın ölçeği 1:100.000'di.
11. Scale Off (v)
Definition: To read a drawing or map without a proper scale. Türkçe Çeviri: Uygun bir ölçek olmadan bir çizimi veya haritayı okumak.
Sample Sentence: We should not scale off maps. Otherwise, we will guess the distance incorrectly. Türkçe Çeviri: Haritaları ölçeklendirmemeliyiz. Aksi takdirde mesafeyi yanlış tahmin ederiz.
Types of drawings in engineering design:
1. Plan (n)
Definition (English): A drawing that shows the top view of an object or structure, typically with dimensions and details of its layout. Turkish Translation: Plan, bir nesnenin veya yapının üstten görünümünü gösteren, genellikle boyutlar ve düzen detaylarını içeren bir çizimdir. Sample Sentence (English): The architects reviewed the plans for the new office building to ensure compliance with zoning regulations. Sample Sentence (Turkish): Mimarlar, yeni ofis binasının planlarını imar düzenlemelerine uygun olduğundan emin olmak için inceledi.
2. Elevation (n)
Definition (English): A drawing that shows a side view of an object or structure, typically with dimensions and details of its height and proportions. Turkish Translation: Görünüş, bir nesnenin veya yapının yan görünümünü, genellikle boyutlar ve yükseklik-proporsiyon detaylarıyla gösteren bir çizimdir. Sample Sentence (English): The engineers examined the elevations of the proposed bridge to assess its structural integrity. Sample Sentence (Turkish): Mühendisler, önerilen köprünün görünüşlerini inceleyerek yapısal bütünlüğünü değerlendirdi.
3. Exploded View (n)
Definition (English): A drawing that shows a disassembled object or assembly, with each component separated and labeled. Turkish Translation: Patlama görünümü, bir nesneyi veya montajı sökülmüş halde, her bileşenin ayrılmış ve etiketlenmiş olarak gösteren bir çizimdir. Sample Sentence (English): The technicians used the exploded view of the engine to identify the parts they needed to replace. Sample Sentence (Turkish): Teknisyenler, değiştirmeleri gereken parçaları belirlemek için motorun patlama görünümünü kullandı.
4. Cross-section (n)
Definition (English): A drawing that shows an object or structure cut through along a specific plane, revealing its internal details. Turkish Translation: Kesit görünümü, belirli bir düzlem boyunca kesilmiş bir nesneyi veya yapıyı, iç detaylarını göstererek sunan bir çizimdir. Sample Sentence (English): The technician studied the cross-section of the hollow beam to understand the profile of the inner void. Sample Sentence (Turkish): Teknisyen, iç boşluğun profilini anlamak için içi boş kirişin kesit görünümünü inceledi.
5. Schematic (n)
Definition (English): A simplified diagram that represents the flow of information, energy, or materials within a system. Turkish Translation: Şematik, bir sistem içindeki bilgi, enerji veya malzeme akışını temsil eden basitleştirilmiş bir diyagramdır. Sample Sentence (English): The electricians used the schematic diagram to trace the electrical circuit and locate the fault. Sample Sentence (Turkish): Elektrikçiler, elektrik devresini takip etmek ve arızayı bulmak için şematik diyagramı kullandı.
6. Note (n)
Definition (English): A written or drawn explanation or instruction added to a drawing or document. Turkish Translation: Not, bir çizime veya belgeye eklenen yazılı veya çizilmiş bir açıklama veya talimattır. Sample Sentence (English): The engineer added a note to the drawing to clarify the tolerances for the machined parts. Sample Sentence (Turkish): Mühendis, işlenmiş parçalar için toleransları netleştirmek amacıyla çizime bir not ekledi.
7. Specification (n)
Definition (English): A detailed description of the technical requirements for a product, material, or process. Turkish Translation: Teknik şartname, bir ürün, malzeme veya süreç için teknik gereksinimlerin ayrıntılı bir tanımını içerir. Sample Sentence (English): The architect provided the specifications for the steel alloy on the drawing to ensure it met the required strength and durability standards. Sample Sentence (Turkish): Mimar, çelik alaşımın gerekli güç ve dayanıklılık standartlarını karşıladığından emin olmak için çizimde teknik şartnameleri sağladı.
Read the text below and answer the questions (B1 level):
Scale Drawings vs Scale Models
Scale drawings and scale models are indispensable tools in the field of engineering design, each serving distinct purposes with unique characteristics. A fundamental grasp of their differences is essential for effective design and communication within the engineering domain.
Scale Drawings:
2D Representation: Scale drawings typically manifest as 2-dimensional representations of designs. Engineers utilize them to illustrate the length, width, and occasionally height of an object or structure on a flat surface, like paper or a computer screen.
Precision and Detail: Scale drawings enable precise measurements and intricate detailing, allowing engineers to convey specific dimensions, angles, and features accurately.
Blueprints and CAD: Common forms of scale drawings include blueprints, technical drawings, and computer-aided design (CAD) files. CAD software facilitates the creation and editing of detailed, to-scale representations.
Visualization: Scale drawings aid engineers and structural experts in visualizing design concepts before construction, playing a vital role in design reviews and documentation.
Scale Models:
3D Representation: In contrast, scale models are 3-dimensional physical reflections of designs, providing a tangible, spatial understanding of the object, structure, or system.
Physical Prototype: Often constructed to a reduced scale, scale models serve as physical prototypes, enabling engineers to evaluate not only size but also form, volume, and aesthetics.
Real-World Testing: Engineers employ scale models for real-world testing and execution. For instance, in civil engineering, wind turbine models assist in assessing the aerodynamic properties of structures.
Communication and Education: Scale models prove useful in communicating ideas to clients, investors, and the public, offering a more intuitive understanding of the final product.
In Summary:
Scale drawings are 2D reconstructions emphasizing precise measurements and detailing. In contrast, scale models are 3D physical reconstructions used for testing and visual communication. Both tools are indispensable in the design process, with scale drawings laying the foundation for design concepts and specifications, and scale models providing a tangible, experiential understanding of the final product. The choice between them hinges on the specific goals of the design project, whether it involves detailed documentation, prototyping, testing, or effective communication with stakeholders.
Mark the sentences as True or False according to the text.
1.Scale drawings are primarily 2D representations used by engineers to illustrate the dimensions of an object on a flat surface.
2.Precision and intricate detailing are key features of scale drawings, enabling engineers to accurately convey specific dimensions and angles.
3.Blueprints and technical drawings are not common forms of scale drawings; they are used in a different context unrelated to engineering.
4.Scale models serve as 3D physical reflections of designs, providing engineers with a tangible and spatial understanding of the object, structure, or system.
5.Real-world testing is not a practical application of scale models; their main purpose is limited to visual communication with clients and investors.
Answer key: 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F
Read the text below and answer the questions (B1 level):
The Engineering Marvel of a Cruise Ship
Cruise ships are engineering marvels that combine comfort, luxury, and cutting-edge technology to provide passengers with a unique travel experience. Let's explore the various engineering aspects that make these floating cities possible.
Panel Design: The exterior of a cruise ship is adorned with carefully designed panels, not just for aesthetic purposes, but also for functionality. These panels are strategically placed to enhance the ship's aerodynamics, ensuring smooth sailing even in challenging weather conditions.
Deck Construction: The multiple decks of a cruise ship serve as both functional and recreational spaces. Engineers meticulously plan the layout of each deck to accommodate cabins, dining areas, and entertainment facilities. The upper decks, often equipped with swimming pools and lounging areas, are carefully designed to withstand the elements.
Duct Systems: Within the ship, an intricate network of ducts regulates air circulation and climate control. Engineers install advanced duct systems to ensure a comfortable and well-ventilated environment for passengers and crew members alike.
Hollow Structures: Beneath the surface, the ship's hull is not a solid mass but a carefully engineered hollow structure. This design choice enhances buoyancy and fuel efficiency, allowing the ship to navigate through oceans with ease.
Beam Strength: The strength of beams supporting the ship's structure is crucial for its stability. Engineers employ advanced materials and design techniques to ensure that the beams can withstand the forces encountered during ocean travel.
Perimeter Safety: Safety is paramount on a cruise ship, and the perimeter is equipped with safety features such as railings and emergency exits. Engineers carefully plan the perimeter design to meet international safety standards and protect passengers.
Floodlight Illumination: The upper decks of a cruise ship are adorned with floodlights that not only enhance the ship's appearance but also provide essential lighting during nighttime navigation. Engineers consider the aesthetic and functional aspects of floodlight placement.
Sprinkler System: Safety is further ensured by the installation of a sophisticated sprinkler system throughout the ship. In the event of a fire, the system activates, quickly containing and extinguishing any potential hazards.
Scale Modeling and Planning: Before a cruise ship becomes a reality, engineers create scale models, plans, and elevations to visualize and fine-tune every aspect. These detailed plans guide the construction process, ensuring that the final product meets safety and design standards.
In summary, a cruise ship is a feat of engineering excellence, where every panel, deck, duct, and beam is meticulously planned and constructed. From the hollow structures of the hull to the floodlights adorning the decks, each element contributes to the overall safety, comfort, and luxury that passengers experience during their voyage.
1. What is the primary purpose of the carefully designed panels on the exterior of a cruise ship?
a. Aesthetic appeal b.Passenger comfort
c. Functional aerodynamics d.Increased cargo capacity
2. What crucial function do duct systems serve within a cruise ship?
a. Structural support b.Air circulation and climate control
c. Enhanced buoyancy d.Navigation efficiency
3. Why are the beams supporting a cruise ship's structure essential?
a. Aesthetic enhancement b.Passenger entertainment
c. Stability during ocean travel d.Fuel efficiency improvement
4. What is the primary purpose of the sprinkler system installed on a cruise ship?
a. Aesthetic enhancement b.Safety in case of fire
c. Cooling the environment d.Emergency lighting
5. Which part of the ship's design ensures safety and adherence to international standards?
a. Perimeter safety features b.Floodlight illumination
c. Deck construction d.Hollow structures
6. What is the purpose of scale models, plans, and elevations in cruise ship engineering?
a. Passenger entertainment b.Visualizing and fine-tuning every aspect
c. Enhancing fuel efficiency d.Aesthetic appeal
7. Which engineering aspect ensures a well-ventilated environment for both passengers and crew members?
a. Deck construction b. Hollow structures
c. Duct systems d. Scale modeling
8. What do the upper decks of a cruise ship use floodlights for primarily?
a. Emergency lighting b.Passenger entertainment
c. Enhanced navigation d.Nighttime illumination and appearance
Answers and explanations:
1.Answer: c. Functional aerodynamics
•Explanation: The carefully designed panels on the exterior of a cruise ship serve the purpose of enhancing functional aerodynamics, ensuring smooth sailing even in challenging weather conditions.
2.Answer: b. Air circulation and climate control
•Explanation: Duct systems within a cruise ship regulate air circulation and climate control, contributing to a comfortable and well-ventilated environment for passengers and crew members.
3.Answer: c. Stability during ocean travel
•Explanation: The beams supporting a cruise ship's structure are crucial for ensuring stability during ocean travel, helping the ship withstand the forces encountered at sea.
4.Answer: b. Safety in case of fire
•Explanation: The sprinkler system installed on a cruise ship serves the primary purpose of ensuring safety in case of a fire, quickly containing and extinguishing potential hazards.
5.Answer: a. Perimeter safety features
•Explanation: Perimeter safety features, such as railings and emergency exits, contribute to the overall safety of a cruise ship, ensuring compliance with international safety standards.
6.Answer: b. Visualizing and fine-tuning every aspect
•Explanation: Scale models, plans, and elevations in cruise ship engineering are used for visualizing and fine-tuning every aspect of the design before construction.
7.Answer: c. Duct systems
•Explanation: Duct systems within a cruise ship ensure a well-ventilated environment for both passengers and crew members, regulating air circulation and climate control.
8.Answer: d. Nighttime illumination and appearance
•Explanation: Floodlights on the upper decks of a cruise ship are primarily used for nighttime illumination and enhancing the ship's appearance, contributing to an aesthetically pleasing environment.
Fill in the blanks with the one of the words below.
1) a.scale b.floodlight c.beam d.sprinkler system e.duct
1.The ventilation system uses a network of __________ to distribute air throughout the building.
2.The architect designed a steel __________ to support the weight of the upper floors.
3.The stadium installed powerful __________ to illuminate the entire playing field during night games.
4.The drawing of the bridge was done to a 1:100 __________, representing a miniature version of the actual size.
5.In case of fire, the building is equipped with an automatic __________ to control and suppress flames.
2) a.exploded view b.cross-section c.plan d.specification e.schematic f.elevation
The engineering blueprint includes a detailed floor 1) __________ showing the layout of the building, a/an 2) __________ displaying the vertical dimensions, a/an 3) __________ demonstrating the assembly of components, a/an 4) _________ revealing internal structures, a/an 5) ________ illustrating the electrical connections, and accompanying notes, 6) __________, and details for construction guidance.
Answer key 1: 1. e 2. c 3. b 4. a 5. d
Answer key 2: 1. c 2. f 3. a 4. b 5. e 6. d