LENG101 FRESHMAN ENGLISH – Extensive supporting material
Unit 5 – Breaking point
Vocabulary pp 44-45 – Discussing repairs and maintenance
The definitions and sample sentences:
1.Broken (adj) - (Kırık, bozuk): Damaged or not functioning properly.
•The broken wire in the circuit caused a short circuit. (Devre içindeki kırık tel bir kısa devreye neden oldu.)
2.Clogged (adj) - (Tıkanmış): Blocked or obstructed, often by debris or foreign material.
•The clogged filter reduced the flow of water through the pipe. (Tıkanmış filtre, boru içinden su akışını azalttı.)
3.Defective (adj) - (Hatalı, kusurlu): Flawed or not meeting the desired standards.
•The defective component led to the malfunction of the machine. (Hatalı bileşen, makinenin arızalanmasına neden oldu.)
4).Faulty (adj - (Arızalı, hatalı): Not working correctly or having a defect.
•The faulty sensor gave inaccurate readings. (Arızalı sensör yanlış ölçümler verdi.)
5.Worn (adj) - (Aşınmış): Showing signs of use or age, often resulting in reduced effectiveness.
•The worn-out brake pads needed to be replaced. (Aşınmış fren balataları değiştirilmeliydi.)
6.Repair (v) - (Tamir etmek): To fix or restore something that is damaged.
•He repaired the broken circuit board with soldering. (Kırık devre kartını lehimle tamir etti.)
7.Repair (n) - (Tamir): The act of fixing or restoring something.
•The repair of the engine took several hours. (Motorun tamiri birkaç saat sürdü.)
8.Maintenance (n) - (Bakım): The process of preserving and ensuring the proper functioning of equipment or systems.
•Regular maintenance is essential to keep the machinery in good condition. (Düzenli bakım, makinenin iyi durumda kalması için önemlidir.)
9.Dismantle (v) - (Sökme): To take apart or disassemble a structure or device.
•They had to dismantle the entire system to locate the issue. (Sorunu bulmak için tüm sistemi sökmek zorunda kaldılar.)
10.Access (n) - (Erişim): The ability to reach or enter a specific area or component.
•The technician needed access to the control panel to make adjustments. (Teknisyen, ayarlamalar yapmak için kontrol paneline erişim gerekiyordu.)
11.Top up (v) - (Doldurmak, ilave etmek): To add more of a substance or component to a system.
•You should top up the oil level in the engine regularly. (Motorun yağ seviyesini düzenli olarak doldurmalısınız.)
12.Drain (v) - (Boşaltmak): To remove liquid or substances from an area or container.
•Make sure to drain the excess water from the tank before cleaning it. (Temizlemeden önce tanktaki fazla suyu boşaltmayı unutmayın.)
13.Lubricant (n) - (Yağlayıcı): A substance used to reduce friction between moving parts.
•Apply a lubricant to the gears to prevent them from wearing out. (Dişlilere aşınmalarını önlemek için bir yağlayıcı sürün.)
14.Isolate (v) - (İzole etmek): To separate or disconnect a component from a system.
•It's important to isolate the power source before working on electrical circuits. (Elektrik devreleri üzerinde çalışmadan önce güç kaynağını izole etmek önemlidir.)
15.Disconnect (v) - (Bağlantıyı Kesmek): To physically or electrically detach a connection.
•Before repairing the equipment, make sure to disconnect it from the power source. (Ekipmanı tamir etmeden önce güç kaynağından ayırdığınızdan emin olun.)
16.Reconnect (v) - (Bağlantıyı Yeniden Kurmak): To re-establish a connection that was previously disconnected.
•After replacing the damaged cable, you can reconnect it to the network. (Hasar gören kabloyu değiştirdikten sonra, ağı yeniden kurabilirsiniz.)
17.Susceptible (adj) - (Duyarlı, kolay etkilenen, -e karşı korumasız): Easily affected or influenced by external factors.
•The electronic components are susceptible to static electricity, so handle them with care. (Elektronik bileşenler statik elektriğe duyarlıdır, bu nedenle dikkatli kullanın.)
18.Examine (v) - (İncelemek): To inspect or closely look at something for evaluation.
•The engineer needs to examine the structural integrity of the building. (Mühendis, binanın yapısal bütünlüğünü incelemelidir.)
19.Sensitive (adj) - (Hassas): Easily responsive to changes or stimuli.
•The sensor is very sensitive and can detect even minor temperature variations. (Sensör çok hassas ve hatta küçük sıcaklık değişikliklerini bile algılayabilir.)
20.Adjust (v) - (Ayarlamak): To modify or fine-tune settings to achieve a desired outcome.
•You may need to adjust the pressure settings on the machine for optimal performance. (En iyi performans için makine üzerindeki basınç ayarlarını ayarlamanız gerekebilir.)
21.Non-servicable (adj) - (Onarılamaz): Not capable of being repaired or serviced.
•Unfortunately, the damage to the circuit board is non-servicable, and it needs to be replaced. (Ne yazık ki, devre kartına gelen zarar onarılamaz ve değiştirilmesi gerekiyor.)
22.Sealed (adj) - (Mühürlü): Closed or airtight to prevent the entry of outside elements.
•The electronic components are sealed to protect them from moisture and dust. (Elektronik bileşenler nem ve tozdan korunması için mühürlüdür.)
23.Life span (n) - (Ömür): The expected duration of usability or functionality of a product or component.
•The life span of this battery is approximately two years. (Bu pilin ömrü yaklaşık olarak iki yıldır.)
24.Switch off (v) - (Kapatmak): To turn off or deactivate a device or system.
•Please remember to switch off the lights when leaving the room to save energy. (Enerji tasarrufu yapmak için odadan çıkarken ışıkları kapatmayı unutmayın.)
25.Power supply (n) - (Güç kaynağı): The source of electrical energy for a device or system.
•The power supply unit provides electricity to the computer components. (Güç kaynağı ünitesi, bilgisayar bileşenlerine elektrik sağlar.)
26.Set up (v) - (Kurmak): To assemble or arrange something for use.
•The technician will help you set up the new printer in your office. (Teknisyen, yeni yazıcıyı ofisinizde kurmanıza yardımcı olacak.)
27.Precisely (adv) - (Tam olarak, olması gerektiği gibi): In an exact and accurate manner.
•You need to cut the materials precisely to ensure they fit together perfectly. (Malzemeleri tam olarak kesmeniz gerekiyor, böylece mükemmel bir uyum sağlarlar.)
28.Refit (v) - (Yeniden takmak): To reinstall or reassemble components.
•After cleaning, it's essential to refit the parts correctly. (Temizledikten sonra parçaları doğru bir şekilde yeniden takmak önemlidir.)
29.Replace (v) - (Değiştirmek): To remove and substitute a component with a new one.
•We'll need to replace the damaged fuse with a new one to restore power. (Enerjiyi geri getirmek için hasar gören sigortayı yeni biriyle değiştirmemiz gerekecek.)
30.Service (v) - (Bakım yapmak ya da tamir etmek): To maintain or repair a device or equipment.
•The HVAC system should be serviced annually to ensure efficient operation. (HVAC sistemi, verimli çalışması için yılda bir kez bakıma alınmalıdır.)
31.Tighten (v) - (Sıkmak): To make something firm or secure by reducing slack or looseness.
•Be sure to tighten all the bolts to prevent any vibration-related issues. (Titreme ile ilgili sorunları önlemek için tüm cıvataları sıkın.)
32.Torque (n) - (Tork): A rotational force or moment applied to a component.
•The technician measured the torque to ensure proper fastening of the screws. (Teknisyen, vidaların düzgün sıkılmasını sağlamak için torku ölçtü.)
33.Reasonable (adj) - (Makul, mantıklı, kabul edilebilir): Sensible or practical; within sensible limits.
•The air filter looks reasonable, so the technician decided not to replace it with a new one. (Hava filtresi kabul edilebilir görünüyordu, bu nedenle teknik uzman onu yenisiyle değiştirmemeye karar verdi.)
34.Residue (n) - (Kalıntı): A small amount of something that is left behind after something else has been used or removed.
•The cleaning process left some residue on the surface, which needs to be removed. (Temizleme işlemi yüzeyde bazı kalıntılar bıraktı, bunların temizlenmesi gerekiyor.)
35.Align (v) - (Hizalamak): To arrange or position in a straight line or in proper coordination.
•Align the gears to ensure smooth operation of the machinery. (Dişlileri düzgün çalışma için hizalayın.)
36.Alignment (n) - (Hizalama): The act of arranging or positioning components in proper coordination.
•Proper alignment of the laser system is crucial for accurate measurements. (Lazer sisteminin doğru hizalanması, doğru ölçümler için önemlidir.)
Read the the text below and answer the questions (B1 level):
"Routine Maintenance of Industrial Machinery"
Routine maintenance is a critical aspect of ensuring the longevity and reliable performance of industrial machinery. This practice involves a series of steps that aim to prevent issues such as broken components, clogged filters, defective parts, and faulty equipment. In this text, we will discuss the importance of routine maintenance, the steps involved, and some key terms associated with the process.
Why Routine Maintenance Matters
Industrial machinery, whether used in manufacturing, construction, or other fields, is subjected to harsh conditions and heavy workloads. Over time, wear and tear are inevitable. However, proactive maintenance can help detect and address problems before they escalate. By doing so, it ensures that the machinery operates optimally and minimizes downtime due to unexpected breakdowns.
The Steps of Routine Maintenance
1.Isolate and Disconnect: Before starting any maintenance tasks, it is crucial to isolate the machine from the power supply and disconnect it from any auxiliary equipment. This step ensures the safety of technicians working on the equipment.
2.Access and Examination: Once isolated, technicians can gain access to the internal components. They carefully examine each part for signs of wear, damage, or misalignment. Sensitivity to even minor issues is essential to prevent further damage.
3.Cleaning and Lubrication: Clogged filters, debris, and residue can significantly affect the performance of machinery. Technicians clean and lubricate moving parts to maintain smooth operation. Lubricants reduce friction and extend the life span of critical components.
4.Adjustment and Alignment: Precisely adjusting settings and aligning components is a key aspect of routine maintenance. Torque settings, alignment of gears, and other adjustments are made to ensure the machinery functions within reasonable limits.
5.Replacement and Repairs: If defective or worn-out parts are detected during examination, they are replaced or repaired promptly. Non-servicable components must be replaced with new ones to maintain the machine's reliability.
6.Reconnect and Test: After all maintenance tasks are completed, technicians reconnect the machinery to its power supply and auxiliary equipment. A thorough test ensures that the equipment is back in working order.
7.Final Check and Documentation: The final step involves a comprehensive examination to ensure that every task has been completed successfully. Technicians also document all maintenance activities, providing a record for future reference.
In summary, routine maintenance plays a crucial role in ensuring the longevity and reliability of industrial machinery. It involves a series of steps such as isolation, examination, cleaning, adjustment, replacement, testing, and documentation. Being sensitive to even minor issues and following these steps diligently helps prevent costly breakdowns and keeps equipment in top condition.
1. What is the primary objective of regular maintenance for industrial machinery?
a) To enhance the likelihood of unforeseen breakdowns.
b) To minimize operational downtime caused by unexpected failures.
c) To shorten the longevity of crucial components.
d) To completely avoid maintenance procedures.
2. What is the first step in routine maintenance, according to the text?
a) Testing the machinery to see if it works properly. b) Examining all the parts for wear and tear.
c) Cleaning and lubricating all the moving parts. d) Isolating the machine from the power supply.
3. Why is it necessary to isolate and disconnect machinery during maintenance?
a) To expedite the process. b) To enhance the functioning of the machinery.
c) To guarantee the safety of technicians. d) To assess the power supply's functionality.
4. Why is it important for technicians to be sensitive to even minor issues during examination?
a) So they can prevent small problems from turning into big ones.
b) So they can impress their supervisor with their attention to detail.
c) So they can make the machinery look more presentable.
d) So they can justify charging more for maintenance work.
5. What is the impact of adequately lubricating moving parts on machinery?
a) It has a negligible effect. b) It intensifies friction.
c) It diminishes the lifespan of components. d) It prolongs the lifespan of critical components.
6. What is the purpose of adjusting torque settings and aligning gears during regular maintenance?
a) To amplify friction. b) To reduce the lifespan of components.
c) To ensure that machinery operates within acceptable limits. d) To avoid maintenance tasks.
7. When should defective or worn-out parts be addressed during routine maintenance?
a) Never. b) Promptly, as soon as they are detected during examination.
c) After all other steps are completed. d) During the testing phase.
8. Why is documentation of maintenance activities important?
a) It's not important at all. b) It helps prevent breakdowns.
c) It guarantees that machinery will work. d) It provides a record for future reference.
Answers and explanations
1. What is the primary purpose of routine maintenance for industrial machinery?
Answer: b) To minimize operational downtime due to unexpected breakdowns.
Explanation: Routine maintenance aims to prevent unexpected breakdowns and minimize downtime by addressing potential issues before they escalate.
2. What is the first step in routine maintenance, according to the text?
Answer: d) Isolating the machine from the power supply.
Explanation: Safety is paramount, and the text stresses isolating the machine before any examination or work begins.
3. Why is it necessary to isolate and disconnect machinery during maintenance?
Answer: c) To guarantee the safety of technicians.
Explanation: Isolating and disconnecting machinery from the power supply is essential to ensure the safety of technicians working on it.
4. Why is it important for technicians to be sensitive to even minor issues during examination?
Answer: a) So they can prevent small problems from turning into big ones.
Explanation: Sensitivity to even minor issues is essential to prevent further damage.
5. What is the impact of adequately lubricating moving parts on machinery?
Answer: d) It prolongs the lifespan of critical components.
Explanation: Proper lubrication of moving parts reduces friction and extends the life span of critical components, enhancing machinery performance.
6. What is the purpose of adjusting torque settings and aligning gears during regular maintenance?
Answer: c) To ensure that machinery operates within acceptable limits.
Explanation: Adjusting torque settings and aligning gears is done to ensure that the machinery operates within reasonable limits and functions correctly.
7. When should defective or worn-out parts be addressed during routine maintenance?
Answer: b) Promptly, as soon as they are detected during examination.
Explanation: Defective or worn-out parts should be addressed promptly when detected during the examination phase to prevent further damage.
8. Why is documentation of maintenance activities important?
Answer: d) It provides a record for future reference.
Explanation: Documentation of maintenance activities is important because it provides a record that can be used for future reference and tracking maintenance history.
Fill in the blanks in the sentences using the words below.
a. non-serviceable b. top up c. examine d. maintenance e. sealed f. adjust
g. tighten h. dismantle i. lubricant j. isolate k. life span l. sensitive
1.Routine _______________ of machinery helps prevent unexpected breakdowns.
2.The technician needed to _______________ the panels of the machine to access the internal components.
3.Be sure to _______________ the fluid levels in the vehicle regularly, or they may run out unexpectedly.
4.A good quality _______________ reduces friction between moving parts.
5.For safety reasons, it's crucial to _______________ the power supply before working on electrical circuits.
6.Some electronic devices are more _______________ to static electricity than others.
7.The technician will carefully _______________ the engine for any signs of wear or damage.
8.The damaged part is _______________ and cannot be repaired.
9.The container was securely _______________ to prevent any leaks during transportation.
10.The _______________ of this battery is approximately five years.
11.Please _______________ the screws to ensure they are properly fastened.
12.The technician will _______________ the sensor settings for accurate readings.
Answers: 1. d 2. h 3. b 4. i 5. j 6. l 7. c 8. a 9. e 10. k 11. g 12. f