LENG101 FRESHMAN ENGLISH – Extensive supporting material
Unit 2 – Materials technology
Vocabulary pp.18-19 – Specifying and describing properties
The definitions and sample sentences:
1. Kevlar (n):
Definition: A strong and durable man-made fiber used in various applications.
Türkçe: Çeşitli uygulamalarda kullanılan güçlü ve dayanıklı bir insan yapımı lif.
Sample Sentence: Kevlar is often used in making protective clothing for armed forces.
Türkçe Örnek Cümle: Kevlar, silahlı kuvvetler için koruyucu giysi yapımında sıklıkla kullanılır.
2. Aromatic polyamide family (n):
Definition: A group of synthetic materials known for their strength and heat resistance.
Türkçe: Güç ve ısıya dayanıklılığı ile bilinen sentetik malzemeler grubu.
Sample Sentence: The aromatic polyamide family includes materials like Kevlar, known for their toughness.
Türkçe Örnek Cümle: Aromatik poliamid ailesi, dayanıklılığıyla bilinen Kevlar gibi malzemeleri içerir.
3. Unique (adj):
Definition: Something that is one-of-a-kind or different from anything else.
Türkçe: Eşsiz veya başka hiçbir şeye benzemeyen bir şey.
Sample Sentence: This engineering design has a unique feature that sets it apart from others.
Türkçe Örnek Cümle: Bu mühendislik tasarımı, onu diğerlerinden ayıran benzersiz bir özelliğe sahiptir.
4. Property (n):
Definition: A characteristic or quality of a material or object.
Türkçe: Bir malzemenin veya nesnenin bir özelliği veya niteliği.
Sample Sentence: One important property of steel is its strength.
Türkçe Örnek Cümle: Çeliğin önemli bir özelliği dayanıklılığıdır.
5. Distinct (adj):
Definition: Clearly different or separate from other things.
Türkçe: Diğer şeylerden belirgin şekilde farklı veya ayrı.
Sample Sentence: Each type of metal has distinct properties that make it suitable for specific applications.
Türkçe Örnek Cümle: Her metal türü, onu belirli uygulamalar için uygun hale getiren farklı özelliklere sahiptir.
6. Chemical composition (n):
Definition: The arrangement of atoms and molecules in a substance.
Türkçe: Bir maddenin atom ve moleküllerinin düzenlenişi.
Sample Sentence: Understanding the chemical composition of a material helps engineers choose the right one for the job.
Türkçe Örnek Cümle: Bir malzemenin kimyasal bileşimini anlamak, mühendislerin iş için doğru olanı seçmesine yardımcı olur.
7. Distinguish (v):
Definition: To recognize or identify the differences between things.
Türkçe: Şeyler arasındaki farkları tanımak veya belirlemek.
Sample Sentence: Engineers need to distinguish between various types of metals to select the most suitable one.
Türkçe Örnek Cümle: Mühendisler, en uygun olanı seçmek için çeşitli metal türlerini ayırt etmelidir.
8. Commercial (adj):
Definition: Relating to buying, selling, or trading goods and services.
Türkçe: Mal ve hizmetlerin alımı, satımı veya ticareti ile ilgili.
Sample Sentence: The commercial sector focuses on manufacturing and selling products to consumers.
Türkçe Örnek Cümle: Ticari sektör, ürünleri tüketicilere üretip satmaya odaklanır.
9. Man-made (adj):
Definition: Created or produced by humans, rather than occurring naturally.
Türkçe: Doğal olarak meydana gelmek yerine insanlar tarafından yaratılmış veya üretilmiş.
Sample Sentence: Plastic is a common man-made material used in many engineering applications.
Türkçe Örnek Cümle: Plastik, birçok mühendislik uygulamasında kullanılan yaygın bir insan yapımı malzemedir.
10. Fiber (n):
Definition: A thin, thread-like material often used for its strength and durability.
Türkçe: Genellikle dayanıklılığı ve gücü nedeniyle kullanılan ince, iplik benzeri bir malzeme.
Sample Sentence: Carbon fiber is a lightweight but strong material used in aerospace engineering.
Türkçe Örnek Cümle: Karbon fiber, hafif ama güçlü bir malzeme olup havacılık mühendisliğinde kullanılır.
11. High Modulus (n):
Definition: A measure of a material's resistance to stretching or elongation.
Türkçe: Bir malzemenin gerilmeye veya uzamaya karşı direncinin bir ölçüsü.
Sample Sentence: High modulus materials are essential for applications where strength and stiffness are required.
Türkçe Örnek Cümle: Yüksek modüllü malzemeler, dayanıklılık ve sertlik gerektiren uygulamalar için gereklidir.
12. Durable (adj):
Definition: Able to withstand wear, pressure, or damage over a long period. Long-lasting.
Türkçe: Aşınma, basınç veya hasara uzun süre dayanabilen. Uzun ömürlü.
Sample Sentence: The steel used in construction is chosen for its durable properties.
Türkçe Örnek Cümle: İnşaatta kullanılan çelik, dayanıklı özellikleri nedeniyle seçilir.
13. Demanding (adj):
Definition: Requiring a lot of effort, skill, or attention to complete. Difficult. Hard.
Türkçe: Tamamlanması için çok fazla çaba, beceri veya dikkat gerektiren. Zor.
Sample Sentence: Engineering projects can be demanding, but they lead to innovative solutions.
Türkçe Örnek Cümle: Mühendislik projeleri zorlu olabilir, ancak yenilikçi çözümler sunar.
14. Application (n):
Definition: The use or implementation of a method, material, or technology in a specific context.
Türkçe: Bir yöntem, malzeme veya teknolojinin belirli bir bağlamda kullanımı veya uygulanması.
Sample Sentence: The application of robotics in manufacturing has increased efficiency.
Türkçe Örnek Cümle: Üretimde robotik uygulaması verimliliği artırmıştır.
15. Endure (v):
Definition: To tolerate or withstand difficult conditions.
Türkçe: Zorlu koşullara dayanmak veya tahammül etmek.
Sample Sentence: Quality materials ensure that structures can endure extreme weather.
Türkçe Örnek Cümle: Kaliteli malzemeler, yapıların aşırı hava koşullarına dayanmasını sağlar.
16. Leakage (n):
Definition: The escape or seepage of a substance, such as liquids or gases, from a container or system.
Türkçe: Bir maddenin (sıvı veya gaz gibi) bir kap veya sistemden kaçması veya sızması.
Sample Sentence: The detection of gas leakage is crucial for safety in engineering projects.
Türkçe Örnek Cümle: Mühendislik projelerinde gaz sızıntısının tespiti güvenlik için çok önemlidir.
17. Sealing (n):
Definition: The act of closing or making something airtight or watertight.
Türkçe: Bir şeyi hava veya su geçirmez hale getirme işlemi.
Sample Sentence: Proper sealing of containers prevents environmental contamination.
Türkçe Örnek Cümle: Kapların uygun şekilde mühürlenmesi çevre kirliliğini önler.
18. Pneumatic (adj):
Definition: Related to the use of air pressure in engineering systems.
Türkçe: Mühendislik sistemlerinde hava basıncının kullanımıyla ilgili.
Sample Sentence: Pneumatic systems are commonly used in machinery to control movement.
Türkçe Örnek Cümle: Harekete kontrol sağlamak için makinelerde pnömatik sistemler yaygın olarak kullanılır.
19.Transmission (n):
Definition: 1. The process of sending signals or power from one place to another. 2. The gears that transmit power from an engine to the wheels.
Türkçe: 1. Sinyallerin veya gücün bir yerden başka bir yere iletilmesi. 2. Motor gücünü tekerleklere aktaran dişliler.
Sample Sentence 1: The transmission of data in telecommunications is vital for communication.
Türkçe Örnek Cümle 1: Telekomünikasyonda veri iletimi iletişim için hayati önem taşır.
Sample Sentence 2: The transmission systems used in the automotive industry have developed significantly over the past ten years.
Türkçe Örnek Cümle 2: Otomotiv endüstrisinde kullanılan aktarma sistemleri son on yılda önemli ölçüde gelişmiştir.
20.Induce (v):
Definition: To cause or bring about a particular effect or result.
Türkçe: Belirli bir etki veya sonuç oluşturmak.
Sample Sentence: Engineers use magnets to induce electrical currents in generators.
Türkçe Örnek Cümle: Mühendisler, jeneratörlerde elektrik akımı oluşturmak için mıknatısları kullanır.
21.Incorporate (v):
Definition: To include or integrate something into a larger system or structure.
Türkçe: Bir şeyi daha büyük bir sistem veya yapıya dahil etmek.
Sample Sentence: Engineers often incorporate safety features into their designs.
Türkçe Örnek Cümle: Mühendisler genellikle tasarımlarına güvenlik özellikleri ekler.
22. Puncture (n):
Definition: A small hole or wound, often caused by a sharp object.
Türkçe: Genellikle keskin bir nesne tarafından oluşturulan küçük delik veya hasar.
Sample Sentence: A puncture in a tire can be repaired, but it affects performance.
Türkçe Örnek Cümle: Lastikteki bir delik tamir edilebilir, ancak performansı etkiler.
23.Tear (v):
Definition: To pull or rip apart something, causing damage.
Türkçe: Bir şeyi çekip ayırarak zarar vermek.
Sample Sentence: Excessive force can tear materials used in engineering.
Türkçe Örnek Cümle: Aşırı güç, mühendislikte kullanılan malzemeleri yırtabilir.
24.Tear (n):
Definition: A rip or damage in a material.
Türkçe: Bir malzemede yırtık veya hasar.
Sample Sentence: The tear in the fabric needed to be repaired.
Türkçe Örnek Cümle: Kumaştaki yırtık tamir edilmeliydi.
25.Retain (v):
Definition: To keep or hold onto something.
Türkçe: Bir şeyi tutmak veya muhafaza etmek.
Sample Sentence: Engineering solutions must retain their effectiveness over time.
Türkçe Örnek Cümle: Mühendislik çözümleri zamanla etkinliklerini korumalıdır.
26.Tension (n):
Definition: The force that stretches or pulls something tight.
Türkçe: Bir şeyi gerginleştiren veya çeken kuvvet.
Sample Sentence: Cables and ropes are subject to tension in many engineering applications.
Türkçe Örnek Cümle: Birçok mühendislik uygulamasında kablolar ve halatlar gerilime maruz kalır.
27.Revolution (n):
Definition: 1. A single complete turn, whether axial or orbital. 2. A significant and fundamental change or advancement.
Türkçe: 1. Bir eksen etrafında veya yörüngede tam bir dönüş. 2. Önemli ve köklü bir değişim veya gelişim.
Sample Sentence 1: The Earth completes one full revolution around the Sun approximately every 365 days, marking a year.
Türkçe Örnek Cümle 1: Dünya, Güneş etrafında yaklaşık her 365 günde bir tam dönüş yaparak bir yılı tamamlar.
Sample Sentence 2: The invention of the internet marked a technological revolution.
Türkçe Örnek Cümle 2: İnternetin icadı teknolojik bir devrimi işaret etti.
28.Toll (n):
Definition: The extent of loss, damage, suffering, etc., resulting from some action or calamity.
Türkçe: Bir eylem veya felaketin sonucu olarak ortaya çıkan kayıp, zarar, acı vb. derecesi.
Sample Sentence: The toll of a natural disaster such as a hurricane includes property damage, loss of life, and economic impact on the affected region.
Türkçe Örnek Cümle: Kasırga gibi bir doğal afetin etkisi, mal kaybı, can kaybı ve etkilenen bölge üzerindeki ekonomik etkileri içerir.
Read the text below and answer the questions (B1 level):
"The Role of Materials in Engineering"
In the field of engineering, the choice of materials is critical. The aromatic polyamide family, a group of synthetic materials known for their strength and heat resistance, has become increasingly important. Materials like Kevlar belong to this family, and they are known for their toughness and durability. These materials have unique properties that set them apart from others.
Each material used in engineering has distinct properties that make it suitable for specific applications. For example, steel is renowned for its strength and is often used in the construction of buildings and bridges. The chemical composition of a material, which refers to the arrangement of atoms and molecules, plays a crucial role in determining its suitability for a particular task. Understanding the chemical composition helps engineers choose the right materials.
Engineers need to distinguish between various types of metals to select the most suitable one for their projects. The commercial sector focuses on manufacturing and selling products to consumers, which includes these engineered products.
Many engineering components are man-made, created or produced by humans. Materials like plastic are common in engineering applications due to their versatility and cost-effectiveness. In some applications, materials in the form of fibers, such as carbon fiber, are used because of their high modulus—a measure of resistance to stretching or elongation. High modulus materials are essential for applications where strength and stiffness are required.
Durability is a key consideration in engineering. The steel used in construction, chosen for its durable properties, must be able to endure extreme weather conditions and other stresses. Engineering projects can be demanding, requiring a lot of effort and attention to detail, but they often lead to innovative solutions.
The application of engineering principles in various industries has led to significant improvements. For instance, the sealing of containers in the food and beverage industry is vital to prevent environmental contamination and ensure product safety.
In engineering, pneumatic systems are commonly used in machinery to control movement. These systems use air pressure to drive various components, making them highly efficient and versatile. The transmission of signals, power, or motion from one place to another is a fundamental aspect of many engineering systems, including the gears that transmit power from an engine to the wheels in a car.
Engineers often induce specific effects or results by carefully designing and implementing solutions. For instance, they use magnets to induce electrical currents in generators, which is an essential part of electricity generation.
Incorporating safety features into engineering designs is crucial to protect users and ensure that products are reliable. A puncture in a critical system, caused by a sharp object, can lead to malfunctions and downtime.
Engineering materials must be able to withstand tension, the force that stretches or pulls something tight. Cables and ropes used in various applications are subject to tension, and they need to be strong and reliable.
Finally, the world of engineering is constantly evolving, and every so often, a new revolution takes place, leading to significant changes in technology and design. These revolutions often come with a toll, which is the extent of loss, damage, suffering, or other consequences resulting from the changes, such as economic or environmental impacts.
In conclusion, materials and their properties play a crucial role in the world of engineering. Whether it's choosing the right materials, ensuring durability, or incorporating safety measures, engineering is a dynamic field that constantly adapts to meet the needs of various industries and technological advancements.
1.What is the main focus of the text?
a. The role of materials in engineering
b. The durability of steel in engineering
c. The chemical composition of aromatic polyamides
d. The application of pneumatics in the food industry
2.What makes materials from the aromatic polyamide family unique?
a. Their strength and heat resistance b. Their resistance to stretching
c. Their affordability d. Their light weight
3.What is the importance of understanding the chemical composition of materials in engineering?
a. It determines their cost-effectiveness
b. It helps engineers choose the most expensive materials
c. It aids in selecting the right materials for specific tasks
d. It has no significance in engineering
4.Why is distinguishing between various types of metals essential in engineering?
a. To increase the cost of projects b. To confuse engineers
c. To decrease the efficiency of materials d. To select the most suitable metal for a project
5.What is the focus of the commercial sector in engineering?
a. Protecting the environment b. Conducting research and development
c. Manufacturing and selling products to consumers d. Designing innovative solutions
6.What are high modulus materials valued for in engineering applications?
a. Their resistance to heat b. Their strength and stiffness
c. Their high cost d. Their resistance to chemical corrosion
7.Why is sealing important in the food and beverage industry?
a. To make products taste better
b. To prevent environmental contamination and ensure product safety
c. To increase production costs
d. To reduce the shelf life of products
8. What is the overall trend in the field of engineering?
a. A decline in innovation and technological advancements.
b. A shift towards traditional engineering practices.
c. A reliance on manual labor and human expertise.
d. A focus on sustainability and environmental conservation.
Answers and explanations:
1.What is the main focus of the text?
Answer: a. The role of materials in engineering
Explanation: The text primarily discusses the importance of different materials in engineering and their various properties and applications.
2.What makes materials from the aromatic polyamide family unique?
Answer: a. Their strength and heat resistance
Explanation: Materials from the aromatic polyamide family, like Kevlar, are known for their strength and heat resistance, making them unique and valuable in engineering.
3.What is the importance of understanding the chemical composition of materials in engineering?
Answer: c. It aids in selecting the right materials for specific tasks
Explanation: Understanding the chemical composition helps engineers choose the most suitable materials for their specific engineering projects, considering their unique properties.
4.Why is distinguishing between various types of metals essential in engineering?
Answer: d. To select the most suitable metal for a project
Explanation: Distinguishing between metals is important to choose the most appropriate material for a given engineering application, considering their specific properties.
5.What is the focus of the commercial sector in engineering?
Answer: c. Manufacturing and selling products to consumers
Explanation: The commercial sector in engineering focuses on producing and selling products to consumers and is not limited to research and development.
6.What are high modulus materials valued for in engineering applications?
Answer: b. Their strength and stiffness
Explanation: High modulus materials are valued for their strength and stiffness, which are essential characteristics in various engineering applications.
7.Why is sealing important in the food and beverage industry?
Answer: b. To prevent environmental contamination and ensure product safety
Explanation: Sealing is crucial in the food and beverage industry to prevent contamination and ensure that products are safe for consumption.
8.What is the overall trend in the field of engineering, according to the text?
Answer: d. A focus on sustainability and environmental conservation.
Explanation: Modern engineering is increasingly driven by the need to develop sustainable solutions and reduce environmental impact.
Read the text below and answer the questions (B2 level):
"The Impact of Engineering Innovations"
In the world of engineering, materials play a crucial role in innovation. The aromatic polyamide family, consisting of robust and heat-resistant materials, continues to revolutionize the field. Materials such as Kevlar, known for their toughness, find unique applications in creating lightweight yet highly durable products. Engineers appreciate the distinct characteristics of these materials for various industries.
Understanding the chemical composition of materials is essential in developing cutting-edge solutions. For instance, aircraft manufacturers rely on materials with low weight and high strength to enhance fuel efficiency and improve overall performance. This application of advanced materials can induce a significant reduction in the environmental toll by conserving resources and reducing emissions.
Incorporating these high-performance materials into aircraft construction requires meticulous attention to detail. Engineers must distinguish between materials suitable for the aircraft's exterior and those ideal for the interior, focusing on their specific properties and durability. The commercial aviation sector, driven by consumer demand for effective and sustainable air travel, has been quick to adopt these innovations.
One remarkable development is the use of composite materials, including those with a high modulus, to construct aircraft components. These materials offer outstanding strength and resistance to elongation, making them ideal for applications where tension and strength are critical. Furthermore, the application of composite materials has been instrumental in improving fuel efficiency by reducing the aircraft's weight, resulting in cost savings and lower emissions.
Aircraft structures, constructed with such high-performance materials, can endure extreme weather conditions and demanding flight schedules, ensuring safety and reliability. This level of durability in engineering solutions not only benefits the aviation industry but also contributes to the broader effort to reduce the environmental toll of air travel.
Engineering innovations are not limited to materials alone. Advanced transmission systems have led to more efficient power distribution in aircraft, further improving fuel efficiency. Engineers have successfully reduced power loss through better transmission technologies, creating a revolution in aviation by significantly lowering operating costs and minimizing environmental impacts.
In the context of aerospace engineering, proper sealing of aircraft components is of paramount importance. Effective sealing prevents gas and fluid leakage, ensuring the safety and reliability of aircraft systems. Pneumatic systems, powered by compressed air, are used for controlling various components, optimizing aircraft operation, and enhancing passenger comfort.
As the aerospace industry embraces these engineering advancements, the commercial sector has seen an increase in the development of innovative, fuel-efficient aircraft. These projects, though often demanding, offer the opportunity to lead the world in environmental responsibility, reducing the overall environmental toll of air travel.
In summary, engineering innovations driven by materials, technology, and a focus on efficiency have had a significant impact on the aerospace industry. These innovations not only improve the efficiency of aircraft but also contribute to sustainability and reduced environmental impact, marking a profound revolution in the field of aviation.
1.What is the primary focus of the text?
a. The history of aviation
b. The impact of aerospace engineering innovations
c. The challenges faced by the aviation industry
d. The development of advanced materials in engineering
2.How do materials from the aromatic polyamide family contribute to aerospace engineering?
a. They are used to construct aircraft exteriors
b. They are applied in creating lightweight yet durable products
c. They are mainly used for interior aircraft components
d. They have no significant role in aerospace engineering
3.Why is understanding the chemical composition of materials crucial in aerospace engineering?
a. It helps reduce emissions from aircraft
b. It allows for a better understanding of aviation history
c. It conserves resources and minimizes environmental impact
d. It ensures fuel efficiency and lower operating costs
4.What benefit do composite materials with a high modulus offer in aviation?
a. They help improve passenger comfort b.They have no impact on aviation efficiency
c. They increase power loss d.They reduce the weight of aircraft
5.What does the term "toll" refer to in the text?
a. The fee for air travel b.The durability of aircraft materials
c. The environmental impact of air travel d.The weight of composite materials
6.How has advanced transmission technology contributed to aviation?
a. It has improved passenger comfort b.It has reduced fuel efficiency
c. It has lowered operating costs d.It has had no impact on the aviation industry
7.Why is proper sealing important in aerospace engineering?
a. To prevent gas and fluid leakage b.To reduce fuel consumption
c. To decrease the weight of aircraft d.To enhance passenger comfort
8.What is the main outcome of engineering innovations in the aviation industry?
a.Lower operating costs and minimized environmental impact b.Reduced safety and reliability
c. Increased environmental impact d.Higher aviation history research
Answers and explanations:
1.What is the primary focus of the text?
•Answer: b. The impact of aerospace engineering innovations
•Explanation: The text primarily discusses the impact of aerospace engineering innovations, especially in materials and technology.
2.How do materials from the aromatic polyamide family contribute to aerospace engineering?
•Answer: b. They are applied in creating lightweight yet durable products
•Explanation: Materials from the aromatic polyamide family, such as Kevlar, are used in aerospace engineering to create lightweight yet highly durable products, which is highlighted in the text.
3.Why is understanding the chemical composition of materials crucial in aerospace engineering?
•Answer: d. It ensures fuel efficiency and lower operating costs
•Explanation: Understanding the chemical composition of materials in aerospace engineering helps ensure fuel efficiency and lower operating costs, as discussed in the text.
4.What benefit do composite materials with a high modulus offer in aviation?
•Answer: d. They reduce the weight of aircraft
•Explanation: Composite materials with a high modulus reduce the weight of aircraft, as described in the text, leading to improved fuel efficiency and cost savings.
5.What does the term "toll" refer to in the text?
•Answer: c. The environmental impact of air travel
•Explanation: In the text, "toll" refers to the extent of loss, damage, suffering, or environmental consequences resulting from changes in the aviation industry.
6.How has advanced transmission technology contributed to aviation?
•Answer: c. It has lowered operating costs
•Explanation: Advanced transmission technology has contributed to aviation by lowering operating costs, as mentioned in the text.
7.Why is proper sealing important in aerospace engineering?
•Answer: a. To prevent gas and fluid leakage
•Explanation: Proper sealing is crucial in aerospace engineering to prevent gas and fluid leakage, ensuring safety and reliability, as discussed in the text.
8.What is the main outcome of engineering innovations in the aviation industry?
•Answer: a. Lower operating costs and minimized environmental impact
•Explanation: The main outcome of engineering innovations in the aviation industry, as emphasized in the text, is lower operating costs and minimized environmental impact, which are the result of advancements in materials and technology.
Read the sentences below and fill in the blanks with the correct words (there are 2 extra words!):
"man-made; demanding; unique; distinguish; durable; property; leakage; pneumatic; incorporate; high modulus"
1.The ________ materials used in the aerospace industry must withstand extreme conditions and must not deform much.
2.Engineering students need to ________ between various metals to choose the right one for the project.
3.The ________ feature of this design sets it apart from all others in the market.
4.Proper ________ of safety measures in construction is crucial to prevent accidents.
5.The ________ of gas from the container could lead to safety hazards.
6.The ________ transmission system in this vehicle ensures efficient power distribution thanks to highly compressed air.
7.A ________ roof can protect your home from the elements and provide long-lasting insulation.
8.This engineering solution is entirely ________ and was created by humans for a specific purpose.
1.The high modulus materials used in the aerospace industry must withstand extreme conditions and must not deform much.
2.Engineering students need to distinguish between various metals to choose the right one for the project.
3.The unique feature of this design sets it apart from all others in the market.
4.Proper incorporation of safety measures in construction is crucial to prevent accidents.
5.The leakage of gas from the container could lead to safety hazards.
6.The pneumatic transmission system in this vehicle ensures efficient power distribution.
7.A durable roof can protect your home from the elements and provide long-lasting insulation.
8.This engineering solution is entirely man-made and was created by humans for a specific purpose